September 08, 2005

Introducing Brad Shipston to The Movie Blog

BradS.jpgHey there Movie Bloggers, I'm Brad Shipston, the new personality of the Movie Blog. After months of begging, groveling, harassment and that small restraining order from John's family, the gang here at The Movie Blog has asked me to contribute. That's right, The Movie Blog is growing, and I'm proud to be the American opinionater. A Yankee writer hailing from Buffalo N.Y. Much like Martin Tupper -and if you got that reference you're gonna love me- I was raised infront of the TV. As a result I have grown to be an avid "Movie Dork" spitting out movie lines and claiming them as my own, making me a fine candidate to take on the responsibility of providing fresh intellectual film conversation and editorial. How could I turn down the glitz, the glamour, the exposure, the money and women of plenty which surround the stable of talent here at The Movie Blog. So sit back, relax, bookmark this site and join in on the fun, because The Movie Blog is going to continue to be the number one place for film enthusiasts.

Posted by Brad Shipston at September 8, 2005 07:30 AM


Welcome, Brad! Great to have you here on TMB.

Posted by: Lilly (formerly John Campea's part-time fiance) at September 8, 2005 09:29 AM

Who the hell are you and how did you get on my website????

Posted by: John Campea at September 8, 2005 10:11 AM

Intruder alert, intruder alert!!!

Brad says, "After months of begging, groveling, harassment and that small restraining order from John's family, the gang here at The Movie Blog has asked me to contribute

Brad, John actually did all that???? LOL

Anyway, welcome!

Posted by: Simone at September 8, 2005 10:22 AM

Simmone, no actually I was the one doing the begging, groveling and harassment.

Posted by: Brad at September 8, 2005 10:30 AM

Welcome, Brad. I'm glad that the number of news posted has increased thanks to you, and I hope that the Movie Blog will continue to grow.

Posted by: T-Jax at September 8, 2005 10:50 AM

I first saw this post when the my clock said '9:11'

omg terrortist!

..That was lame.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at September 8, 2005 09:12 PM

Lets really talk movies. The only good ones are the old ones. A good movie is so hard to come by. I don't care who it stars because a great movie needs a great director. Ghostbusters, Back to the future, Aliens... Great movies from great directors. Sitting in front of a T.V. your whole life does't make your a movie buff it makes you a couch potato. Watch movies for what they are. And keep looking for what I have to say about movies. Im the best. Speaking of great movies Comments about well lets say Days of Thunder "Im dropping the hammer Harry" Great line.

Jack the cat

Posted by: Jack the Cat at September 23, 2005 03:12 PM

You've been quiet lately Brad, where are you?

Posted by: Simone at October 16, 2005 08:12 PM

Go Brad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Lisa Cooke at October 27, 2005 07:56 PM