September 26, 2005

No Dukes of Hazzard Sequel

Also check out Rotten Tomatoes Dukes of Hazzard or FilmForce Dukes of Hazzard

Oh today is just full of good news!!! The Dukes of Hazzard SHOULD have been an EASY $120 million box office movie. They should have made that much in their sleep. However, after the Dukes of Hazzard opening weekend, word got out REALLY fast about how horrible it was... and the Box office momentum ground to a halt. The movie made about $77 million.

A few weeks back the non-actress Jessica Simpson made some comments about a sequel being in the works that would take the Dukes to London. However, the new word on the street is that the studio and other cast members aren't interested in doing another Dukes of Hazzard flick. The good folks over at Moviehole give us this:

Johnny Knoxville tells Moviehole that that's a load of garden soil. In fact, he's seemingly against a sequel. [Funnily enough, a distributor's release schedule recently emailed in, show's a "Jackass 2", due next year].

Co-star Seann William Scott tells Dark Horizons that he's not very keen on returning to Hazzard County either. "There's a lot of hateful people about that film too", laughs Scott. "It made a lot of money, which is great, but I don't think well do a sequel for it. The reviews are so bad. I think they're just psyched they made a bunch of money. They could have had they made a more conscious effort to make it funny throughout the whole film instead of just 20 minutes of funny and then a bunch of cool car stuff".

Oh yes!!!! Let sanity reign! Could this be the begining? Could this be the sign that MAYBE we are starting to send Hollywood the message that we're tired of them putting non-actors in leading roles and dishing us "Dude Where's my Car" humour? And could it be that the studios may actually be listening to us? Maybe not... but this is still the best news I've heard all day.

Posted by John Campea at September 26, 2005 11:27 AM


YES!!!!!!!!*throws arms up into air*

Posted by: Lizardfreak12 at September 26, 2005 03:34 PM

*hugs a kitten*

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at September 26, 2005 05:04 PM

Somehow someone saved the world from the apocalypse.

Posted by: Meli at September 26, 2005 05:34 PM

The best thing about this, is that now Jessica Simpson will be free to play Harley Quinn in Batman Begins 2, a role she is perfect for in a movie that really deserves her.

Posted by: BatMarvel at September 26, 2005 06:49 PM

Ummm... hey BatMarvel,

PLEASE tell me you're just joking about Jesica "Non-Actress" Simpson. You don't REALLY think she should be in Batman do you?

Posted by: John Campea at September 26, 2005 06:59 PM

BarMarvel - your words make me cringe with pain.

Casting Jessica Simpson as Harley would be THE worst decision Warner Bros. could possibly make. Besides, they didn't like Katie Holmes performance in Batman Begins, so what on earth makes you think they would consider casting Jessica Simpson? Trust me, it would single handedly kill the franchise - again!

I sincerely hope you are joking just to see the reactions.

Posted by: Meli at September 26, 2005 07:37 PM

I think it's pretty obvious that if the two leads won't come back, the sequel will feature the characters of Coy and Vance, who filled in for the main characters when the actors went on strike during the actual show.

It's a good way to keep the franchise alive and also they can wink and nod at the original series, since they'll be doing exactly what had to be done back then. Except this time there'll be a lot of dumb in jokes about how strange it is that the Dukes have two cousins who look just like them, etc.

Sadly the actors have absolutely no say in the future of the Dukes of Hazard franchise. All they can say is that that they won't star in a sequel. They can't say there won't be one. And trust me, there WILL be one. With or without them, the movie made enough money to warrant a follow up. It's a bad idea- but it will happen. And frankly I bet the original stars sign up. When the offers go out and the money is too good to pass up, those guys will suddenly start saying how much they love the franchise and how they always planned to be part of a sequel.

Never underestimate the power of the paycheck.

Posted by: snaithbert at September 26, 2005 09:26 PM

Hey there Snaithbert,

I appreciate what you're saying... but $77 million is NOT enough to ensure a sequel... especially when the reveiws and reaction to the film were so negative (ensuring that a sequel will make even LESS money).

Yeah, if the movie made like $120 million, I'd agree that no matter how bad it was it would get another one. But $77 just isn't enough to do that. Just my two cents worth.



Posted by: John Campea at September 26, 2005 09:34 PM

As an athiest I'd never thought I'd ever be saying this:

"There is a God !"

Posted by: Webbie at September 27, 2005 12:29 AM

John, I swear you live in a dream world. One of the reasons it made a huge amount in the opening weekend was the publicity drummed up by THAT video, and the cross-gender appeal that the cast, Simpson very much included, brought. That's just the way it works.

And I can't get my head around your loathing of musicians-turned-actors. Did one wrong you in a past life? Sure, there are some bad ones out there, but Ashton Kutcher and many other terrible actors have no musical background. There's a difference between movie stars and actors.

Posted by: Tom Whitaker at September 27, 2005 04:42 AM

jessica simpson will be wonder woman.
fear it.

the other night on his t.v. show, jimmie kimmel called johnny knoxville "america's actor".

when did that happen??

Posted by: bond, james bond at September 27, 2005 06:42 AM

John, I think these people are winding you up, they know you loathe most singers turned actors, and this is what they are giving you with these comments.

Leave John alone!!!

Meli, how are ya girl?

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 27, 2005 08:15 AM

Well John, you may be right.

But I have a horrible feeling that when they tally up international box office, DVD sales, overseas DVD sales and god knows what else- someone at the studio will decide it's a good idea to make a part 2.

Most likely with less expensive actors and a drastically reduced budget, etc.

But the film made money and in my experience these studio types just don't walk away from that. Unless a film is a total and unmitigated flop, it seems like a sequel is always possible.

And actually sometimes even total flops get sequels as well.

If they smell money, even direct to video money, you can bet there will be a part 2. Or 3, or 4, etc.

What's really scary is that part 1 was so bad- they have nowhere to go but up.

Posted by: snaithbert at September 27, 2005 12:42 PM

Case in point, just found the following at

And Nero fiddled, as Rome burned...

Slew of direct-to-disc sequels coming
Posted on Tue, 27-Sep-2005

Seems unleashing seconds to disc is still a pretty fat trend. According to USA Today, some high-profile sequels are going to be skipping the hard-top and going straight to the video shelf next year.

On Nov. 11, "8mm2", a sequel to the 1999 snuff-movie thriller that starred Nicolas Cage, arrives.

The film, according to Arrow in the Head, stars Johnathan Schaech [the forthcoming "Roadhouse 2"] and Lori Heuring.

And in 2006, a sequel to the 1994 bull-riding movie "8 Seconds" is due, as is a sequel to the 2004 thriller "The Butterfly Effect", and a fifth "House Party", the second sequel to the urban comedy to go direct to DVD, says the publication.

Posted by: snaithbert at September 27, 2005 12:49 PM

Simpson:"Where in Texas is London, never heard of it?"

Posted by: hi at September 27, 2005 02:15 PM

The movie Gods smile upon us this day!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Kaneda at September 27, 2005 06:24 PM