September 15, 2005

Russell Crowe to quit Hollywood?

Russell Crowe SHOULD be the most celebrated actor of the last 5 years... but he insists on acting like an idiot so much that his mind staggering talent gets overlooked. It's his own damn fault... and I hope he can fix it (because he really is that damn good).

Now on the heals of him slamming Bono of U2 for all that good will charitable work he's been doing and the infamous phone throwing incident, Crowe has apparently dropping hints that he may be finished with Hollywood. The good folks over at Ananova give us the following:

Crowe, 41, said: "Maybe it's better I don't travel to America. Maybe it's better I don't work in the area of the business that attracts so many flies. "You tell me to p*** off too many times and I probably will. I don't mind shrinking my professional life."

He added: "They all want me to be examined by psychologists. I come from a different culture. If I've got something on my mind, you'll hear about it. Voila, mental anguish solved."

Now I know we've all heard a 100 different celebrities say "Oh I'm done making moves" and then they're back 2 years later... but honestly... there is a part of my that actually thinks Crowe may be serious.

Think about it. The man has never really embraced the spotlight. He doesn't seem to have any love for Hollywood. He makes an AMAZING film (Cinderella Man) and no one goes to see it. He's constantly attacked by media folks (like myself... but as I've said the man totally brings it on himself) and he already has all the money in the world and could work on any movie project in any other country that he wants to.

Look, I'm not saying 100% that Crowe will leave Hollywood... I'm just saying I wouldn't be surprised if he did. It would be his own damn fault... but at the same time it would be our loss... because this man can act.

Posted by John Campea at September 15, 2005 11:38 AM


He is a good actor. But his anger is killing it. But he is just another bad temper Shane Penn like actor. Even if he never does another H-Town movie. He has what it takes to make movies in other places. And people in the US will buy his movies. I don't think he will be hurting.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at September 15, 2005 11:46 AM

I agree he doesn't need Hollywood. He could easily do a movie every couple of years in some other country and be very selective of his scripts, it would make his films more of an event. Instead of just being another Russell Crowe movie it would be finally a new Crowe movie. I think it would be a good move for him.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 15, 2005 02:10 PM

We should be so lucky! I don't see how you can like the guy, he mumbles and sleeps his way through roles. He's a hack if ever there was one, back to Soap Operas with you Mr Crow...go on, shooo!

Posted by: Bono at September 15, 2005 03:03 PM

Crowe should learn to Never Say, Never! Money talks. If he needs it, he will do what it takes.

Posted by: Lou_Sytsma at September 15, 2005 04:29 PM

Have you ever heard his music with 30 Odd Foot of Grunts? I was a pretty devoted RC fan until I heard his music. It's not intended to be funny but oh man!

Posted by: Sybil at September 15, 2005 05:09 PM

Well, in Crowe's own words, he's "acted the sh*t out of everything" he's done, so why not head back to community theatre?

Posted by: Edward Lee at September 15, 2005 08:48 PM

It would be our loss if Crowe left Hollywood for good? ARE YOU CRAZY??

The only thing I want is this psycho locked up. Better yet, beat up! Let's see how tough he'd talk then. The man has no manners. He's ungrateful for the kudos we've given him. Our adoration of the guy has given him dillusions of superiority and makes him look down on us. Is that normal?!

Yeh, I've enjoyed his movies and the guy can act. So what? There is a lot of talent coming to Hollywood from England, Australia, etc. (Hollywood is half British already!) We don't need this arrogant bastard. How many times are we going to allow him to get away with dissing Americans. Throwing the phone at Mr. Estrada's head was unconcienable. I would've stuck it right back up his ass if I had been the concierge!

Show American pride and boycott his movies; he's made plenty of money already anyway....

Posted by: Millie at October 6, 2005 01:12 AM

Russell Crowe NEVER slamming Bono. It's a tabloid's lie.

Posted by: Alli at October 20, 2005 10:48 AM