September 09, 2005

No Gambit For X-Men 3

One of the most commented on posts this past year was one I put up asking if people thought Gambit should make an appearance in X-Men 3 (over 200 comments). The discussion was a good one... but it looks like it's a pointless one now.

The good folks over at are reporting today that X-Men 3 will indeed NOT have Gambit make an appearance in the film. I know this will disappoint a lot of people... but honestly it's probably for the best. The true comic character is too much like the movie version of Wolverine personality wise... and as we've all already noticed, there are far too many characters in X-Men 3 already.

However, all you Gambit fans fear not... there is still hope that we may see him in an X-Men 4. Here's that they're saying:

Ralph Winter (one of the film's producers) confirmed to The Xverse that there is no appearance by Gambit in X-Men 3 -- but that it might be included in "the next one". This indicates that despite any possible plans to end the series with a trilogy, people involved with production are open to future X-sequels.
So there you have it. What is your reaction to this news?

Posted by John Campea at September 9, 2005 11:55 AM


Good, i can't stand Gambit. As long as they have Wolverine i am happy

Posted by: me at September 9, 2005 12:28 PM

It sounds like a good plan. Perhaps after X3 Wolverine will branch off into his own series and that will leave room for Gambit in X4. That is to say if X3 is worth a damn. I say again good luck Brett, no pressure.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 9, 2005 01:37 PM

You know what, forget the X-Men series of movies, Wolverine, and all the other (100s) characters that are getting introduced in the third one.

Let's just make a movie about Gambit and the Xternals. There I said it. Gambit rocks.

Posted by: Ryan at September 9, 2005 01:45 PM

I'm with Ryan, if they could make a good movie just about Gambit then do it. I would much rather watch a movie solely based on him than one with a slew of lesser characters.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 9, 2005 02:02 PM

Hey guys...

I can understand the sentiment... but a Gambit movie will never happen. He's just not a popular enough character. Non-comic fans have to recognize the name for it to be financially viable... and Gambit just isn't recognized by non-comic fans. Who wants to make a movie for $50 million dollars that won't make $30 million back?

Posted by: John Campea at September 9, 2005 02:06 PM

I would totaly agree John except for Blade. I am not hugely into comics but I dabble and I had never heard of that character before and I would assume most the average movie audience hadn't either. Blade has done nicely as a lesser known comic character.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 9, 2005 02:12 PM

It all depends on the marketing really. You market him as an X-Men and you got money in the bank.

Posted by: Pudie at September 9, 2005 03:23 PM

Non-comic fans? How huge was Bishop in the cartoon? Three-five episodes? Colossus had like one. Kitty Pryde? Hmm...

About the Gambit movie, I know it would never happen, I was joking. I just like Gambit and think it would be cool as hell. And honestly why all the fighting? You know who is not directing this movie? It rhymes with Ryan Binger. Yeah Bryan Singer, he is not directing, so what little hope is there left for this movie anyway?

I of course will be there opening day anyway.

Posted by: Ryan at September 9, 2005 03:29 PM

sorry, but we dont want to have too many mutants in one movie:)

he will take away from the precious screentime of the other 312 favorite mutants already named as appearing in x-3.

Posted by: bond, james bond at September 9, 2005 04:07 PM

What I'm most afraid of, is that this is shaping up to be not enough picture for the
stories and characters. How could you do Dark Phoenix and that's NOT the biggest thing in the movie? How can you continue established relationships with an ever-changing roster?

Posted by: furstadam at September 10, 2005 09:01 PM

I'm still so pist they just threw Nightcrawler away like a bad piece if cheese. Gambit would be cool, I can see him turning out pretty badass with the right actor playin' him, but ya, he is too much like the movie verion of Wolverine. Also Gambit and Rogue have a deep love together in the comics and she's already got a thing going with Iceman in the movies. Plus Wolverine treaters her like a daughter, even though it's Jubilee he acts that way towards in the comic series.

