September 26, 2005

Peter Jackson to Direct Halo The Movie?

Everyone knows by now that Halo the game is being made into Halo the Movie. Also, most people already know that it's going to suck because that's what video game movies do. And now Peter Jackson's name is being attached to the project... but only by massive Halo fans and their wishful thinking.

Too many sites over the weekend have been regurgitating a rumour that Peter Jackson is going to be the guy to direct Halo the Movie. However, that rumour was shot down almost as quickly as it appeared. Universal already confirmed that Jackson is NOT going to direct it. However, I could have told you the rumours were false even before Universal said it for the following reasons.

1) I guaran-damn-tee you that NO credible director would put their name on this disaster waiting to happen. You will not see Jackson, or Spielberg, or Howard, or Coppola, or Scorsese, or Nolan, or Singer EVER EVER EVER get associated with this film. Not just because video game movies are jokes, but mostly because the game company has already said they are going to keep control of the movie, and no director worth his salt is going to take ANY direction from a company that knows NOTHING about making movies.

2) After doing everything he still needs to do for King Kong, Peter Jackson is going to get started on The Lovely Bones. They're looking to get Halo The Movie out within 2 years... so the schedule just doesn't work.

I don't want to get too long winded here so I'll end the list there. Mark my words, there will not be a credible director taking the helm of Halo The Movie. It won't happen unless Wong Kar-wai loses everything he owns in a Mahjong game and Microsoft backs up a dump truck full of money minutes before the loan sharks show up to break his knees. But other than that... no chance in hell. Your thoughts?

Posted by John Campea at September 26, 2005 11:56 AM


sometimes wishful thinking is all we have for the movie not to suck THAT much...
i understand the fact that no good director would want to helm a project where they have no input. i also understand that the guys at Bungie (the game's producers) are just trying to stick to what got them where they are, how it translates to the screen might have a few problems so they should just trust a half decent director who knows what they are talking about.
im still moderately optimistic regardless.

Posted by: Rich at September 26, 2005 12:13 PM

Now that you mention it, Ron Howard would be perfect!!!

Actually I wouldn't be surprised to see a big name director sign on for this. Not necessarily a director with integrity, but you know, like a Bret Ratner or something. Microsoft is taking this very seriously and I guarantee they're going to try to get some talent behind it. It just depends who's willing to bite.

Posted by: Sean @ Space Junk at September 26, 2005 12:20 PM

Hey Sean...

With Bungie insisting they're going to keep creative control on the project... no director with ANY integrity will ever get involved with this.

However... someone like Ratner..... you may be on to something :P


Posted by: John Campea at September 26, 2005 12:24 PM

I usually agree with you on many issues John(DeNiro and Pacino having one character,and tons of other stuff).But the way you are acting about this movie is stupid... It will suck because its a game to movie adaptation?, I wouldn't consider myself a movie critic if I got on like that.. any notable Director would touch this movie??.. didn't Nolan just take on Batman?...(sure the first one was good but the rest SUCKED).. and Speilberg has done a lot worse then Halo is going to be, so don't rant on about that..Don't talk about integrity.. money is power.. if they pay jackson/speilberg/nolan or whoever enough.. they will direct the movie in a pink dress and wear high heels.

Now do I think this movie will be good?, no not really, I think it will open the door for better game to movie adaptations to be made.. BUT I am expecting a better showing then those from our dear friend Mr.Boll.

Posted by: Ray` at September 26, 2005 01:38 PM

Don't forget that most studios laughed at the Bungie deal and they ended up having to loosen up a little bit. I doubt it will be them standing over their shoulders saying "No, cant do that" and more of a colaberative process.

And with the attitude of "It's a video game movie, it has to suck" will keep video game movies in the territory. Getting a good director to do a good movie could change that all around and we could see bigger directors doing video game movies in the future. John Woos Max Payne anyone?

Posted by: Pudie at September 26, 2005 01:45 PM

Hey guys...

I think you guys are missing my point. I'm not just saying Halo will be a bad movie because "All video game movies suck".

The Important part isn't that all video game movies suck (which they do up till this point)... the important thing is WHY all video game movies suck. These reasons why all video games movies suck are the same reason why Halo will.

