September 30, 2005

Punisher 2 Is Coming!!!

Punisher56.jpgSeems like everyone hated The Punisher except me. I really liked it. Yes it had an ample suplly of cheese served with it, but I had fun watching nonetheless.

The only problem is that The Punisher wasn't a HUGE box office hit. As a matter of fact it only made $33 million domestically and $54 million world wide. Considering the film cost $53 million to make and market... and they at least made $1 million in profit. So I'm SHOCKED that the studio has officially confirmed it's decision to go ahead and make The Punisher 2... but happy at the same time.

And the best news is that it's NOT going to be a direct to DVD profect either. The good folks over at HNR give us this:

During a webcast Tuesday, September 27 at the Thomas Weisel Partners Consumer Conference in New York City, Marvel Entertainment vice chairman Peter Cuneo said that The Punisher 2 will be in theaters late next year.
Huray! Yeah I know... most of you think this is bad news. Oh well... more leg room for me in the theater next year. :)

Posted by John Campea at September 30, 2005 11:51 AM


Rest assured John at least one other body will join you in the theater. I enjoyed the first and like Thomas Jane. The only negative I have for the film is the Punisher was too nice. In my mind it should have been more like Man On Fire but I understand they were going for a commercial success. I look forward to another Punisher film.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 30, 2005 01:00 PM

I also liked Punisher..and I can see a lot of room for a much better sequel!!.. I agree with you cackerjack, they should aim for a R rating.. and give the punisher movie what it really should be.. a gory,dark. and violent movie

Posted by: Ray` at September 30, 2005 03:28 PM

For sure, I consider this good news too. I thought the first was quite well done (even tho John Revolta was in it)... I do agree too that a darker movie might have given the film more of an audience despite the R rating (there are so many over-30 Punisher fans out there turned away after that Dolf movie surfaced)...

All things considered, I was pleased to pay my cash to see this Thomas Jane's version.. I'll doit for #2 as well..


Posted by: Kevin at September 30, 2005 05:29 PM

After the huge success of Batman begins, perhaps the studio find it safe to do a really dark Punisher 2. Personally I really liked the first one, it was fun.. BUT, there should have been more punishing.. :) So, I'm up for a darker, more violent sequel...

Posted by: morten at September 30, 2005 06:13 PM

Hollywood needs to understand is that The Punisher doesn't come up with long drawn out plans to kill the bad guys. He just goes in there and kills them period.

Posted by: Alfredo at October 1, 2005 08:03 PM

I, for one, liked both the 89/90 film helmed by Mark Goldblatt as well as last year's film directed by Jon Hensliegh. I want to address both films.

It is a shame that LGF isn't putting a re-issue of the Lundgren version out on DVD. The previous edition I have, and it seems that as time goes on, the DVD is becoming more scarce in stores. There's even that alleged Region DVD that has (or had) a Goldblatt commentary. What a shame. What is even more painful is that there is a well-documented feud over this film concerning the Punisher Skull. This resulted in the firing of the main writer, Boaz Yakin. Oddly, the film may not have had the Skull icon except for the knives, but it did have a story- and the story resulted in the price of vengeance.

There was also bad cinematography and a kid in an awful looking suit. The acting, for the most part, was alright-especially heavy Jeoren Krabbe. It would be the first film produced by New World Pictures who had bought Marvel at that time. Shortly after an international theatrical run, it was dumped to video on LIVE Home Entertainment. New World went bye bye in the early 90's.

LIVE changes its name to Artisan in the late 90's. Artisan buys Marvel. Artisan plans Punisher, Man-Thing and Iron Fist. Artisan gets bought out by Lions Gate. Of the three movies, which one is first to be made and out of the Gate?

This time, the skull is in, and working in the new film's favor is Tom Jane, some well done old school action (*but nothing that tops Dolph's 'bus ride' in the previous film, I'm sorry to confess) and the filmmaker's inspirations from legendary filmmakers such as Preston Sturges, Sergio Leone and Sam Peckinpah. It also took some loose adaptation with Garth Ennis' "Welcome Home Frank". But there's more: one thing that the Jane version had that the Lundgren version didn't: Operation Desert Storm/Gulf War. Using this, the character's military background could be intact with a mild update.

But despite the good things about the film, the story and plot therein suffers. Consider the introduction of The Russian- how do you know that's 'The Russian'? Comics fans will know, but how does the non-comics fan? Why didn't The Russian either wait for Glass and company or have them wait and follow him? Also, since director Hensligh applies film theory to the movie, why does Glass (Will Patton) get killed off the way he does? If you wanted to apply thoery, theory dictates that Glass must live at least until the final shootout. The antihero/protagonist has more confrontation with Glass. Glass is more the antagonist in the film than Howard Saint. As a result of Saint killing off Glass, the audience has no payoff.

But the biggest problem with the Jane version? Timing.

In putting the film in April instead of August, on the plus side, Lion's Gate made some one sheet posters very nice collectables (Artisan logo, original release date) but the down side?

Kill Bill v2 (which Punisher opened against)
Man On Fire
Walking Tall.

Four revenge themed pix in one month. Figure it out.

Few things about the sequel to Punisher:

1) I'm happy it isn't right to DVD and/or TV

2) Despite the film's flaws I enjoyed the picture so I'm person #3,

3) More Tim Broadstreet posters for the movie posters. They rocked.

4) Jigsaw or Saracen. No more made up for the movies bad guys. Thanks.

Posted by: darren seeley at October 1, 2005 08:48 PM

Any movie where you get to see John Travolta being toasted is fine by me, he he he he...

HATE that guy...

Posted by: CrzyDJM at October 5, 2005 05:07 AM

i enjoyed the punishment frank castle dished out and i specaly think there should be a second or better the punisher 3 it stand out compare to spiderman and the x men

Posted by: raw deal at October 9, 2005 01:35 PM

I really enjoyed The Punisher (2004) film. It is very fun to watch. The storyline was brilliant. I think Jonathan Hensleigh has done a great job. I think Jon should direct the next Punisher film as he has done a great job with the first film. But there is one more thing I would like to add. The Punisher is as it says on the title 'Punisher'. He doesn't really punish people in the first film. I hope to see an excellent sequel.

Posted by: Sean Blake at October 15, 2005 06:19 AM

the punisher is the marvel conic i seen enjoyed the flim a lot its the best action flim i seen much better then spiderman x-men still i like to see the 1989 vision extrely enjoyable

Posted by: the sphinx at October 22, 2005 02:02 AM

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