September 23, 2005

Set pictures from DOA

DOA.jpgWell that's what I was promised from Coming Soon, but they didn't deliver. Posted on DOA Central, the fan site dedicated to all things DOA, the pictures don't actually display. Perhaps temporary glitch, perhaps they've been removed. However it's worth putting up incase they come back, or it's me and my bizarre works setup.

For those of you who don't know what the story holds...the answer is very little.

The action-adventure is an adaptation of Tecmo's bestselling game franchise. It centers on four female fighters in a competition to the death on an exotic island. Devon Aoki, Derek Boyer, Sarah Carter, Steve Howey, Kane Kosugi, Natassia Malthe, Matthew Marsden, Kevin Nash, Jaime Pressly, Silvio Simac, Holly Valance and Brian J. White star.

Wow, there are some...names there. Surely this just can't be any good. DOA is all about fighting with a few cut scenes implying some form of story. It's got even less story than Tekken, and that's saying something!

Posted by at September 23, 2005 04:08 AM


Works for me. THe costumes and the set look pretty damn good. Should be interseting. The site says they should do it CG instead, but I disagree.

Posted by: Pudie at September 23, 2005 09:28 AM

I just viewed the movie yesterday. Fortunately it does not rely heavily on CG, but a lot of the action scenes are very awesome. Yes Corey does a great job directing both the martial arts and the movie, but of course the script does lack. A lot.

Posted by: jwong at October 9, 2005 02:52 PM