September 23, 2005

Hugh Jackman Wins James Bond Poll

Hugh Jackman would make a VERY good James Bond. There is just no downside to the idea of Wolverine also taking on the mantle of 007 with a license to kill (just think about that... imagine you had a license to kill. Oh the power.)

Online movie rental giant Netflix recent held an online poll for their subscribers asking who they thought should be the next James Bond. Out of all the contestants, the voting results were as follows:

1) Hugh Jackman 26%
2) Clive Owen 21%
3) Ewan McGregor 16%
4) Jude Law 14%
5) Orlando Bloom 6%

The only surprise on that list is the fact that Orlando Bloom was even on it. Even more surprising is that he actually got 6% of the vote. The guy has the potential to be a decent actor... but who in their right mind actually thinks he would make a good James Bond???

Posted by John Campea at September 23, 2005 12:12 PM



Posted by: Pudie at September 23, 2005 01:39 PM

LOL @ Pudie.

Def not me! I would vote for Clive Owen, or Daniel Craig. ;-)

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 23, 2005 02:07 PM

There are alot of people hoping for Jonathan Ryes Meyers and I for one am glad he is not on the list. I thought maybe I was missing something so I checked out his fan websites and I still don't see it. He looks too sensitive. I like the idea of a man's man playing Bond like Jackman or Clive Owen. I have been reading the original books for the past couple of years and Bond is definately manly. I don't know that even Jude Law has the machismo for the role. Ewan is a good enough actor to pull it off. I am still seeing the best actor for Bond would be Gerad Butler, talented actor and charisma with machismo to spare. I am just glad that they didn't put Ryes Myers on the list.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 23, 2005 02:14 PM

Yeah I love Gerard Butler crackerjack. *swoons*

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 23, 2005 05:10 PM

Simone, thank you for swooning for me but we are talking about James Bond here.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 23, 2005 06:36 PM

That was for both you and Mr. Butler, now stop grinning, you! LOL

Posted by: Simoné at September 23, 2005 06:58 PM

How did you know I was grinning, can you see me?

Posted by: crackerjack at September 23, 2005 07:02 PM

Jonathan Rhys meyers should be Bond. He played Elvis Presley amd that charector is not sensitive. lol Young people want a young hot cocky stylish fun to look at BOND. Go to JRMfansfrozenwithin to see the young peoples pick. Look at the Elvis pics WOAW lol have fun ladies.

Posted by: Liberty at September 23, 2005 09:13 PM

Oh ya and older people want all these old charector but the BOND is suppost to be 28 for Casino Royale Jonathan Rhys Meyers is that age too.

Posted by: Liberty at September 23, 2005 09:14 PM

I like Johnathan Rhys Meyers as BOnd what a good choice. He turned into the KING Elvis Presley. AMAZING. This guys is such a little bad ass perfect for Casino Royale.

Posted by: Liberty at September 23, 2005 09:17 PM

Dammit i wanted clive owen! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Posted by: Marla Singer at September 24, 2005 02:28 AM

Crackerjack, why did you admit it???? LOL

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 24, 2005 02:43 AM

I just went to Jonathan Rhys Myers site JRMfans.frozenwithin to see his Elvis pictures from playing Elvis and he is the spitting image of Presley. This guy seems to be a camillian I think if he can be the perfect King of rock and roll then he can be 007. Plus he is British done 30 something movies and is esxactly the right age. These guys on the list besides Bloom are all too old for Casino Royale and Bloom is to wimpy,

Posted by: Melissa and Regan at September 24, 2005 04:28 PM

Whats up all these guys on the list are OLD. Either they dont cast at all for Bond or they pic the perfect person! Ill be upset if they get it wrong. Im a huge Bond fan and BOnd should be on fire sexy and on the edge. Brosnan was the most boring Bond for younger people.

Posted by: Janny at September 24, 2005 04:34 PM

Please, no more Bond stories ... this is unbelievably tedious - it's Clive Owen! It's the guy from Prime Suspect! It's a 10-year-old Bond with a slingshot and a rubber band! It's Pierce! It's not Pierce! Pierce says he doesn't care and the Broccolis hate him! Pierce says it's him again! Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Posted by: Brakhage at September 24, 2005 07:38 PM

Oh come on Brakhage, the topic of who might be the next Bond is more interesting than the last three Bond movies put together. As for everyone voting for JRM, read the Bond books. The originals by Flemming. Bond has a history to uphold, its not just another movie to entertain the youth while they get fat on popcorn. If all you care about is action and good looking people go see the new movie with Paul Walker and Jessica Alba. I highly recomend people try reading books once in a while, the Bond character is not some young handsome model type guy who looks like he might cry if someone yells at him. I have been to the Meyers sites you recomend and the guy may be talented but he looks fragile. He is not Bond material.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 25, 2005 01:23 PM

