September 28, 2005

More Spike Movie Talk

The other day Richard posted a story about a potential Spike (a vampire character from Buffy the vampire slayer and Angel TV shows) movie (see the post here). Since I loved the Angel TV show I'd be interested in this... although I'd rather see an actual Angel movie with Spike in it. But oh well...

At any rate, Joss Whedon has shed some more light on the topic by coming right out and saying the wheels are indeed in motion. The good folks over at MovieHole give us this:

Things stand that all of the art guys — the people who would be involved artistically — have been trading phone calls going, "Wouldn't this be cool? Wouldn't this be cool?" We don't have a paradigm set up yet. We don't have anything solid to announce. I'm just making sure that the creative people I need are in place before I set up a whole deal and then James Marsters goes, "Gosh, you know? That's kind of behind me now." Or [if] I don't have a writer I can trust, because I don't have time to do it all myself; I need one of my peeps. And there's no greater peep for something like this than Mr. [Tim] Minear. I'm optimistic that I will actually have something to say in the near future, but at this point it's still me and my buddies going, "Wouldn't it be cool?"
To me that sounds pretty conclusive that a Spike film is in the near future. In the interview Joss mentions a few other former cast names that would appear in the project... saddly David Boreanaz (Angel) wasn't one of them. Oh well.

Posted by John Campea at September 28, 2005 10:39 AM


How about a Faith movie, or Faith TV series? Eliza Dushku's had a tough time post-Buffy, so this could give her career a boost.

Posted by: jack at September 28, 2005 08:24 PM

I so hope they make a movie....
i´ve been a big fan of ANGEl...but almost quit watching the show during the 4th season, but knowing that spike woulde be in season 5, made me watch it anyway...and what a season...(just watch the last episode a few weeks ago...we are a bit behind over here)
I´ve never been s buffy fan, but now i´m think of byning the series, and all because of spike...
James is an amazing actor and Joss is a... well he´s briliant!

Posted by: Christine at October 10, 2005 07:18 PM