September 24, 2005

Redford to interview Newman

PaulNewman.jpgI can't remember where I saw this idea already, but someone can tell us, where a series uses one star to interview another star. It's a great idea, like two for the price of one in your local superstore. Well the Sundance Channel are doing that very same thing with a series of interviews on a show called Iconoclasts, from The BBC:

...Christiane Amanpour, CNN's London-based correspondent, will find herself the subject of questioning from film actress Renee Zellweger...

...Another interview will see REM frontman Michael Stipe questioned by chef Mario Batali.

The series begins on 17 November with Samuel L. Jackson chatting to basketball legend Bill Russell

RobertRedford.jpgSome interesting pairings, I've already seen loads of interviews with Samuel L. Jackson, I'd have loved to have seen him interview someone that he admires, or one of his acting peers that he doesn't. That would have been interesting. How about Jackson and Sylvester Stallone, or Morgan Freeman? Those are two interesting choices. Mr Jackson if you like the idea, let John know and he can line it up on the audio edition.

However, the big hitter is reserved for the end of the series with Robert Redford interviewing Paul Newman.

Viewers will be able to watch Redford quiz his fellow actor on his life and work, from his film career to his car racing and philanthropy...The Newman and Redford programme ends the series in December.

It'll be really interesting to see the two together and see the chemistry off screen. It's a shame for cinema that they haven't worked more together, The Sting and Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid were amazing movies which showed off their individual talents and the remarkable charisma they had together. Will this carry off into real life? (Well as real as a televised, scripted and pre-rehearsed interview will be!)

If you could choose a pairing for an interview, who would you pick? Stallone and Arnie? Hackman and Woods? Who?

Posted by at September 24, 2005 06:53 AM