September 22, 2005

Roll Bounce Reviews

Roll Bounce is one of those films that when you first see the trailer you think to yourself "are they serious??? Is this a joke or a real movie?" It wasn't until I saw the Roll Bounce ad 3 times until I knew it was for real. How sad.

Roll Bounce looks like it borders on the utterly ridiculous to say the least. However, sometimes books can't be judge by their covers (although 75% of the time they can) and as the early Roll Bounce reviews come floating in, it would appear some of the critics actually liked it. Not many of them... but some of them. Here's what a bunch of them had to say:

"Nothing about this film is as cathartic as it tries to make itself because the characters just aren’t that absorbing. Instead of tugging your heart, it just spits in your eye."
Michael Ferraro, FILM THREAT

"Bounce doesn't depart from the inspirational coming-of-age formula. But it has got enough heart and disco-fever exuberance to connect with audiences open to its feel-good mash-up of spoof and earnest saga."

"Roll Bounce spins an endearing but wildly uneven coming-of-age drama set against the popular '70s phenomenon of 'jam skating.'"
Justin Chang, VARIETY

Meh... so there you have it. Roll Bounce reviews certainly aren't looking as horrible as House Of Wax. As of right now Roll Bounce is carrying a 57% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Not high enough to get me over my initial distaste for it. I think I'll skip this one.

Posted by John Campea at September 22, 2005 10:50 AM


Some will like the movie, others won't

Posted by: Don S at September 22, 2005 02:03 PM

I thought the movie was really good. Being a black person, although I'm growing up in during the millenium, I understood exactly what they were talking about and how they felt about some things. My friends and I can't always afford the brand new sneakers (or in their cass, skates) and we're forved to wear the old ones we had over the summer for a while until our parents can buy us a new pair. The movie was really sappy at times, I will admit, however, I still felt that all the actors did an excellent job at making it pretty realistic and enjoyable. I would give it a 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Posted by: Jacara at September 26, 2005 12:44 PM

I just wanna say that the movie was amazing! Some people want like but i did very much but it made me real mad when BowWow(Xavier) fell at the end when he could of won it for the garden boys but that's alright cause they still did they thing just right and i loved the music!!!!!! it was off-tha-chain!!!!!!

Posted by: shakeyria at January 7, 2006 10:24 PM