September 13, 2005

Revolver gets trashed

Turn around and go back through the door JasonI haven't seen it, and none of us at the Movie Blog have (yet) but the story from the BBC is saying that it's getting harshly savaged at the moment...

Screen International declared it a "convoluted, risibly overwrought muddle" that would leave audiences "bewildered and disappointed"...some twists and turns "merely provoked derisive laughter among the preview audience"...

Hollywood Reporter..."The movie spins wildly in circles, continually doubling back on itself, repeating scenes - once even backward - and lines of dialogue until a viewer loses a grip on what is supposed to be real," critic Kirk Honeycutt wrote. "The film's pretentious style and fractured storytelling preclude any audience involvement in the coy melodrama,"

Oh dear, not a great few quotes, in fact not even mediocre...savage sounds about right. Madonna said...

"You would have had to broken both my arms and both my legs for me to not come here,"

Yeah...Still, Guy Ritchie is very vocal about it and extremely happy, check out a huge interview with him over at Future Movies. It's a very interesting and indepth interview, but he doesn't address any critics of the film, it's all very positive and he certainly talks of how much he likes it.

Q. You’ve also worked with Jason Statham on almost all your films… Guy Ritchie: Apart from the fact that I don’t like him, don’t trust him and have no respect for him as a chess player, Jason and I work quite well together. Actually, Jason forced me into using him. He threatened me with violence.

Thoughts? Anyone seen it yet?

Posted by Richard Brunton at September 13, 2005 01:44 PM


My brother saw revolver the other day during a TIFF screening.
Guy Ritchie was there to introduce the film and take part in Q&A; afterwards.

I was told that while he was introducing the film he said that it is a film that is hard to follow and you would most likley have to see it more then once to grasp it.

though, even with my brother saying some of the things the critics are, he still enjoyed the film.

Posted by: Alex at September 13, 2005 03:25 PM

Didnt his other two films get pretty much ignored in the US? Maybe if it tanks in the UK then it will be a hit here. Or maybe i'm just rooting too hard for it to be great...

Posted by: Anonymouse at September 13, 2005 04:09 PM

Check out our multiple reviews on Revolver on (use pulldown menu at top of page to select Toronto Film Festival 2005)

I liked the film, but there is one Caveat....go in with an OCEANS 12 frame of mind (Ritchie is having fun playing with structure and is not interested in seriously formal film)...If you go in looking for OCEANS 11 (straight up heist picture with charismatic stars and easy-to-follow, or even coherent, will be disappointed with Revolver, but I liked it very, very much


Posted by: Triflic at September 14, 2005 10:24 PM

I've seen it at TIFF.

Sorry, I don't agree with Kurt. It's awful. It's an abysml, muddled, incoherent mess. It's 2 hours of complete nonsense, with a good dash of worthless psychobabble. It's also full of Kabbalah crap (stuff about ego etc).

I'm wondering if Lock, Stock and Snatch were now abberations because after seeing this; I can't see Ritchie being left in control of a director's chair ever again.

Posted by: CanadaMan at September 17, 2005 12:13 PM