WEll I dont think its true that young people just want a hot BOND. But we do want someone to look at and be impressed by. Jonathan Rhys Meyers is good for Bond because he is british and a very talented actor and the new Bond has to be 28, JRMs age, and not quite a man yet. Its Casino Royale about how Bond got to be a killer and the spy he ends up to be. The charector should be full of emotion. Killer spys dont get that way with no termiol. I also dont appriciate people think young adults are these sloppy kids with no minds.

Posted by: micheal at September 26, 2005 12:11 AM

I can't believe I'm coming back to this topic, but the speculation on Bond is just because there's a vacuum of information. The Brosnan films made an absolute assload of money worldwide, so the franchise isn't 'broken'. Brosnan will eventually leave no matter what he says, since physically it's tough work and he ain't getting younger.

I just don't think the franchise can be rebooted without losing what made it fun in the first place. We know how painful the 'lean, relevant' Dalton films were. Some franchises are just born to die eventually. The Young Bond Adventures? Racially Divergent Bond? There are a ton of other films that have already been there - they're called Bond parodies, and they're a lot of fun. This thing has been a great ride since, what, 1962, but it's played out.

And do we need to think in terms of franchises that last decades? Zatoichi had a good run - but he never aged! It was always feudal Japan! When Kitano rebooted Zatoichi, it was weirder but the material was much the same, it wasn't set in 2004 or anything, he didn't have the modern world to deal with.

Ok, I have definitely outstayed my welcome. My pick from the list would have to be Jude Law, as he already is a ladykiller and a bit of a bastard, both Bond qualifications.

Posted by: Brakhage at September 26, 2005 01:19 AM

Micheal, I have been trying to tell everyone who acts like they know what Casino Royale should be and the age Bond should be in it, Read the books. By the time Casino Royale takes place Bond has already earned his double 0 statis, he has killed before. He was previously a soldier in WW2 specializing in espionage and has since the war gone on to work for the British Secret Service including killing at least twice in their service. He is not a boy fresh out of school, scared and fragile like JRM, he is a man, hard and mature. That is not to say he does not become a colder harder man due to the events in Casino Royale. It is the first time a woman screws him over and that makes him harder toward woman, though not completely impervious to them. As soon as in From Russia With Love he has already moved on to the brink of marrying a woman (Tyffany Case from Diamonds are Forever.) and again he gets screwed over when she leaves him for another man. People keep saying that he must be 28 years old and he must be innocent, not true. I highly recomend you read the books if you want to be a judge or advocate for the casting. Bond is not just movies they have a history and an original author that the movies should uphold.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 27, 2005 12:45 AM

Ok. Listen I dont know what is too young you all you but Im 25! lol. BOND is suppost to be around age 28, already has the 00 status, british ofcourse, attractive(someone women will goo over and men will want to be like.) JRM is all these things!! He played Elvis Presley the KINg. He is a truly adaptable actor, is there any question just go look at his pictures playing Elvis on his site, Its eerie how good he was. Seems to me women all like him, its the older men who want a Bond to be more like them. WEll put the green eyed monstor away and let the new Bond be something really special. I have never seen so much jealousy for a male actor, you see it with women all the time. Point is Jonathan Rhys Meyers is who British people want, and americans will go crazy over him too, no doubt.

Posted by: micheal at September 27, 2005 03:02 PM

I would also like to add Crackerjack. lol Jonathan Rhys Meyers is not a young kid. He is a beefed up 28 year old MAN. Exactly the right kind of pick for the new bOnd. Micheal is right men are jealous and want the next BOnd to be ugly and old so it will reflect themlol. Talk about insecuruty. THis GUy Is HOTTTTTTTTTTTTT. and yes to who said men will want to be like him. The man is a chamillian and the sexiest biggest thing to come out of Britain since, well in terms of Hot and amazing neverlol

Posted by: Liberty at September 27, 2005 03:11 PM

Jonathan Rhys Meyers is in Velvet Goldmine. He is HOT. Ewan Mcgregor was crazy in that movie. I think anyone young will be good for Bond and tall dark and handsome.