But if they did think about doing a movie just about Gambit and the Xternals, if done right, I don't see why it wouldn't work. Like someone said above, Blade wasn't that well known of a chracter and infact the comic series it's self wasn't doing too well before the movie came out. Also Marvel is doing movies on quite a few well known and really not well known characters coming up. Half of them I don't think anyone would know about unless they grew up in the 70's and 80's. One of which is Ant-Man. I seriously have no idea why they think that character would do good as a movie, but they some how seem to think it'll work.

Back on to X3. I too don't see how there going to fit in all main characters from the last films, well most of them, spept for ol' badass Nightcrawler, the new ones and not make it seem like most of them arn't there just for atmosphere or cameos with some good lines and good scenes, staying true to the comics and all the other stuff there cramming in, Pheonix Saga, the Sentinels, and Bishop's story and other things and make it all seem to fit right, go smooth from one scene to the next and not seem rushed or over thought out. Is that even possible? I can see it maybe if it turns out to be 3 hours long or more, but it better be damn good to be that long. Theres a reason why people were able to set that long for the LOTR movies. But being that it comes out next summer, there still casting and rewriting the script, it really seems like it's going to be a rushed pile of crap. But I really hope not. I really want it to be the best X-Men film yet, if not the best comic book movie yet.

But before the X-Men franchise does suffer the fate of the Batman series before Batman Begins came out, if X3 does turn out to be that bad, and people get too untrusting of an X-Men film, I think they really should do an Age of Apocalypse movie. I think it's one of the best stories in the X-Men comic series and would give people an even more dramatic and grown up image of the X-Men...

Posted by: Kaneda at September 11, 2005 11:27 AM

they also said that he "might be in the second one." then he "might be in the third one." they lie.

Posted by: jacquie at September 11, 2005 12:15 PM

I would have to agree with those above that adding Gambit into this one would just cause him to be lost in the sea of mutants.

What I enjoyed about the last 2 films was the way they focused on the characters and how they became part of the x-man team. I am worried about this next film because there are too many mutants being included and they will most likely be cameo appearances. As such, those who are not into the comic will not get the significance of the characters. It is shaping up to be a special effects marathon with little substance to back it up.

Gambit is one of my favorite characters so I am happy he's not included in this one. I would hate to see the character taking second fiddle to the others.... Still excited about it though and ever the optimist, I am hopeful it will surpass my expectations.

Posted by: Angela at September 11, 2005 12:50 PM

No, Gambit is one of them characters that would stick out in the crowd of mutants, and with hardcore comic fans and movie goers he would stick out like a tall white guy in Japan. But the only way he would work in the film is with a proper introduction and a lot of screen time, but Wolverine has that part already covered and its too late in the game for a proper introduction. Ayyone who has seen the first 2 movies know that the movies revolve around Wolverine's story with his chaotic and mysterious past; and everything else follows, like the other mutants and good and bad.

Now a spinn-off of a Wolverine franchise would be awsome and explain a lot, so if this 3rd film doesn't really "revolve" around him, the spin-off films will fill that void really well. And lets just hope that little bump in the road "the void" is the only thing that is slighty bothersome in this movie, because when considering the best possible outcome with all the mutants staring in this one, wow. This could be the best comic book adaption ever.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at September 11, 2005 10:36 PM

I'm pissed of gambit isnt in and also nightcrawler. Ive liked the last 2 x-men heaps and when i heard gambit might be in it i kept trying to find out if he is or not. Now that his not in its put me off X3 and the only thing that will make me excited agin is if Colossus has a big part even though they stuffed him up in the 2nd movie.

