September 09, 2005

Russell Crowe talks Gladiator 2

Yes, Russell Crowe can be a total jackass, but I still contend he is probably the best actor in the business today. Now the man is talking about a Gladiator 2. But you may ask yourself "How the hell can they do a Gladiator 2 when Maximus dies a the end of the first one?". Ahhh... a fine question my friend.

Crowe is saying the draft script deals in the metaphysical and that Maximus is actually dead. Hmmm... I don't know about that. On the one hand you could delve a little into ancient Roman mythology here and come up with something interesting... but on the other hand it seems like a bit of a desperate stretch.

Personally, I like the other idea for a sequel that Cinema Eye is floating more than Gladiator:

While a GLADIATOR seems like a long shot, one of Crowe’s other films seems like a potential franchise in the making: MASTER AND COMMANDER. When asked about a sequel, Crowe said: “ It comes up all the time, man. People I meet - bankers, doctors, pilots - are always pulling me aside and saying, ‘So, Captain Aubrey. When do you think he might set sail again? Contractually, with Fox, I’m not required to. Everybody else is if they want to do another one.
Apparently there are like 20 books that they can draw source material from with a whole bunch of rich characters. It'll be interesting to see if they actually do anything with this.

Posted by John Campea at September 9, 2005 11:33 AM


Bankers, doctors, pilots... there's your problem. Educated professionals who might have some taste. Not the kids. M+C didn't make enough cash, so there'll be no sequel. Shame - it was excellent.

Posted by: Tom Whitaker at September 9, 2005 12:15 PM

I would much rather Master 2 than Gladiator 2. I read some of the Aubrey books and they are good, difficult to read but good. I saw an interview with Djimon Hounsou, he was saying he's trying to get a sequel/spinoff of his character. I know a sequel without Crowe would be weaker but I like Hounsou and there were plenty of other good characters they could use, most died but some lived. If they did go that route I would be worried about another Scorpion King mistake.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 9, 2005 02:09 PM

No sequel. Didn't score the cash. Sad b/c it was a great flick. Pass the time watching the A&E; 'Horatio Hornblower' series. It's also pretty darn stellar.

Posted by: Edward Lee at September 9, 2005 02:54 PM

I would like to see the Hornblower series if you know when they will show it again please let me know.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 9, 2005 02:58 PM

Tom, I agree, what a shame. Saying that, I really, really loved "Master and Commander", and would be so excited if there will be a sequel to it. I think what really worked in the film were the talents of Crowe and Bettany, they really complement each other.

Crackerjack, why not just buy or rent the Hornblower series on DVD?

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 9, 2005 04:36 PM

I'll have to see about renting it, not sure if I would want to own it though. I would like to see A&E; broadcast Hornblower and Sharpe sometime.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 9, 2005 04:45 PM

I think it sounds like a excellant idea, I love movies about the ancient rome/greece..etc.. and the entire metaphysical thing has already gottin` me in the lineup for this one.. If they make it

The first one is awesome!

Posted by: Ray` at September 9, 2005 06:45 PM

Tom Whitaker your remark about that only educated professionals with taste liked M+C.. Im no Doctor or Lawyer, Im a engineering student but I like to think I have taste.. I liked the M+C, but I would rather see a Gladiator 2... so does that mean I have no test?.. I KNEW I SHOULD OF BEEN A DOCTOR!!

Posted by: Ray` at September 9, 2005 06:48 PM

lol no taste.. not no test.. no taste*

Posted by: Ray` at September 9, 2005 06:49 PM

I think they should leave well enough alone...hollywood has gone overboard with sequels and prequels lately.

Master and Commander was a great flick but I don't see a need for another one. If your interest is piqued, read the novels.

Gladiator was true to the ancient way of life for the Romans from the colleseum to the training. If you take it to a metaphysical level it will not work out well thus tainting the first one. Everyone has seen or heard of Xena and Hercules...a mockery of the Roman way of life and their belief in the Gods....If they want to do something on the Gods of Rome then they should do it as an entity on it's own and not tie it into Gladiator.

Live and let live.

Posted by: Angela at September 11, 2005 01:07 PM

Gladiator 2? it'll never work. not just cos maximus dies, but because he has achieved his goal, killing the man who murdered his family. he has nothing left to fight for.

M+C 2 would be cool, but half of the whole charm of the first was that it left the end of the story for your imagination to decide. those who spent 20 minutes rewinding and skipping chapters on the DVD to see if that really was the end to the film didn't get it.

Posted by: tom at September 11, 2005 02:59 PM

ugh, another movie that does not need a sequel and is fine if they just leave it alone. Although not historically acurate, this film was fun as well as totally kick ass! Now i never would have pictured a sequel being made one day, that is just nuts, but not so much since Hollywood has been in this "it was a cash cow, and we're going to finish milking it dry with crappy long cheesy and drawn out uneeded and unwanted sequels, prequels, and remakes."

And I dont know about all of you, but this is way past annoying and wasteful of possible talent and millions of dollars. A Gladiator 2 kind of makes me sick just thinking about it......but on the good side there is always that ray of light and hope of sitting in the theatre and leaving not pissed off at wasting time and money and feeling good about just having seen a great movie; this case rare nowadays and especially unintended or general sequels,prequels, and remakes.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at September 11, 2005 10:46 PM