I'll elaborate that more on tonight's Audio Edition (shamless plug).

Cheers guys!


Posted by: John Campea at September 26, 2005 02:21 PM

"I guaran-damn-tee you that NO credible director would put their name on this disaster waiting to happen."

"All video game movies suck".

My god John, you've just taken the reverse position of the fanboy. Just because they have to this point doesn't mean Halo will, and I can't say you will, but there's a chance you might rue those words.

I don't know if someone big will or won't sign up to this, and just because Bungie have developed the bible of what the universe is about and want that stuck to isn't a negative. Didn't Jackson himself follow a bible of guidelines for LOTR? I think that was the original material itself, the original books.

He stuck by a lot of the material and universe created in there, isn't that a similar situation to a Director taking on this movie and being governed by the universe rules created by Bungie?

I think it's a very similar situation, so going by that you can't guarantee it will be an awful movie. With that same token I'm not saying it will, but I don't see this scaring off a Director. I think it's more likely to be the huge fanbase and possibilities of backlash, as well as the people who keep saying that videogame adaptations suck so they always will.

All we know is that Bungie want adherence to their universal "bible" for the movie (just like LOTR respected it's "bible") and that Garland is writing. So far that's a hell of a lot more positive than any other adaptation we've seen.

Let's see what the Director announcement brings us.

...and with that, I turn off my computer and head to Spain for the week. I bid you a farewell until I return.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at September 26, 2005 02:47 PM

Oh Rich...

You must not have read my last comment. I do not think Halo will suck because all video game movies suck (which they all have up till this point), but rather... it's the WHY video games movies have sucked, that I think will make Halo fall prey to the same fate.

Have fun on your vacation dude... we'll miss you while you're gone.



Posted by: John Campea at September 26, 2005 03:13 PM

Last I looked, there was close to 500K Halo 2 fanatics playing on XBOX Live. The movie could possibly be something akin to one of many cinematic farts Paul W.S. Anderson has released on moviegoers. On the other hand, I've played Halo & Halo 2 (I'm not what you'd call a fanboy fanatic) and I think the story and sequences lend itself nicely to a movie adaptation. Plus, I think the tight grip Microsoft and Bungie have on the adaptation will lend itself to a "gamers movie" rather than a "Hollywoodized gamers movie", which is what all other video game movies have been so far.

History says you're right, but I'm seeing some Crow Pie being served to you in a few years.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at September 26, 2005 03:32 PM

this movie is going to be awesome.

you are all stupid n00bz.

Posted by: miles at September 26, 2005 03:51 PM

What's with the elitism? (no pun intended)? What ever happened to just giving a movie benifit of the doubt before taking big fat conjectured dumps on it off the hate bandwagon? There are no details about "Halo The Movie" and yet everyone is suddenly an expert.

So maybe Halo was a bit derivative, but you put that story up as executed by the game itself, and you've got a decent tale with some real emotion-- as anyone who played the first "Halo" can attest. Play that out in a film with a little more meat to the characters and a director who cares to make it a FILM and you'll have a decent little movie. And yeah, I am a Halo fan. I'm also a discerning fan of cinema and I'll be the first to call it crap if turns out that way.

So, until a director is announced and more details beyond "Peter Jackson is NOT directing", I'm going to wait and see and let the hate wagon keep yammering along-- rolling on nothing but bitterness, conjecture and a cracked/cloudy crystal ball.

Right now it's just too early to tell, folks.

Posted by: Chark Hammis at September 26, 2005 04:06 PM


Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at September 26, 2005 04:08 PM

Uwe Boll should direct it. That'd teach em.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at September 26, 2005 04:57 PM

John -
Since your opinion is completely on the narrow path (yes, I do understand your point of view) I would like this movie to turn out good. Not because I dislike you, I don't and I love the movie blog, but because I'm twisted. ;)

Do I really care about this movie? Not really. Do I think it has a good chance of sucking? Sure do, but it'd be fun to be wrong.

Posted by: Meli at September 26, 2005 05:47 PM

Alex Garland is a good writer so... I have hope (as long as the director isn't terrible, of course).

