September 08, 2005

New Superman pictures

As John said, we don't have the time to write up all the stories we find, and on my Bloglines list (you should see it on my site) I carry 119 sites! Not all movies of course, but a fair whack are. So I didn't get round to posting this one and I was surprised no one else has picked it up.

Egotastic is carrying some new photos from Superman Returns. There's a cool pick of Lex (smaller pictured here), a new one of Supes taking a walk in the woods, Clark and team standing around looking at something off camera, and poor Supes having a wee snooze in his crystal bed.

They're pretty good, although I'm still unconvinced by Brandon Routh in the role, he still doesn't look the part, and I am not comparing him to Reeves I am thinking what I expect Superman to look like. Perhaps with Post Production it will be better...we shall see. However Kevin Spacey looks superb. Mind you, he looks superb on screen full stop, but with that bald head (yeah!) and mean stare...

More excited? Less?

Posted by Richard Brunton at September 8, 2005 03:59 AM


I'm extremely excited!

I love Kevin Spacey. I am sure he will be fab as Luthor.

Posted by: Simone at September 8, 2005 06:27 AM

I have to agree with you Richard. Spacey looks spot-on as Lex. Great casting indeed, but there are so many things which worry me about this film. The suit looks wrong (too dark and what's with the tiny 'S'??)
Plus, Routh looks about the same age as Tom Welling, who is supposed to be a younger Clark? I imagine Superman in his mid-thirties for a film like this, especially if he has been missing from earth for a number of years. Not very well thought through I think...time will tell but I can't wait to see it.

Posted by: Shinra78 at September 8, 2005 07:24 AM

That's not Supes in the crystal bed, it's Bryan Singer :)

Posted by: 1 at September 8, 2005 08:12 AM

Those new Superman Returns pics are actually from Latino Review. The Ego guy must have taken them without properly crediting LR. If you don't know, LR has an almost exclusive "in" with the that particular studio, which is why he gets almost everything from them first.

Posted by: Nix at September 8, 2005 12:26 PM

Also, that's not Superman in the woods, it's him in the Fortress of Solitude! It just looks like he's been away for a long time...

Posted by: trysop at September 8, 2005 01:37 PM

lex looks class

that does appear to be bryan singer thats what i thought

to be superficial : the suit looks wrong the s i far too small and the neck line way too high he's being choked by the cape , i don't think the neck thing would be as noticeable if the crest were bigger

also lookin close at the shape of the boots am i the only one who thinks there is a significant lift in the heel. are they trying to put him above the other characters?

all that is superficial i like the look of routh and heres hoping singer does something worthwhile with 250 million dollars

Posted by: aidan at September 8, 2005 03:40 PM

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