September 06, 2005

In Her Shoes

InHerShoesPoster.jpgAlright... confession time. As you know, I'm pretty much a sucker for all things comic or sci-fi. But believe it or not, my film interests do go far beyond that. Take for instance In Her Shoes.

"I'm sorry John... did you just say you're interested in In Her Shoes"? Yes... yes I did. Why? Well, maybe because it's looks like a real story. There are no terrorist threats, no asteroid hurling towards the earth, no madman looking to unleash a new virus on the world to which only he holds the antidote. Just a good honest story about people in a complicated family situation (are there any non-complicated family situations out there?

For those of you who may not know anything about In Her Shoes, here the synopsis:

The Feller sisters are equal but opposite. Maggie (Cameron Diaz) is the good-looking, dyslexic little sister who knows how to get anything she wants--but not how to keep it. Rose (Toni Collette), an accomplished attorney, is the practical, responsible older sister who knows about law but not much about her own happiness. When Maggie's latest eviction lands her in Rose's apartment, and Maggie sleeps with Rose's boyfriend, what follows is a chain of events both hilarious and heartbreaking.
There are a couple of other appealing elements to this project for me. First of all is Toni Collette. I loved her in About A Boy and Changing Lanes. Her characters are usually smaller ones... but always complicated and challenging ones to play.

Also, up to this point I've liked almost everything Curtis Hanson has directed (aside from the abysmal 8 Mile). So yeah, overall In Her Shoes ranks pretty high on my "Can't wait to see it" list. You may begin mocking me in the comments section below. Oh, and if you're interested in seeing the trailer you can go here.

Posted by John Campea at September 6, 2005 10:59 AM


Well I'm cautiously looking forward to Domino, so that deprives me of my mocking rights. :p I'll just quote my thoughts on the trailer that I had posted on my blog a couple of months ago.

"In Her Shoes" starring Cameron Diaz and some other people: I am guessing that this movie is supposed to show us that Cameron Diaz can act, but it reminded me of the Weather Man trailer; it's a mediocre movie that strives for depth but comes up with Diaz (Nicholas Cage [in the case of "Weatherman"]) instead. Maggie (Diaz) is (presented as) a hot, lazy, selfish parasite currently feeding off her plain, practical, responsible sister, Rose (Toni Collette). Maggie goes one step too far-the step hinted at when she greeted Rose's date in a silk shirt and thong-and is kicked out. Ever the plucky survivor she discovers her long lost grandmother who lives in a retirement home in Florida and latches on to her. Naturally she finds herself, becomes less self-absorbed, mends the proverbial bridges, and wears less and less make-up, becoming plainer and plainer before our very eyes. Maybe she evens gain a bit of weight. There's nothing like fatter thighs to make one feel perfectly charitable."

Posted by: Arethusa at September 6, 2005 03:20 PM

Arethusa, I couldn't agree with you more. The only reason I would go see this movie because of Toni Collette, but most likely I will wait for DVD and rent it for super cheap.

Posted by: Meli at September 7, 2005 04:25 PM

Very enjoyable. Cameron Diaz was good, but Toni Collete "made" the movie with a great performance. Definite theatre quality. I may even see it again when it comes out on DVD!

Posted by: Erica at October 12, 2005 11:50 AM