September 05, 2005

John Reviews The Transporter 2

John_Transporter2.jpgI was not a big fan of The Transporter, but for some reasons I've found myself really looking forward to The Transporter 2. Probably much better marketing this time around. Snagging my demographic isn't really all that hard. Show some amazing stunts, lots of fights with decent martial arts, and finally add in a hot chick with guns in her hands and you can pretty much guarantee a huge male audience will show up to see your film. The ad campaign did just that, and sure enough there I was in the theater.


Jason Statham is going to be a MAJOR action superstar. This guy just bleeds cool. He's a sharp looking dude with a killer accent and has "mean SOB" written all over his face. Great martial arts moves and a fantastic build make him a shoe in for the action genre. Oh yeah, it doesn't hurt that the guy is a very talented actor too (Damn, just see him in Snatch).

Most of the action sequences were everything I hoped they would be. And unlike the popular trend of shaking camera... The Transporter 2 holds the camera and shot still long enough so that we (the audience) can actually see what's going on in a fight scene. Bravo!

The car chases were fantastic. So many films have car chases that it's hard to care about them much... they all just seem the same. But the ones in this film really jumped out at me. Yeah... some of it was WAY over the top (which I'll talk about below), but they were at least entertaining.


The dialog. Oh man the dialog in this film was just horrible! I lost count of how many times I laughed (not good laughs) at the truly horrendous lines that were coming out of the characters mouths. Trust me... if you see this movie, just look for this one: "Thank you. For the understanding... for the respect". AARRGGHHHH... it was soooo bad.

Although much of the action was wonderful... sometimes is just went way to far over the top. When an action stunt or effect is too unbelievable, it looses it's effect. Yes, most stunts in movies are not humanly possible... BUT... if they are at least imaginable then they can still awe us. But when a stunt is done that leaves us thinking "Oh give me a break", then it has no effect and just makes the movie look silly.


An almost equal amount of strengths and weaknesses. The movie had it's fun moments... and painful moments. Still, if you like action films you probably won't mind seeing this on a Saturday afternoon sometime. I give The Transporter 2 a 6/10.

Posted by John Campea at September 5, 2005 10:36 AM


The dialog couldnt be worse than the original. The asian chick who didnt speak englis and had to pronounce every word phonetically was brutal.

Anyway, I loved Jason Statham since Lock Stock, and he SHOULD be the next Bruce Willis. But i dont know if he'll get his chance. Im still feeling he's the best guy to play Hitman since he looks the part but as we've seen in italian job and the one then hollywood doesn't know what to do with him.

Posted by: Anonymouse at September 5, 2005 12:17 PM

u made a template with your picture in it? buy a mirror.

Posted by: crabbedapple at September 5, 2005 01:41 PM

I like the movie a lot but also had many problems with it. It was dissapointing in the end. It could have been so much more. I agree the dialogue was poor and I think the story was bad. The story was too simple for the time they spent on it and slowed down the film at times. I think the subplot of the wife hitting on Statham was unnecessary and the film stopped dead when she went to his house.
Yes, some of the stunts were so unbeleivable they made me laugh.
And what is up with that ending?!! once again we get no great fight scene. The only problem I had with the first movie is that there was no martial arts fight scene with the villain. once, again we get no end fight. The whole airplane scene was just bad!!! The fight on the plane sucked and the ending sucked!!! The moment the plane actually hits the water, there is no reaction to it inside the plane. They don't even notice they have hit water until it comes inside the plane!!!

Posted by: jason presti at September 6, 2005 09:22 AM

Unlike most actors every interview I read with Statham makes me like him more. I haven't seen this movie yet, I was not a fan of the first, not his fault just the film. I thought the sequel was a bit of a joke but your all saying decent things about it so I might. As for the star though, the guy has charisma and it show in his interviews. I never could have seen him playing Bond but the more I see and read of him, well who knows. He might just be a good Bond. Maybe a Bond movie with him starring and Guy Richie directing. That may be a decent Bond movie.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 6, 2005 06:41 PM

I liked this movie. It's exactly what it needed to be--silly, fun--though there were moments when I feared we were heading into the land of the Pacifier. Here's a link to my review:

Posted by: Christopher Smith at September 10, 2005 08:13 PM

LOL This movie sucked big time. the car was cool. dude is cool, movie and story line sucked... I give it a 2/100 cheeeeze Only ment to make money. they made the poster before they made the movie if you know what I mean. the plane crash I peed a little. planes almost in space and hits water at 700 mph, and only brakes glass and a little section of tale. lol.... and the dudes on the inside do not move?

SUCKED!!!! But thats just me.

Posted by: Tony at October 19, 2005 11:37 AM