Posted by: jt at September 26, 2005 05:52 PM

The books are thought highly of, so are the games. I do not see this project bombing as bad as everyone thinks. All they have to do is follow the actual plot and not try to rewrite it like the way Anderson butchered Resident Evil and tried to make a new story (I actually liked both movies, but I would have liked to see them tell the story from the games, especially if they started from Zero).

With that said, I could see this being a good story if Bungie and Microsoft can manage to have the movie made exactly to their liking. I mean the team behind it knows it better than anyone else does, so why have some idiot like Paul WS. Anderson trying to give his adaption of it.

On a related note. I recall Bungie saying they wouldn't do it unless Ridley Scott would direct it and the Alien producer would produce it. Whatever happened to that? I seem to recall Scott saying he would do it. Now I know, that was probably over a year or so old, but can you think of a better man? Yeah Kingdom was not the best movie around, but Gladiator told a great story and the violence was great, Black Hawk Down was one of the best coordinated movies I have ever seen, and he has already done one space project in Alien that was a success. If you combine all elements I think he would be the perfect director for it. Not to mention that he at least attempts to accurately tell things, so he would be less likely to screw up the project.

Posted by: Al at September 26, 2005 06:12 PM

i challenge you all to street fighter online HAAAAAAAAAADOKEN

Posted by: ryu at September 26, 2005 08:23 PM

By the way folks, since when did we immortalize Scorsese, Jackson, and Co.? Consider these facts: Spielberg is the only one with multiple hits. Jackson has LOTR and .......? Sorry fans, but Scorsese is way OVERRATED. Richie Cunningham directing HALO? PLEASE...(Overrated again). Coppola? I doubt there's any room for the Brute mafia to play a sig. role. The point is: we don't want them. We need a Halo fan directing this movie.period.

Posted by: JAGMIR at September 26, 2005 08:27 PM

Hey Jagmir,

Ummm... you do realize that the last 3 films that Peter Jackson directed were ALL nominated for Best picture and won best picture and a record 11 Oscars. Expalin to me how that makes him "overrated"?

Scosese has been nominated for best director a number of times and is generally idolized by most film makers today. So tell again how he's overrated?

Ron Howard has won Best director and had his films win multiple Oscars. Tell me again how that makes him "overrated"

Coppola and his process are studied in most film schools. Every one of his Godfather films were nominated for best picture and 2 of them won. Apocalyps Now is a classic and thought of by many to be one of the most powerful films ever made. Tell me again how he's "overrated"

Yeah... we don't want guys who actaully know how to make movies. Because if a guy is a Halo fan then that means he knows what he's doing??? Is that your logic here?

This is why I believe Halo the movie is doomed to fail.


Posted by: John Campea at September 26, 2005 08:39 PM

Fuck LOTR, P.J. made Dead Alive, this makes him better then you. Deal with it.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at September 26, 2005 09:12 PM

That's it, dammit.

Someone should do a big budget film based on the 80's coin op game Bezerk.

Okay, really. My 2 cents on Halo? It comes down to this, folks:

If you love video games, would you rather play them, or watch them?
When you stop and think about it, I rest my case.

Posted by: darren seeley at September 26, 2005 09:45 PM

Good point Darren

Posted by: John Campea at September 26, 2005 09:50 PM

Im so angry at John right now... YOUR A STUPID POOPIE HEAD..

Posted by: Ray` at September 26, 2005 10:18 PM

Oh Ray... I'm sure we can work it out. :P

Posted by: John Campea at September 26, 2005 10:51 PM

John, oh dear whats this board coming to that every new post seems to be written in an attempt to get a reaction or start an argument?

that aside.

Halo will be an enjoyable, fast paced action flick that won't stir any long term thoughts, solve world peace or cure any diseases, but then again its not supposed to.

Why does every movie being released either get judged as the THE VERY BEST or THE VERY WORST. Sometimes movies can be entertaining and fun. I personally hope halo is directed by an up and coming(rather than a world renowned) and shock horror chances are it will be worth the £4.50/US$8/AUD$15/etc entry fee for an evening of laughs, high speed warthog chases and some sneaky sneaky-ness.