Posted by: Dora at September 28, 2005 02:01 AM

I don't know what the British consider "Beefed up" but it must not mean the same as in America. I tool all the advice and checked out JRM websites, looked at the pictures, read all about him and I don't envy him and I don't doubt his ability as an actor or his ability to make women's hearts beat faster, I just doubt him as Bond. As a Bond fan, of both books and movies I have an image of him I don't see that in JRM. I fully understand that this is his first major mission and I know that the book Casino Royale would not translate well to film as it is, too dull for a movie, I think the whole age of 28 thing got started with the rumor mill while I don't remember Flemming ever mentioning his age, only that he was in the war and has already earned his double 0 but I will check out the book again. Back to making Bond young and "hot" instead of "Old and Ugly" to remind us of ourselves. I am 28 years old as of August and I still think JRM is all wrong. He has a couple of movies coming up that he may prove me wrong but for now he looks skinny and like he is close to tears in everyone of his scenes. If Bond was a sensitive poet than he would be the go to guy but Bond is a womanizing (yes even in Casino Royale) smoking, drinking gambling man who would use a poem for kindling unless it could get him a woman. I have no problem naming other attractive men who also would have the ladies asses in the seats and be manly at the same time ala Sean Connery. Namely Gerard Butler. There is no denying women like him just check out the blog here about the Phantom of the Opera. Clive Owen has the manliness and some to spare and women around the globe especialy in America are already lining up to see him. Hugh Jackman has the manly man down but I don't know about Bond, something doesn't feel right, Orlando Bloom maybe in a few years but not now, Jude Law no. Ewan Mcgregor I don't see him even wanting it. The only guy who could be construde as old and ugly is Daniel Craig and the only role I knew him from was the ugly guy in the first Tomb Raider but in fairness I am going to rent LAyer Cake to see why people are voting for him. The problem with a young man playing Bond is it is hard to take a younger man serious. I am racking my brain for a younger male actor to play him and I just can't see it. I will continue to search and you can continue to try to convince me of JRM. Maybe his role in Mission Impossible 3 will change my mind, he really needs to stop looking like he is gonna cry.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 28, 2005 02:34 AM

Ok Crackerjack. I see like me you are a huge Bond fan. See I was disappointed with the Brosnan Bond films because he did not bring intrest to the role. He was not a very complex Bond ya know. I was exited about the first one because its Bond but was bored to tears. I do know that they ARE going after a Young Bond for sure. The role calls for a 28 year old ytoung Bond that I know. Thats why I also thought Jonathan Rhys Meyers was perfect. The truth is who else? YOu say a noname well where is this secret talent? They want to start shooting soon. Compared to the choices we have and I have not heard you say a choice I think the thing holding you back from wanting JRM as Bond is that you see him in sadlike ROLES, well thats just a tribute to his acting abilitys. Those are acting roles he is suppost to be emotional according to the role. His everyday pictures in real life are not that way. THe pictures of him playing Elvis are not. Jonathan Rhys Meyers, I know him to be a very happy person in real life always smiling. There is alot of pressure in the business. Fact is JRM fits the profile and he is an amazing actor, I think one of his roles really effected your opinion of him crackerjack. but comapred to the choices I have been seeing, shit lets take him lol. For me look one more timeat his Elvis pictures. The best site of his is the frozenwithin site. Also Look at his smiling photos and the new mixie magazine pictures taken most recently. Remember he is a chamillian type actor and fits in roles well. REally look at all the Elvis movie pics if you would one more time and tell me what you think on the blog. I think the BOnd role deserves a real winning actor not a nobody? but my opinion gimme yours.

Posted by: Liberty at September 28, 2005 06:15 PM

Good point about them starting soon and he is busy with MI3 so even if you got your wish he may not be available anyway. I like Goldeneye but I agree that the other Brosnan Bond films were duds, I don't blame Brosnan however. I firmly believe they need to do a Bond movie based more on the character and his charm rather than the mega-action spectaculars that have become so cartoonish that the videogames seem more realistic. I will check into JRM more but while I do so how bout giving some thought to Stuart Townsend. HE is busy with a tv show he is starring in but it hasn't aired yet and I have not heard any hype about it, not a good sign for a new show so I think he may be available soon. What is your opinion of Gerard Butler, he is older than you are thinking but not by much.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 29, 2005 12:41 AM

Hey for me it could only be Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Stuart Townsend,or Gerald Butler. I agree it has to be someone extrodinary. THe charector is matched by none. Its big I was raised on it,I love it. I would be ok with anyone of those guys. But Bond has to be goodlooking suave. I thought JRM would be good because you can mold him to what we want. Stuart Townsend I would love as bond too, Infact I think its an amazing Idea. I think we are on the same page here Crackerjack, Bond has to be somthin special and a hell of an actor to bring the respect to the role of Bond that is so deserves. Hell Im one of those people who is a dreamer. Make it the best and most interesting we have seen!

