September 14, 2005

Saw 2 Hidden Footage on Website

Seems like most people either loved or hated the first Saw film. Personally, I fell in the middle. I thought Saw was a serviceable thriller but nothing mind blowing. However, it was at least good enough to have me interested in Saw 2.

Now the makers of Saw 2 have come up with a neat little way of generating buzz for the film and growing interest. The good folks over at Counting Down let us in on the following:

the official website for Lions Gate Films' Saw II has been updated with new footage from the film. Apparently, the footage is somewhere hidden in the site. Be sure to look for it, and check that out!
See... now there's a creative and simple way for marketing your film. Creating interest and getting potential audience members invested in the film early. It's a GREAT idea.

You can go to the official Saw 2 site here. If any of you find this hidden footage come back here and let us know!

Posted by John Campea at September 14, 2005 11:22 AM


I get to this door thats locked.. and it has a counter on in 13 10:22:04.. anyways.. thats all i could find.. It doesn't correspond to the release date or anything..

There seems to be a secret key you can find by removing the bricks and playing the tape.. the key then appears on the counter...
lol this is so stupid yet I can't stop lookin!

Posted by: Ray` at September 14, 2005 12:04 PM

THe sECret FooTAGe -
Footage on the official website can be found by doing the following steps.
Log on to then choose to log in to the uncensored website (sorry must be 17) they do ask to verify your information and then allow entrance once verified. After you're inside you're surrounded by a room of monitors. Feel free to venture around but the footage is on a specific monitor. There is a lower level and an upper level. On the lower level of monitors, second screen from the right hand side there is a slight glimmer of a man's image. This is the one you want. Click on the screen. This will zoom you in on that screen. After you're close up there doesn't appear to be anything on the screen, but rolling your mouse over the darkness should reveal 4 places that can be clicked, in actuality there are 4 hanging lights. if you click on one then a message will scroll across the screen "bottom right, top left, top right, bottom left" this is the weird part. You can turn all of the lights on in any order and still have this secret work. Once you've turned the lights on a security camera appears that you can click on and the secret footage will roll. Now, I've done the lights in order and out of order and it appears to all be the same footage. I can't figure out if the clue on the screen tells you where the lights are located (really lame if it is) or if it is indicating an order or possibly an order for using the monitors that will reveal even further footage... I'm not sure but take a look at the site! it rocks.

Posted by: PUzzLEd at October 21, 2005 01:57 PM

Each monitor in the experience section contains sum kind of really is a good marketing idea and i proly havent found everything but i found alot of stuff...just try each monitor, they all hav clues (in sum u hav 2 spell words with letters that pop up on the screen) and lil secret places wher u can click in them to reveal new footage, etc. its a great idea! hav fun!

Posted by: Prank4Sure at October 23, 2005 01:11 PM

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