Posted by: Pablo at September 27, 2005 06:11 AM

How can so many haters plead such effortless indifference
to a movie in which they have no interest, yet at the same
or its related books, articles or general storyline, spend
SOOOOOOOOOO much effort slamming it until its hammered flatter
than Jerry Seinfeld's Joke Book.

C'mon John!

If you dont wana see it, move on.
I for one do. I have no hopes, no demands, because I cant do
anything about it. The only effect I can have on the movie makers
is to either drop my green if I WANT to see it. Or stay at home
if I DONT.

And how in the bowels of hell did Spielberg get involved
in this? Because of some Fanboy rumour?

How many times have we heard the different charachter
Topher Grace is playing in the upcoming Spidey3?
We are not subject to the conjecture of idiots!
Acknowledgement is a form of approval!

The fact that a statement was issued denying Jacksons
involvement is like Ridley Scott denying he's directing
the Goonies 2!

This is a little Video Game movie which has a slim chance
of box office success and may or may not be good. Why is
everybody soooooo clear in stating that it wont be a classic?

BTW I dont wana see Ron Howards name in this post again!

Posted by: Rynndar at September 27, 2005 07:01 AM

I just love it when men argue!


Keem 'em going you guys!

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 27, 2005 08:09 AM

Look, its as simple as this.. Don't judge a book by its cover..Even if that cover has a bad bad bad HORRIBLELY CRAP history..

Comimc Book movies have got a good history?.. yes I remember such classics as Electra,Batman 2-4,Dare Devil,Punisher,Cat Women,Fantastic Four.. should I go on??yes the game list is just as long or maybe even longer... but we are bound to get a good one if we wait long enough..and when you really sit down and think about it.. most game to movies suck not because of the lack of story(which they dont), or the fact no notable director wouldn't touch them(WHICH THEY WOULD IF GIVEN ENOUGH MONEY!!),or even the fact that its seen as to be a good movie,instead of a good idea for a movie like you said.... but the reason they all suck is the lack of care put into them,companys will sell there name to people like Mr.Boll and try to get a quick buck..instead of playing it smart and actually giving a damn about the movie(which could possibly lead to a much higer gross and profit).. so maybe Bungie is creating a new formula for game adaptations.. one that will stop people like Mr.Boll from ever directing again.. I am like most..I hope halo is good.. will it be?.. I dont know.. BUT I have no doubt in my mind that Halo will open up the gates for actually good movies to be made... with care and time put into them..

"it's the WHY video games movies have sucked, that I think will make Halo fall prey to the same fate".. There is only one reason why video game movies have sucked... we all know it..The lack of care.. and the greedyness of the game companys to make a quick buck..Unless given the time of day no movie would be good.. Titantic wouldn't be the highest grossing movie of all time,Schindlers List would be the classic that it is.. I think Bungie are on to something.. and hopefully this means a new era to the game adaptation genre..(creative control doesn't mean they wont listen to the director.. its like other people said before, its like a "bible" for the director to follow, im sure bungie will only make sure the movie agrees with this "bible", they wont be directing the director.


Posted by: Ray` at September 27, 2005 08:20 AM

I agree with Ray on this one...I think the Halo movie will revolutionize the genre or game to movie adaptations. Why revolutionize you say? Because Bungie is not being assholes about making the movie...that is for everyone who says it will suck because Bungie knows nothing about making movies...they just want to ensure that their story is true to the source. All other movies of this genre suck becaus the director takes the story and reads it then adds his own flavor to portray it as he sees it should be portrayed...and if it has nothing to do with the original story then so be it. That is why these movies suck. The director just wants to make a visual masterpiece and ends up sacrificing plot and acting for big visual effects. There is no question that Microsoft has the money to throw into a big-time blockbuster. I really dont think money is an issue here. The moveis success will not depend on the will depend on how well he can stay close to the story without Bungie having too step in and saying hell no that has nothing to do with my well can the director deal with that. It is not bullheadedness on Bungies part as seems to be the general consensus with people...Bungie wants the story to be told like it is supposed to be told with no deviation from some director who thinks he is the big shot simply because he has one or two films that did well in the theatre. This film is not a horror is more along the lines of Starship Troopers...and I know I will probably get slammed for saying this...but SST was a good had great special effects and a good story up until the last 20 minutes or so. The plot was well done and the acting was half ways decent. Halo would be perfect if done with CGI like Final Fantasy was. The movie will not depend on how well and popular the director is...but on how well he can take constructive criticism...that is what this movie is going to have a lot of. I am sure in the special features of the DVD when it is released...there will be a section where the director bitches and cries cause Bungie wouldnt let him do what he wanted to do...and I say GOOD...keep it that way...keep the movies close to the games story and we may be disappointed but at least the story wont contradict the books and games which will lead to a good movie.

