September 15, 2005

Madagascar 2

Madagascar. The first 3D animated movie that I ever trully hated. This movie was junk from top to bottom. Horrible story, painful script, mediocre animation, annoying voice acting. There was very little (maybe the penguins) that was redeemable about this wreck of a movie.

Now, word is out that Madagascar 2 is going to be put into production. The good folks over at Dark Horizons give us this:

DreamWorks has announced that the studio will produce a sequel to the computer-animated comedy "Madagascar" Katzenberg also announced that Ben Stiller and Chris Rock will be reprising their roles and is "looking forward" to other original cast members returning to their roles.
Here's the thing. As much as I hated Madagascar, I can understand why the studio wants to make another one. The first film (as bad as it was) made over $500 million workd wide. That's a lot of coin my friends. So who on earth wouldn't do another one if the first one made that kind of cash? I would.

Right now they're saying a 2008 release date is the target. I won't even bother seeing this one when it comes out.

Posted by John Campea at September 15, 2005 12:52 PM


Wow you hated Madagascar. I thought it was ok. Not on Pixars level(obviously), but also not bad. It had it moments like the penguins and the little fuzzy creatures.

Posted by: Pudie at September 15, 2005 01:54 PM

I got into an early screening of Madagascar and it was the biggest mess I ever saw. The movie wasn't finished so about 20% had the full graphics completed. The rest were cheesy computer graphics where you hear the voices and the images had no faces but bounced up and down. Until finally the last 20 minutes or so were actual pencil sketches! By then they didn't even have the actors voices and other stand-in actors were reading the parts.

It was ridiculous! Then they had us fill out a survey and I wrote "what am I supposed to review, there was no movie!"

I'm glad to hear that I'm not missing anything by refusing to see the finished product.

Posted by: Sybil at September 15, 2005 05:03 PM

MADAGASCAR was horrible. I can't imagine the sequel being any better.

Posted by: Edward Lee at September 15, 2005 08:43 PM

I think you guys are being pretty harsh. As Pudie said, it aint no Pizar, but it certainly aint no Sharks Tale. The Penguins and the Monkeys were ace! I'd catch the sequel.

Posted by: johnnyjetlag at September 15, 2005 08:48 PM

Hey! All of you who pretend to hate the movie madagascar, you just don't know how studpid you are. you're just jalous that a movie carrying the name of a poor country made a great success in the world's movie history. I'm from Madagscar and I'm soooo proud of the movie. U say you hated the movie, the majority of the world hate you too. SUCKERS!!!!!!

Posted by: lil-buddy at September 17, 2005 05:29 PM

Hmmm I really liked it. I liked it more than say .... Bugs Life.

Posted by: Robert Merritt at September 19, 2005 10:38 AM

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