September 08, 2005

Some Movie Blog In-House Business

Hey there everyone. John here with some updates on what's going on around the world of The Movie Blog

The Co-Host for The Audio Edition, Canadian Comedian Mr. Doug Nagy, has FINALLY launched his personal website. From that site you'll be able to not only keep up to date on the life and times of Doug Nagy, but you'll also be able to keep up to date with his performance dates. The man bleeds funny. Make sure you check his site out. Also, Doug will soon be starting a weekly feature here on The Movie Blog called "The Nagy Nine"... his version of a weekly top 10 list.

We're thrilled to announce that Brad Shipston has joined us here on The Movie Blog. Brad has been a reader and frequent commentor here on the site and runs a damn fine blog of his own which you can see here. Brad has a great writing style and I think you'll like what you read from him. Make sure to say "hi" to him when you see one of his posts.

Richard Brunton has now been on board with The Movie Blog for a year! Wow! Richard is working on a top secret new Movie Blog project (which we're only not telling you about because we're not 100% sure we're going to be able to do it yet). Besides that, Richard just continues to do what he always does... write fantastic posts and reviews.
[Rich - Thanks dude, and welcome to Brad too. Just wanted to add in a link to my sites! My Blog and my My Review site (undergoing a slow rework at the moment!)

As for me, I'm struggling to get my $!&#$ book done. Yeah that's right... the book that was supposed to be finished in APRIL!!! Gaaa! I can't believe how much work this is.

Also, look for a new daily feature here on The Movie Blog. You see... every day I read about 100 news stories but I only really have time to write posts on 4 or 5 of them. This is a shame because often Richard and I just don't have time to write about all the interesting stuff we find. So, everyday I'll be posting a series of links to stuff I think you'll find interesting that we didn't get around to posting about. Many sites do this sort of thing, it's nothing original... just something I thought you guys would fins handy.

So that's your update. Thanks again so much for reading the site and leaving your comments. Please ALWAYS feel free to write me and give me any suggestions or thoughts you have. Cheers!

Posted by John Campea at September 8, 2005 02:17 AM


Well, well, well!!! What a great team we have in here, and if you need a muse, I'll be around guys. *winks*

To John, Richard, Doug- thank you for all the time and effort you have all put in to make The Movie Blog one of the best blogs there is. My day is not complete without even checking in what is the latest opinions you guys have debated against. Would love to have a drink with you one of these days maybe, for the time being, cheers! :-)

Brad- welcome and looking forward to the same sharp wit and humour like the rest of our guys here. ;-)

Posted by: Simone at September 8, 2005 06:34 AM

How about having a woman on the team?

Posted by: Marla Singer at September 8, 2005 02:02 PM

Thanks Simone! Much appreciated that you, and everyone else, keeps coming back!

Marla, email John if you're interested!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at September 9, 2005 03:21 AM

Of course we'll keep coming back, to borrow a line from "Field of Dreams", "build it and they will come". ;-) And thats what you guys are all doing.

I must say the new TMB logo is quite striking too. I was getting used to the old one.

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 9, 2005 04:13 AM

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