Posted by: MechoPower at September 27, 2005 09:24 AM

What's the difference between "King Kong" and "Halo?"

It's not like Mr. Jackson makes art pictures.

He's a gun for hire and "Halo" looks no more artistic than a movie about magical midgets or an oversized ape.

If the price was right and he could shoot it in New Zealand- I bet he'd at least consider it.

Posted by: snaithbert at September 27, 2005 12:35 PM

What makes a director great? Who cares? It's the age-old, you say "tomato" I say "toh-mah-to" argument. I like Spielberg, but I think he's missed the boat on many films. Howard is okay, but again, he has some flicks that are shit. Same with Scorsese; same with Coppola. In fact, I utterly hate his Vietnam borefest. I also hate the Beatles, Rolling Stones and corn (the food). Does that mean I don't know shit about movies? Absolutely not. It means I'm not a stand-in-line pussy who agrees just to be agreeable (like 90% of all movie critics). Lastly, Peter Jackson did do a great job with LOTR, but is that because of him or because of the story and FX? "King Kong" and "Lovely Bones" will prove him as elite or just lucky.

As for HALO, let's hope the creative people in Hollywood are given the chance to be just that - creative. Because these marketing jackasses and board-room suits are fracking the fare sent into theaters as of late. I think they were sent a message this summer, let's hope they listen.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at September 27, 2005 02:21 PM

Fredo.... AMEN!!!!

Fredo is now my idol.. I will make a statue of you in my room and praise you everyday....

Posted by: Ray` at September 27, 2005 04:43 PM

Make sure there's an inscription on the statue that says -

"Teabaggin' 24/7"

And make sure they get my mullet right.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at September 27, 2005 07:45 PM

Bungie may know nothing about movies, but they know EVERYTHING about Halo. I think this could rock hard. It's pretty pointless for people who are not fans of the game to say that the movie will suck. It's not for them.

Posted by: adam at September 29, 2005 06:17 PM

How can u say Halo (the greatest video game not just on xbox) is going to suck? sure some video game movie suck but thet is because the game itself sucks!!!! halo the movie is going to be awsome.

Posted by: Nate at October 1, 2005 11:47 PM

Why is it that some people need to pump up their egos by speaking SO much about that which they do not know? I've never understood that and I find it quite irritating. At any rate:;=4955829

There - you can go and see what BUNGIE has to say about BUNGIE'S movie.

Does Bungie know how to entertain people? Does Peter Jackson know how to entertain people? Hmm ... whatever side of the fence you sit on, Halo the movie will make money. Halo the movie will probably be pretty darn good too. My 2 cents. Based on facts for a change.

John - you should probably try to verify these things before you start with the 'No' the 'Nevers' the 'Wont's' and so on ... it's ... irritating.

Posted by: Aurasia at October 4, 2005 03:33 PM

All video game movies suck? i bed to differ. the ANIMATED street fighter movie kicked ass, the mario brothers movie was a fun acid trip, the first resident evil film was awesome, and 28 days later might as well call itself resident evil britain edition! no, what really suck are movie to game conversions. what we need more of are people who "dont" know how to make movies so that things are done differently. we are all very sick of the same cliche movies in different incarnations. i say there arent enough video games made into movies!

Posted by: Bob at October 5, 2005 06:47 AM

too late guys-

the dominion post yesterday announced, that Peter Jackson IS the director of the HALO movie (and proud of it). By the way- I live in Wellington/ NZ...