Posted by: Libertylane at September 29, 2005 06:16 PM

I'm with ya Liberty, but I think just as important for a good Bond film is the director. I personaly think the problem with the last Bond movies was the directors got out of control with special effects and action and left the main part Bond's character behind. I liked Goldeneye and I do think Martin Campbell is talented, he did a good job with Zorro but I would really like to see a character driven film. For me Bond is the ultimate hero, there is Bond and Indiana Jones. They are the ultimate man, smart, handsome and charasmatic. I think the last Bond directors were too consumed with what they thought the world wanted to see and the movies were little more than Rob Cohen flicks. If you don't know he makes movies like Fast and the Furious and XXX. Nothing against Vin Diesel but Bond is not those movies, or shouldn't be at least. I really hope to find some movies that evveryone is saying Jonathan Ryes Meyers is good in and maybe they will change my mind. Of course my vote still is with Gerard Butler.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 29, 2005 08:44 PM

Yes Bond is supppost to be the ultimate male idol charetor and hero. The fact that they are having to hurry up and pick someone kinda sucks, maybe they should just hold things back instead of speeding up a decision many of us want to see done in best way possible. HollyWood has turned so shallow as if they were not always. Your right Crackerjack Bond is not a "Van Diesel" type run of the mill HollyWood blockbuster. These films are speacial and should be considered an art with no lacking respect. We want more Bond classics. Im for Stuart Townsend, or Jonathan Rhys Meyers.

Posted by: Micheal at September 30, 2005 03:01 PM

Ah Micheal start making some calls we need to take over the control of the Bond movies. We need to make certain they are more art than comerce. I personaly think the Brocolis are to blame. They have one of the worlds most renowned characters in the palm of their hand and they let the movies be turned into little more than high octane action exploits that ignore the character. I am glad you all seem to be agreeing about Townsend, I promise to give Meyers a chance if I can find any of his movies in this craphole town. Other than Vanity Fair, saw it a month or so ago and hated it and Meyer's character, no offence I am sure it was not his fault, the whole film did not please me. Although now that I think of it the actor who's character marries Reece Witherspoon in Vanity Fair would also make a decent Bond, though he is slightly older than the desired age discussed before. Well cheers all and wish me happy hunting for JRM films.

Posted by: crackerjack at October 1, 2005 01:16 AM

Nice blog.I like this.

Posted by: Nick at October 1, 2005 02:13 AM

I finally found Velvet Goldmine in a video store so I will watch it tonight, I also rented Layer Cake because alot of hype about Daniel Craig, he was alright, the movie was good, Bond I don't really know. He does tend to keep the same expression throughout the film but my opinion of him is higher than it was. I will let you know what I think about Velvet later.

Posted by: crackerjack at October 1, 2005 09:00 PM

Crackerjack, I have to know what you think about Velvet Goldmine. I taped it on my DVr from cable and I m going to see it tonight. I just love Comcast they have DVR for only 10 extra bucks a month. WIth the search and record you can record everything you want to see in a month, Just look up JRMs filmology and type them in the search or any other movie you love. I always have something to watch. Its great you may want to look into it or tivo if you dont already have it. I have the whole JRM collection. Then if you have a DVD recorder you can make them into DVDs. I know it sucks wasting 20 bucks on 1 DVD. All his movies come on cable but sometimes its at like 3am. I have Velvet Goldmine, Titus, The maker, Ride with the Devil also with Clive Owen, Alexander, Tangled, Octane, Micheal Collins,B Monkey, and The Governess all off cable using ths Dvr and then my dvd recorder. It has saved me hundreds of dollars on dvds and its really fun too.

Posted by: Liberty at October 5, 2005 06:34 PM

Liberty I just watched Velvet last night and I don't really know what to think about it. It was interesting and he was certainly born for the part. The movie was a bit strange for my tastes but I watched all of it. I will try to find more Meyer's films to get a better idea of his talent and did you put that Clive Owen is in Ride with the Devil? I checked that on IMDB and they don't list that under his filmography. So other than Velvet what is Meryer's best film, that showcases his talent?

