September 29, 2005

Ryan Reynolds has more comments on The Flash

Ryan Reynolds is a bright up and coming star, and we here at The Movie Blog have expressed our feelings towards Reynolds in the past. The Movie Reporter has an interview with Reynolds which was held during some publicity for his new movie Waiting... . He comments on a question about The Flash and whether or not he is a fast runner.

Yeah, there are so many issues with that, that's a humongous movie, if it does go I am sure it has to go through all the appropriate channels. I imagine God is financing it I don't even know, I don't know what it would cost to do that movie but it's all that sort of stop motion stuff it would just be a huge feat but it something I am excited to do and I know David Goyer's really into it so. Yeah, yeah, hopefully ... Uh, well by the time they get it made no (laughing) I'll be a fossil I'll be a golden girl but uh yeah I think the magic of film will help me out a little bit but I can run pretty fast I've stolen a thing or two in my life.
I like Reynolds; he was the only character who I enjoyed in Blade: Trinity -well Jessica Biel was really hot- and I was pleased with the The Amityville Horror remake. Reynolds displays his comedic attitude very well, and it's obvious that he is serious about maintaining the muscle in order to keep up with his acting peers.

Do I think Reynolds will make a good Flash? It would be interesting to see. Like many times, it all depends on how the story is laid out. Will it be DC dark and serious like Batman Begins, or will it be saturated with comedic tomfoolery?

The Flash is a great character but can be tricky in live action. I did enjoy the TV series staring John Wesley Shipp, but that was a half hour show -maybe a hour- which is rather easy to maintain audience attention.

What are your thoughts on Reynolds being The Flash? What elements do you think are essential for a successful Flash story?

Posted by Brad Shipston at September 29, 2005 01:24 PM


I don't Know about Reynolds being The Flash but I'd certainly enjoy to see him retake the Role of Ash in an Evil Dead remake. As you have noticed Reynolds has a lot of comedic potential as well as an action hero looking style. Reminds me of a young Ash. What's your tougths?

Posted by: olivier at September 29, 2005 02:10 PM

No offense to any Flash-fans out here, but I really don't care about a FLASH movie...can we please get an update on New Line's SHAZAM movie ??? Do they have a script yet--the William Goldman draft, or will Paul Dini rewrite it ? Is there a director yet--Chris Columbus would be perfect, but Peter Jackson, Sandy Collora, or Robert Rodriguez would also be stellar. Will there be an Elvis Presley soundtrack ? Will ex-Monkee Micky Dolenz be cast as Uncle Dudley, legend Omar Sharif as Shazam, Joe Pesci as Sivana, and up and coming beauty Marnette Patterson as Beautia ? Where is the movement in this project ? Come on New Line and Mike Uslan, get your asses in high gear, dammit !!

Posted by: Bret at September 29, 2005 07:04 PM

A Flash movie would rock!

Posted by: Alfredo at September 29, 2005 07:16 PM

Not to rain on everyone's parade, but I happen to think a Flash movie would be pretty lame. I mean, the guy can run fast right? That's it? No super strength, or other powers? Anything else he can do? It would have to be an EXTREMELY compelling story to make it worthwhile in terms of producing a movie.

It kind of reminds me of that old Saturday Night Live skit, where all of the superheroes are hanging out at a party. You have the Hulk, SpiderMan, Captain America, Superman, etc. Then Garrett Morris walk in as "Ant-Man" and the guys don't recognize him and ask what his power is. "Well you see, I shrink myself down to the size of an ant, while still retaining my human strength."

At this point all of the other heroes begin teasing him. "Hey Hulk, check this guy out, he's got the strength of a human!"

Posted by: Richard (not Brunton) at September 29, 2005 07:46 PM

Hey Richard,

I've got to disagree with you. Powers do not a good character make. None of the Mel Gibson or Arnold action movies had the lead characters with ANY powers at all. Batman doesn't have any powers either.

I don't think the powers themselves is what give a character potential for the screen or not. Just my two cents worth.