Posted by: Klaus at October 7, 2005 12:25 AM

Hey there Klaus.

Actaully... you're dead wrong. Peter Jackson IS NOT directing Halo. He's just one of the Executive Producers (executive producers don't actaully do anything).

Peter's next film is "The Lovely Bones" which he is Producing AND Directing. he has no time for Halo. But WETA does.

Posted by: John Campea at October 7, 2005 12:36 AM

I've played the game, it's pretty fun. But it will be kind of weird if it's a movie.

Posted by: Alanna at October 7, 2005 04:18 PM

Video game movies aren't usually the best of the best, but everyone has their opinions. Lara Croft Tomb Raider was a game movie, and it was awesome in my opinion. And if I remember correctly, Doom is being made into a movie as well which features The Rock.

Posted by: Alanna at October 7, 2005 04:21 PM

You guys are all forgeting one important thing its a movie who cares if it sucks because the story line is gay or that some actor cant act for crap, a movie is just there to give us the 1hour and 40min worth of joy that will leave you talking bout it for a while on weather it sucked or was the best dam movie you have ever seen and let me not remind you that most games dont make bad movies
look at these movies
Alein Vs Preadator-was a game now a movie it was alright
Tomb raider- dam good movie with one good actor
The Mortal Combat movies where gay but lets face it they where cool to wach
And like Alanna siad the movie DOOM is coming out and thats got the rock staring in it now he is a big time movie actor nowadys and he wouldn't sign himself up to a movie that sucked unless he was getting some green $$$ so remember that and instead of haveing a go at the movie before it comes out wait ur time watch the movie and then ur intitled to ur negative speech, as Halo could be the next big movie to hit the screens

Posted by: Cameron at October 9, 2005 08:47 PM

If Halo 2 is going to suck, why would Peter Jackson even bother with it?

Posted by: Alanna at October 15, 2005 08:45 PM

Hey there Alana,

Peter Jackson isn't doing anything on Halo the movie. He just an Executive Producer who will consult once in a while.

While they're making Halo... he'll be off working on his real project "The Lovley Bones" which he is Producing and Directing.

Another reason he's given his name to it is because his WETA VFX companies are going to make millions of dollars doing all the effects work on it.


Posted by: John Campea at October 15, 2005 09:01 PM

Knowing hollywood(prone to ruining serious movies) will probably make it into some chick flick or some stupid romance...or worse LOL!

Posted by: Chris at October 16, 2005 08:28 PM

Yeah, but if he was doubtful that it would be just shit then he wouldn't even think about helping to make the movie at all.

Posted by: Alanna at October 16, 2005 08:34 PM

Anyways, is this movie going to be real with actual actors playing the characters, or will it be computer animated? And when is it supposed to premier?

Posted by: Alanna at October 16, 2005 08:44 PM

Hey Alanna,

You can't just say:
"but if he was doubtful that it would be just shit then he wouldn't even think about helping to make the movie at all."

because you could say that about ANY professional film maker.

The movie is going to be LIVE action.

And even if Jackson thought the move was going to be crap... he wouldn't care... because his WETA Digital and WETA Worshop companies are going to make MILLIONS making this movie off the studios financing it.

Jackson is no dummy.


Posted by: John Campea at October 16, 2005 08:47 PM

True, John, he would be making lots of $$$$. But if Halo 2 is going to suck, wouldn't this also ruin is reputation as one of the greatest directors? He obviously takes an interest in the film anyway.

To Chris: Oh geez, I hope not!

Posted by: Alanna at October 18, 2005 08:15 PM

Hey Alanna,

Why would Jackson's rep as a director be hurt for a movie that he isn't directing? So no... it wouldn't hurt his reputations at all.

Yeah... this whole deal really isn't about Jackson at all. It's really about WETA being hired to do all the FX... and Jackson putting his name on it is just an extention of that.



Posted by: John Campea at October 18, 2005 08:43 PM

Ah I see.

Posted by: Alanna at October 19, 2005 09:00 PM

Another thing, if they are planning to make a Halo *2* shouldn't there be a Halo 1?

Posted by: Alanna at October 19, 2005 09:15 PM