September 19, 2005

Ryan Reynolds Lands Chaos Theory

Over the last year I've become a Ryan Reynolds fan. The ironic thing is that it took 2 very bad films to make me a fan. Reynolds was the ONLY positive thing about the dreadful Blade Trinity (he showed both fantastic and matured comedic timing and a fantastic physique too), and played the role in the new Amityville Horror with a lot of gusto. He impressed me in both.

Now the word is that Reynolds has been cast in the new project Chaos Theory. The good folks over at MovieWeb give us this:

The screenplay by Daniel Taplitz is a story within a story about a man who finds out he is sterile and that his daughter was actually fathered by his best friend.
Yeah the guy has been in some real duds... but he's shown me something more in the last 12 to 18 months. I'm curious to see where he'll be a year from now. Gotta love it when a good Canadian kid makes good.

Posted by John Campea at September 19, 2005 10:33 AM