Posted by: John Campea at September 29, 2005 11:30 PM

I actually think Ryan would be a perfect Flash and I'm certain he'd make him a character of interest for a general public that can only name a handful of comic book heroes. With the right script and respect for the source material, it might not be bad at all. He already kind of acts like the Flash anyway....

Posted by: nOva at September 30, 2005 11:50 AM

John that's a great point, and I'm willing to admit I could be wrong. Like I said in my post, would have to be a compelling story to grab my interest.

But I still think that when you are billing a movie as being a 'superhero' film, there is going to be a pre-conceived notion from the audience that powers are a part of that. And while it's true that Batman does not have superhuman abilities, he is not your everyday person either.

As for the Gibson/Arnold action movies, the best of them are the ones that have great compelling stories. And none of them were ever billed as superhero movies, or comic adaptations.

Posted by: Richard (not Brunton) at October 3, 2005 08:00 PM

And Gibson and Arnold and Stallone all had a slight indestructable quality in the eighties, Obvious with Terminator and try to count the gunshot and various other wounds Gibson and Stalone recieved in their films and always came back stronger than before. Not exactly normal humans, unless your 50cent than I guess you can take a bullet or two.

Posted by: crackerjack at October 4, 2005 01:52 PM

There are intriguing possibilities in the Flash character, as suggested in the "Smallville" episode in which a teenage Flash saves people from getting hit by cars, but empties their wallets at the same time, as a "personal service charge." A sympathetic Clark Kent has a good influence on the impressionable youth (of course), but by the end of the show, it was apparent that it would probably be a few years before Flash would get on the right track.

Specifically, I am attracted to the story of a superhero who starts (rather naturally) in the world of crime, at first petty, and later becoming tangled up in it somehow, but eventually makes the successful transition to the "other side." Supersonic speed is only helpful if one knows which direction to go. Choose the wrong direction, and you only end up in trouble a lot faster.

Therein lies the conflict in Flash's heart. If only he could decide where he wants to go, or should go, he would already be there.

Posted by: Phil Spencer Whitehead at October 6, 2005 05:36 PM

Actually, The Flash does have more powers than just being able to "run fast". His power is actually "superspeed" which not only allows him to run fast, but do pretty much everything fast: read, eat, punch, etc. The Flash also has other powers that stem from his superspeed. Of course it varies between the different Flash characters that appeared in the comics, but basically he has the ability to: "vibrate" his molecules fast enough to be able to pass through solid objects, such as walls; time travel to an extent; control air to an extent, such as create whirlwinds. For details, check out They have a pretty good Flash resource.

I personally can't wait to see a Flash movie. I loved the comic, the TV show was OK (on the hokey side), but a movie with a large budget, I would definitely go see.

I think Ryan Reynolds is a pretty good choice. Flash is a wise-cracking kind of guy, so Ryan would fit in that respect. Special effects will bring him the rest of the way, of course.

Thanks for reading.

Posted by: Nelson at October 18, 2005 01:43 PM

Actually, The Flash does have more powers than just being able to "run fast". His power is actually "superspeed" which not only allows him to run fast, but do pretty much everything fast: read, eat, punch, etc. The Flash also has other powers that stem from his superspeed. Of course it varies between the different Flash characters that appeared in the comics, but basically he has the ability to: "vibrate" his molecules fast enough to be able to pass through solid objects, such as walls; time travel to an extent; control air to an extent, such as create whirlwinds. For details, check out They have a pretty good Flash resource.

I personally can't wait to see a Flash movie. I loved the comic, the TV show was OK (on the hokey side), but a movie with a large budget, I would definitely go see.

I think Ryan Reynolds is a pretty good choice. I didn't like him in Blade very much, but I think he'd do well as the wise-cracking Flash. Special effects will bring him the rest of the way, of course.

Thanks for reading.

Posted by: Nelson at October 18, 2005 01:54 PM

Nice nice. A lot of useful here. good work
Thanks for all.


Posted by: child at October 25, 2005 07:20 AM