September 23, 2005

Jessica Alba is up for Fantastic Four 2

No doubt Jessica Alba is easy on the eyes. The tight body suit she wore in Fantastic Four wasn't bad either. But did anyone really think she was essential to the movie? I don't think so.

A few weeks ago some rumours started floating around the web that Alba has decided not to do a Fantastic Four 2 instead deciding to shoot another project that would conflict with the shooting times of Fantastic Four 2. Well... those rumours aren't true for a couple of reasons:

1) Alba is signed on for 3 Fantastic Four films (that doesn't mean there WILL be 3 Fantastic Four movies... Just that Alba is contractually obligated to appear in them if she is so called upon.

2) As of right now no firm plans or shooting schedules for Fantastic Four 2 have been set. So how could another film's shoot schedule conflict with it?

Make no mistake, there will be a Fantastic Four 2, and Alba will be in it. whether that's a good or bad thing I'll leave up to you.

Posted by John Campea at September 23, 2005 12:15 PM


Not a big fan of Miss Alba but I thought she didnt do too bad in FF.

John, what did you mean exactly with this statement you made, "Alba is signed on for 3 Fantastic Four films (that doesn't mean there WILL be 3 Fantastic Four movies...)" Cause you also said the same thing about another post regarding casting in Batman Begins.

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 23, 2005 01:26 PM

A contract for a certain number of movies doesnt necesarily mean there will be that that sounds stupid, I know...but Star Wars was contracted for 9 movies and Lucas already said he wasnt doing anymore...not that that is a bad thing considering how awful all the prequels were. I think Alba's role in FF was pretty cheesy and dull just as it was in Sin City...sure she is absolutely beautiful, but she is not right for the roles she has been starring in. The other movie she is in looks more her style (sorry...I forgot what it was called!!) She is not versatile enough...she is used because of her looks, not her acting ability. The only reason FF did well was because of Michael Chiklis's performance...he was outstanding. Personally, I thought the movie too childish and focused to much on the stupid love story...which is the down fall of all these types of movies...all we need to see is destruction and ass kicking heroes saving the day...not a sappy love story.

Posted by: MechoPower at September 23, 2005 01:36 PM

i like alba fine, just not her face.

she has a great body though.

but she looks like she is missing half a chromosone, her face is all smooth and she almost has downs syndrome but not she has...half downs syndrome.

Posted by: miles at September 23, 2005 01:41 PM

Hey Simone.

What I mean is that THE ACTOR signs a contract with THE STUDIO. In this case, the contract spells out that IF THE STUDIO decides to make parts 2 or 3 (or however many), then THE ACTOR agrees to appear in them.

Notive this doesn't obligate THE STUDIO to actually make these movies. But if they do make them, THE ACTOR has already agreed (and contracted) to appear in them IF THE STUDIO requests them too.

Hope that helps.


Posted by: John Campea at September 23, 2005 01:45 PM

Ahhhhhh....that's so much better, I can never understand this signing on stuff until youve clearly explained it.

Cheers! ;-)

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 23, 2005 01:48 PM

John I have to agree with your assessment of Alba. She is highly attractive but so far her acting ability has not been steller. I have not seen any range in any of her roles. I sure do enjoy when she is posing in Maxim but I don't care when she is in a movie. I also agree about FF but my fiance' liked it. I guess its nice to make a super hero movie that the romantic laden ladies enjoy once in a while, just leave us guys our Batman.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 23, 2005 02:20 PM

Hello. I do like Alba, I think she did quite well as Sue Storm. And also, I'm very happy shes returning, I dont really like when movies change actors in the sequels, while still using the same characters, dont know why, just dont, lol.

Posted by: Joey at September 23, 2005 05:47 PM

Alba cannot act. However, her lack of ability didn't hinder the success of FANTASTIC FOUR. I welcome her back to the role.

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