But anyways i reckon this movie wont be neraly as good as the first 2

Posted by: Cobz at September 14, 2005 07:04 AM

Yeah Cobz I too would set my hopes low for the next one.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 15, 2005 02:15 AM

Ok,guy's we all got good point's sure Gambit is'nt well known by many but neither was Blade and he did just fine in his triology.I say they should have him make a small cameo in either this movie or an up and coming one and see how the fans react to him all the hardcore x-men fans well know him instantly when they see him and so will the crowd,lets face it Gambit is a character that has a lot of depth and character to him i assure all of u that this is a character that can stand on it's own two feet if need be.Sure im upset he's not in the movie and that the entire film has been pretty much "lets turn everything upside down on them" I mean iceman is with rogue,we have yet to see jubilee besides her small cameo in the second film,and further more they waited all this time to introduce beast and angel who are 2 of the very first x-men in the comic and as we all know they have been oblivious to the gambit character he was introduced to the x-men by storm,fell in love with rouge and had all kinds of crazy stuff in his past that would even rival that of wolverines past i mean the guy was a criminal,but even if he's not in the film i still luv Gambit the boy is bad so if he get's in or not i love x-men enough to watch it anyway.

Posted by: juan at September 27, 2005 06:09 PM

Man i w as lookin forward to the new X-men movie because i thought final. Gambit and Rouge can get together but i am deeply hurt. How are they gone to put Dark Phoenix but no Gambit. This movie are moving all out of order and if you dont no how X-men suppose to be u get a false impression. And for the ones who no it is disappointing. So for the people of X-verse how are U GOING TO HAVE A MOVIE WITH OUT GAMBIT U PEOPLE SHOULD GIVE HIM HIS OWN MOVIE THE PUT HIM IN THE X-MEN MOVIE INSTEAD OF WOLVERINE BECAUSE HE’S ALREADY IN THE MOVIES.

Posted by: VON TAYLOR at October 1, 2005 07:35 PM

Just wait until X4...I'd rather Gambit be a main character than a cameo character in X3...if you gonna put Gambit in a X-movie..he gotta be a main character anything else won't do.

Posted by: mainstream at October 3, 2005 09:33 AM

alrite guys here's the deal, marvel screwed up the whole series having wolverine meet up with rouge in the first place, i mean come on they should have introduced gambit in the first one to set the bar. And to make things even worse they get beast and angel in the third one. thats just stupid. finally they take nightcrawler out of the movie which if i recall he had one of the biggest roles with the whole 2nd movie. But, this doesnt mean that you should not like x men anymore just dont set your epectations to high since the whole series is gunna get screwed up by this. dont u guys think this is right???

Posted by: big_mac at October 9, 2005 10:15 PM

Dude, this definately sucks. I remember when they were making the first X-Men and Gambit wasn't in there and I was pissed.....Well, two movies later and I'm still pissed. I wonder if Marvel is trying to fade Gambit out based on a lack of contemporary popularity. He's not in the Movies, not in the new X-Men legends 2(I think), and doesn't appear in all of the current lines of X-men in print. And even the ones he does appear in, hes not the same ol' scruffy faced, cigarette smokin, tough guy the way Lee and Claremont created him to be. In my opinion, the recent loss of popularity towards Gambit coincides w/ his character getting more soft(not always but generally speaking) and Marvel only using him for silly melo-dramas. Don't get me wrong, i LOVE the Gambit/Rogue relationship, but it isnt the only thing Gambit has to offer to the X-Men Universe. And natural athletic agility was another power that Gambit used to have but recently he seems to be pretty weak compared to alot of other mutants(check the marvel characters encyclopedia), even though hes taken Sabertooth and Wolverine in earlier years. Utimate Gambit was AWESOME, but they already killed him off. soo my conclusion, x3 would be better w/ Remy, even if he was a villian or some vagabond only after his own gain. Let's hope someone re-vitalizes an awesome character.

Posted by: T-RASH at October 10, 2005 07:36 PM

Sucks about no Gambit. I've been looking forward to seeing him in an X Men movie since the first one. But whatever, at least this way I won't have to be upset when whoever plays him ends up doing a crappy job of it...

