September 01, 2005

No VHS Release for Revenge Of The Sith

Considering what a pioneer in the digital field George Lucas has been, the news that Revenge of the Sith, coming out on November 1st this year... will NOT be released on VHS. That's right kiddies, it'll be a DVD only party.

The good folks over at Counting Down give us this:

20th Century Fox and LucasFilm will release Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, expected to be one of the season's top sellers, on DVD only. Star Wars will be the first major new release to skip VHS, some say a move that is unsurprising because of its heavy DVD audience.
So for those of you out there still stuck in 1999, it may be time to head over to your local electronics stores and grab a DVD player. The good news is you can practically get them out of a bubble gum machine now for a quarter.

Posted by John Campea at September 1, 2005 03:07 PM


What better way there is to experience the film, but in DVD.

Cant wait for November 1!!!

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 1, 2005 05:20 PM

A quarter for a DVD player? I'd be lucky to find one less than $50.

Posted by: Smee Gull at September 1, 2005 08:22 PM

If only studios can get better about releasing more non-DVD films onto DVD.

Posted by: Tan The Man at September 2, 2005 02:08 AM

..................Star Wars? tsk tsk, (it sucks) happy to be of service

Posted by: Cody Monk at September 6, 2005 09:48 PM

I can't believe they are still releasing any films on VHS in 2005!

It's not as if DVD players are all still expensive!

Posted by: morbius at September 30, 2005 04:29 AM

I agree, even multi-region players are also reasonably priced now!

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 30, 2005 04:54 PM

I just bought 2 DVD players: one for my grandmother, and one for my aunt. They were $25 each, so I spent just $56 for both (tax included). I have seen some DVD recorders for $89. For anyone who complains about a DVD-only release (and there will surely be more DVD-only releases in the future), just buy a DVD player. Seriously. They are incredibly inexpesive.

Posted by: Blythe Guvenen at October 11, 2005 05:36 PM

They really are cheap now, even multi-region players.

I cant wait for the Sith release!!!

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 11, 2005 05:49 PM

The problem with DVD players is that most people want one that can do everything, playback, record and multi-region playback. This is a problem because for some reason DVD recorders are ridiculously expensive. To find one that does everything would put a considerable drain on your budget.

Posted by: Billy05 at October 19, 2005 08:23 AM

I agree with Billy.

I just need one that is multi-region really. I am very easy to please with these stuff.

Posted by: Simone at October 19, 2005 08:28 AM

This is bad news. Like CDs, DVDs often skip and stutter whereas I'd like a copy of Episode III that is durable. On November 1, I'm gonna copy the DVD straight onto VHS when I get it.

Posted by: Liam B at October 23, 2005 01:17 PM