September 28, 2005

Mallrats 10th Anniversary DVD Release Party & Interviews

Courtesy of IESB's The Movie Reporter we have the scoop on what went down at the Mallrats 10th Anniversary DVD release and signing, which was held at Secret Stash West in Los Angeles. Among the personalities who attended were Kevin Smith, Jason Mewes, Scott Mosier and Jason Lee -who showed up late-.

The Movie Reporter also has published a series of video interviews which can be viewed using Windows Media Player. Kevin's interview covers a few interesting topics. He discusses the new store in LA, his weight and work in Vancouver Canada, Southland Tails, The Passion of the Clerks, and how he washed his hands of directing the The Green Hornet.

This was a shocker. Kevin replies to a question on the Green Hornet project stating that he has handed in his script work but will not be directing the film. He actually says he is not talented enough to direct a project of this type. I find this hard to believe. I am a big fan of Kevin Smith's talents and I think any project that has a comic book origin would be perfect for this man. Kevin has written Daredevil and Black Cat books and has an extensive knowledge of this style of story. Perhaps he is just being humble and truly didn't want to deal with the bull shit.

Check out the video interviews and let us know what your thoughts are.

Posted by Brad Shipston at September 28, 2005 09:38 AM


You know, I said I wasn't going to read any more of Brad's posts, but like a horrible car crash, this one drew me back in. Once again, Brad screws something up. Green Hornet does NOT have a "comic book origin." The Green Hornet was originally a radio serial, THEN a comic book, then a TV series. Get it straight, Brad.

Posted by: JoJo at September 28, 2005 10:43 AM

As much as I like Smith, maybe he really isn't good enough to do a movie like Green Hornet. He is great at comedy, but action is a whole different bag. Maybe he's intimidated by it and wants to do the comic justice by not ruining it?

Posted by: Pudie at September 28, 2005 11:23 AM

Sorry about that JoJo, I wasn't much for the radio series -a bit before my time-. I am completly familiar with the old TV series, but I do admit, I thought it all spawned from the comic.

In any event, I figured I should place a few errors in my posts, because if I didn't, you wouldn't have anything to complain about.

Mea culpa, mea culpa.

Posted by: Brad Shipston at September 28, 2005 12:09 PM

Have you seen what Kevin Smith has directed? His movies are primarily fueled by comedic dialogue and that alone. Mallrats attempted a leap into an action-comedy, but it blew ass. jay And Silent Bob Strike Back was funny, but all of the action scenes int hat film were cheesy and slapsticky (on purpose, of course). Damn it, Brad. Taking some poetic license from the director you love: Fuck Brad Shimpton and Richard Brunton. Fuck them in their stupid asses.

I love you, John Campea.

Posted by: Alec Holland at September 28, 2005 01:38 PM

Kevin Smith appeals to a narrow base of fans. I am not part of that base.

Posted by: Lou_Sytsma at September 28, 2005 03:54 PM

Since we are all pointing out mistakes, may I point out that it's Southland Tales, and not Tails?

Posted by: PlutoNick at September 28, 2005 06:04 PM

Since we are pointing out mistakes, I would like to correct something posted by "Alec Holland":

You made a typo when your tried to spell "kicked ass." Not blew ass, kicked ass.

But anyway about the comic blah blah whatever debate going on, as the genius Brodie once said, "You fuckers think just because a guy reads comics he can't start some shit?"

Posted by: Ryan at September 29, 2005 10:35 AM