September 26, 2005


ccnt_Trade_cover.jpgVariety reports that Ted Naifeh's comic Courtney Crumrin and the Night Things is set to be adapted into a major motion picture.

Courtney Crumrin is a yong girl who's parents are obsessed with money and their social rank. The family moves into the home of their rich uncle, Professor Aloysius Crumrin. Old man Crumrin's huge Victorian mansion is par for the course in the well-to-do neighborhood of Hillsborough. However, as Courtney soon discovers, Uncle Aloysius has a sinister reputation throughout the district, and his home is shrouded in dark rumor. And while this new arrangement allows the greedy Mr. and Mrs. Crumrin a much-desired boost in social status, Courtney feels as though she's landed in a nightmare. Her new school is filled with spoiled rich brats just as shallow and selfish as her parents. She quickly finds herself an outcast. And if that weren't bad enough, the moldering old mansion seems to house even stranger creatures than Mom and Dad or Uncle Aloysius.
I love comic book movies as much as the next geek but one thing I like even more is when a small circulated comic gets the greenlight for the big screen. The story doesn't carry as much hub-bub and comic book movie stereotypes, plus fans who are familiar with the characters can have a more intimate experience with the film. "The Night Things" is one of those comics, a modern Grimms fairy tail of sorts, sweet and fun with just enough darkness to creep you out a bit.

The only information we have at this time is that Graham Tallman is set to write the script, and we will probably see a 2007 release date announced within the next few months. This has the potential of being something special.

They crawl about the dark corridors, just out of sight. They crunch bones in the corner. And sometimes they'll climb up on the bed and watch Courtney while she sleeps. Mom and Dad don't notice them, but Uncle Aloysius knows all about them. He calls them "the Night Things."

Posted by Brad Shipston at September 26, 2005 09:03 AM


From the looks of it, this has the makings of a potentially frightful delight of a movie, just like "The Corpse Bride" or some other Tim Burton epic. He should be the one to shoot it. Not having read the comics myself, I hope that the movie can fill us non-readers in on the action.

Posted by: Brandon at September 29, 2005 08:23 AM