September 09, 2005

Police Academy 8 news

Shoot me, no please, shoot me!Over at Moviehole they have some news on Police Academy 8, thank god, I've been waiting on tenderhooks!

Paul Maslansky, producer of the never-ending silly series, tells Entertainment Weekly that it's still very much-a-go, he just wants to get it right before having a bunch of middle-aged men squeeze into their black chords again.

"It's going to be a great challenge", he says. "When you make seven comedies and they're constantly on TV and DVD people go 'aww f&%k another one!'".

According to Maslansky, the plan is to bring back some of the original cast - including Steve Guttenberg, Bubba Smith, Michael Winslow and Leslie Easterbook - for the next film, and have them pass the pepper spray to a new bunch of young troops.

Maslanksy then envisions the new cast members headlining "Police Academy 9", and the sequels that would follow it.

Oh dear god, let it end. I think I lost interest after the second or third, and let's not even talk about the one in Russia. Is there anyone who would be looking forward to this?

Posted by at September 9, 2005 03:43 AM


hm, i liked the first four movies :) When Guttenberg left, movies went downhill, but with him back... It might work out. As long it's not similar to No. 7 and more like 1-4, I'll watch it.

Posted by: igl85 at September 9, 2005 09:15 AM

Oh come on man, you have to love PA. My friends and I like theem so much, when something is cool or even better, Uber cool, we say Mahoney! (because how cool is Mahoney?)

Posted by: Brad at September 9, 2005 09:33 AM

The world has been at a horrible lost of the Gutte. If Guttenberg comes back we will have peace again. All Hail The Gutte.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 9, 2005 03:04 PM

Guttneburg has been missing in action for a long time, I remember seeing him in It Takes 2 or whatever, but nothing more. Police Academy rocks!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at September 9, 2005 03:31 PM

Gutte could be head of the Academy now and the new misfit comes in say Kutcher. Guttenberg meet Kutcher. Classic.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 9, 2005 03:36 PM

PA - rules forever!!!

Posted by: Torge at September 17, 2005 05:30 PM

Id see it man, yea they got kind of silly towards 5 an stuff but come on, what'll hurt.

Posted by: Luke at September 20, 2005 10:48 PM