Posted by: Jaymz at October 10, 2005 08:55 PM

Oh and just so buddy knows, Gambit is in the new X Men legends game, but the voice over for him and his lines in the game are stupid and make him sound lame....he's pretty cool to play with though

Posted by: Jaymz at October 10, 2005 08:57 PM

hey, guys, I have a brilliant idea! Lets get together a small band of marvel fanboys from across the country, and have them spy on and recruit hundreds of fans in their home towns and have the new fanboys move to other cities and do the same. Eventually, we will have enough fan boys to storm the nations banks and steal all the nations money. We will then be able to hire whatever actors we want and have whatever storylines we want as we finance our own series of fanboy sequels and spinoffs. Soon we will have "Maggot: The Worlds Most Least Known X-Man" and "Spiderman vs. Punisher vs. Blade vs. Hulk vs. Fantastic Four vs. Iron Man" Then we can use the money to buy guns and force all of the US to watch our awful movies! Bwaaa Haaa-Haaaa!

Posted by: Brian at October 11, 2005 04:13 PM

que diablos les pasa a no incluir a Gambit en esta pelicula es que acaso no piensan estos animales siempre con la misma historia estupida de wolverine ya me tienen harto con sus decisiones tontas dejense de pendejadas ny pongan a gambit

Posted by: samuel andara at October 16, 2005 05:09 PM

I did not love x-men from the comic, but from the kick-ass cartoon like many other fans too. I love x-men with my whole heart, but the movies aren’t staying true to the comic or cartoon!
I disagree that Gambit will fade in the background because of Wolverine. Am I the only one who remembers Gambits personality from comic and cartoon? Remember that cocky guy, that always flirted with Rogue, I even have a quote: Rogue “You know I can’t come in physical contact! ” Gambit “I know, but I love a challenge”. The mutant that always had something to add or say to Wolverine and wasn’t a bit intimidated to take him on.
I think it is a sin that Gambit is not included in the movies, and the people responsible will burn!! But rather no Gambit at all than an actor that doesn’t stay true to the character and his unique personality.
You say too many mutants, I say too many of the wrong mutants! Gambit was one of the main team. But it is crystal clear that the “man” doesn’t care what the true fans have too say, so I say lets stick it to the man and hope X3 isn’t such a great disappointment!
Peace out all yea X-men fans and remember stick it to the man!

Posted by: Carin Le Grange at December 4, 2005 04:04 AM

man, gambit is my favorite character and i think he shouldve been in this movie as a villian so he can kick wolverines ass and take his place in the fourth one.

Posted by: irvin rivera at December 17, 2005 10:04 PM

hey i agree with all of you!! these people are getting off from the original x-men series!! what in the hell not to have gambit!! he is a badass!!! they should have put him in the first x-men movie as a villians and them kick wolveriine ass! and then durind the end of the movie introduce him as a new x-men team member just like wolverine was in the begining!!! and then we should had two badasses in the the movie ever!! which without gambit it would suck!! is like wolverine needs gambit and gambit need wolverine!! come on the has to be someone that would always had something to say to whatever wolverine says in any movie!!! not like in the begining they wanted to do that with cyclops and wolverine!!! cyclops is too pussy they should have put gambit instead as the guy that would always piss off wolverine as their natural rivals!!!

Posted by: john michael at December 17, 2005 10:15 PM


Posted by: sarah at January 2, 2006 08:20 PM

well well well what the fuck is this, no gambit in X3 i dont believe this shit. thats it i officially hate hollywood and the stupid fucks at fox and all the assholes that decide casting and movie production and shit. you cant do this shit. killing off cyke, kicking off nighcrawler, giving ahllie berry a raise because she wont do the movie unless she gets one (stuck up bitch), whatever man, this is all just bullshit, you cant tease us with a breif glimpse of gambits name in the computer and just leave us hangin, what about the rouge/gambit/iceman love triangle what about the rajun cajun! he never gets the respect he deserves. im so dissapointed. ive seen the trailer for X3 and you know what, it looks okay. whatever. i dont need just gambit to be in it for it to be good, im just saying this is bullshit. Brett Ratner you are a joke, go direct rush hour 3.

Posted by: Frank Castle at January 6, 2006 08:30 PM

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