September 12, 2005

Oldboy director for I am a Cyborg

I recently saw Oldboy and quite frankly I was blown away, it helped that I watched it on DVD and had a superb amount of relevant features to get through (my review). It's an amazing piece of cinema.

Now hot on the heels of completing his vengeance series with Chinjeolhan geumjassi (Sympathy for Lady Vengeance), he's now looking at taking a sci-fi romance to the big screen, from Time Out:

...entitled 'I Am a Cyborg'...

...Set in a mental asylum, it will revolve around a young woman who believes she is a robot, and follow her blossoming romance with a male patient at the hospital.

There's no news on casting yet, but the director also revealed that once he's finished 'I Am a Cyborg', he'll start work on an as-yet-untitled vampire movie.

I don't know how interested I am in the sci-fi Romance, but with Park behind it I think we're set for a visual feast. I am excited about that last statement though, a vampire movie from Park would be an amazing thing. If he applies his style and techniques we've seen to date and adds a story that twists around from the usual flock, I think we could see a superb tale. Any other fans of Park out there excited by these two ideas?

Posted by Richard Brunton at September 12, 2005 05:56 AM


I myself watched Oldboy recently, what a remarkable and truly astonishing film. I haven't yet watched his Sympathy films, but if they're even half as good as Oldboy they're worth watching. anyone seen them?

My short review of oldboy can be found at

I also like the sound of Park directing a vampire movie, sounds like a great idea.

Posted by: Bazlurgan at September 12, 2005 08:05 AM

I saw Sympathy for Mr. Vengance... and I really didn't like it all that much. However, I do hear that Ms. Vengance is better, but I haven't seen it yet

Posted by: John Campea at September 12, 2005 11:12 AM

I thought both Sympathy and Oldboy were excellent films (Oldboy possibly more so). I'm interested to see how Park deals with subject matter other than revenge and fighting so I look forward to 'I am a cyborg' but I'm looking forward more to his third revenge film (currently breaking box-office records in Korea) and his vampire film. Hopefully they will be on a par with his previous works.

Posted by: Dom Dunc at September 12, 2005 12:58 PM

Asian vampires, yah!

Park directing a romance will be so beuatiful. Visually and emotionally.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at September 12, 2005 03:39 PM

If it's a good film, then it's worth watching. It doesn't matter if it mixes in sci-fi elements with romance, or anything else. It does seem rather unique and I want to see how it goes. It seems like it'll be a dark story.

As for the vampire movie; I believe I saw something about the title being the same as the "film within film" vampire flick of a fictional director, in Park's contribution to Three Extremes. I think that'll be interesting. Sadly though, out of Three Extremes I think that Park's story is the weakest of the 3. Not to state that it's bad, but it's not at the same level as Old Boy or Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance.

Posted by: ChrisP at September 12, 2005 06:15 PM

OLDBOY is a classic. I'd see anything Park touches at this point.

Posted by: Edward Lee at September 13, 2005 03:01 PM

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