September 19, 2005

Jackie Chan Moving Away From Action Films

Jackie Chan can actually act. That seems to be a secret that Asian film fans have known about while we here in North America have been treated to nothing but Jackie Chan the action clown/hero. It never ceases to amaze me how badly Hollywood has misused Asian stars. Oh well.

Now it seems that Jackie is turning away from the action genre and more towards actual acting. The two main things he attributes this to are:

1) He understands he is 51 years old now and just can't keep up the sort of insane action type roles we've come accustomed to seeing him in. Broken bones seems to heal slower the older you get.

2) Jackie wants to be remembered as an actor.. not an action star. And to that end he wants to be an actor well into his seventies and still doing significant roles like Robert De Niro or Dustin Hoffman. One great quote I read from his was "I'm and actor who can fight... not a fighter who can act. I admire the man for that.

Posted by John Campea at September 19, 2005 09:51 AM


Um, no, Jackie Chan CAN'T act. Have you seen him "acting" in New Police Story? Jackie Chan's idea of "acting" is to over exagerrate everything because that's his frame of reference -- Buster Keaton movies and flailing his hand about when he hits someone. If you call that "acting", then I don't know, maybe you shouldn't review movies...

Posted by: Nix at September 19, 2005 01:15 PM

two words:



Posted by: bond, james bond at September 19, 2005 07:29 PM

hello john, I'm an asian, and it's a known fact, even in Hong Kong, that Jacky Chan can't act :) There are far greater actors from HK, like Tony Leung and Chow Yuen Fatt. That doesn't stop him from trying though :)

Posted by: killarkai at September 20, 2005 12:34 AM

Jackichan should be concentrate action films like Drunken Master 2,Who am i,Police story & so many old films. Millions of people they like to watch Jackiechan'c so many new action star like TONY JAA.His fights are very dangerous & he follow jackiechan risky fight.plz jackie u concentrate more fight seqoence.bye.

Posted by: G.Karthikeyan at October 5, 2005 05:39 AM