Posted by: crackerjack at October 5, 2005 06:56 PM

Crackerjack, YEs well I told you he is a space alien lol or did I? That was Jonathans Early days also Bale and Mcgregor's. Funny seeing Obi Wan as a gay dude but you know they are acting. Charectors get into peoples heads and they forget they are real people. I think his best roles are in Velvet Goldmine the one you saw and, Ill sleep When Im Dead. And that is the movie Clive Owen is in sorry I got the movies confused. But He was best in Ride with the Devil, Ill sleep when Im dead, The GOverness with Minnie Driver and the blonde mother from Nip tuck,B. Monkey he plays a expert theif, The shakespearean play Titus with Jessica Lange and Anthony Hopkins, Elvis(I dont know if you saw his performance in it)And the best one was da da da dadum da dum..Gormenghast!Where he plays a man who can change forms to take over an ancient Kingdom like way back when. He is also good in Bend Like Beckham I guess but he did it only to get into American movies. Kinda under his level and not his style but it worked. But you know the point is an actors job is to mold, to adapt into a role. to become the charector you are playing. I think we have seen that in Meyer's 35 movies thats a broad spectrum of charectors. Hes a chameleon. Hes british and 28 the age of Bond in Casino Royale,very suave and we know he can do the extaverted personality. I am impressed by an actor who is not afraid to go for it and do interesting hard to play roles. Not many actors have his range or brazen. If he can stir people up so much in his roles and make people believe he is like the charector he is doing it right I would think. But thats where I stand him or Stuart Townsend 007 has to be a guy we can mold!!!. Oh ya and I sorry I should have told you Velvet Goldmine was about a bisexual space alien rock star who wants to take over the world. I had not seen it in a while untill the other day after you said you were going to see it and the whole Time looking at it I was thinking man crackerjack is going to get looked at wierd if he is looking at it with a bunch of guys or his sorry but I hope you atleast enjoyed seeing all those actors in thier early days playing the roles that they are prob too ashamed to admit now lol. Anyways all Jonathan rhys meyers films are good so any of them I would say go for it. if you see anymore let me know I love to hear others opinions on my favorite flicks.

Posted by: Libertylane at October 6, 2005 11:58 PM

pierce brosnan all the way for one more bond film

Posted by: will at October 8, 2005 01:46 PM

Liberty, I was just looking at the IGN Casino Royale site and it may be looking to be in your favor. It may take long enough for them to write the screenplay and do all the casting that Jonathan might just be available. Though Martin Campbell is making it seem that they are a long way from casting. HE is saying someone 28 to 32 is what they are looking for but that an older actor is not out of the question. The only actor who I keep hearing as being genuinly interested is Daniel Craig. He is in my opinion all wrong. I watched Layer Cake and enjoyed the movie but his performance was only so-so and he is not the handsome man of todays standards. Jonathan Ryes Meyers I am still not convinced but I don't hate him. If I were in charge I would prefere Gerard Butler above all others but if he must be younger than Stuart Townsend but Townsend is busy with a tv show now and according to Campbell whoever is signed for Bond must sign for three films in a row. Campbell says in about three weeks we should know. Three long weeks.

Posted by: crackerjack at October 10, 2005 03:36 PM

Crackerjack From what I see from the new blog on here They are in the final runnings and auditions. Dont think Jrm will be Bond but he would have been good I thought. Im with you on Gerald Butler and Stuart Townsend. I like his new series and from what I hear its going to get even more "horror story" like, Night Stalker. I really like it but then how can you not like Stuart Townsend. If they cant pick someone ausome for BOnd I guess pick someone like the real first Bond Casino Royale. Then when the right Bond comes along later we can get him. lol Ya its cool Jrm wont be BOnd they seem to be doing this movie to fast and careless anyways, or the people doing it are bad. I dont know for sure but I predict after match Point comes out and a few more new films, that we will see Jonathan Rhys Meyers become HUGE Im predicting HUGE but we will see. hey but Gerlad Butler would make a Great Bond. Did you see the new blog on here about Bond check it out there is a few new names on there.

Posted by: LibertyLane at October 11, 2005 08:17 PM

Daniel Craig is BOND. They said it today on THe View. Am I exited? Ahh we will see how it is may be good who knows. I like that pick next to the other picks. Daniel Craig is the NExt Bond. What else has he been in? lol I dont even know, but I give it a one thumb up for now.

Posted by: Liberty at October 12, 2005 03:25 PM

Liberty, Craig was in Layer Cake most recently, he was alright. He was also in Tomb Raider, unlikable at best in that. He was also in Road to Purdition with Tom Hanks and he was detestable in that whether it was intended or not he so far has not been too likable. I hope he will be good, I like the idea of them toning down the movie and basing it in reality again. Let's hope they don't screw this one up.

Posted by: crackerjack at October 12, 2005 05:06 PM

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