September 12, 2005

Hong Kong Filmmakers Leaving Hollywood

I can't believe how utterly disappointed I've been in Jet Li's north American film projects. Compared to his work done in Asia they are a total joke. The language barrier is a tough one... but in the hands of a skilled director that can be danced around.

But it's not just Jet Li. Other major talents like John Woo and Jackie Chan have been (Other than a couple of flashes) so completely misused that it brings a tear to my eye (If I was capable of emotion).

The USA Today has a fantastic article on some of these Asian talents and why many of them are leaving the better money in American to return to doing films in Asia. Here's a short excerpt:

(Jackie) Chan said he's well-paid but artistically unfulfilled in Hollywood. "I make a lot of money in the U.S., but I can't make films I like," he said during a recent interview with The Associated Press. Hollywood movies are so costly that they seldom take creative risks, and that's why his U.S. films are so similar in genre, he explained.

Chan's Hollywood movies haven't veered from the formula of interracial action comedy, a genre he's excelled in with Chris Tucker in the Rush Hour series and with Owen Wilson in the 2000 Shanghai Noon and Shanghai Knights in 2003. But his Hong Kong productions are more diverse. He plays a tragic hero in New Police Story in 2004. Chan's new film The Myth, tracks the journey of man who seeks his lost love from a previous life.

It's a wonderful article that I really recommend you head over and read. The article can be found here.

Posted by John Campea at September 12, 2005 09:37 AM


Good. I think it's about time. Jackie and John and Jet and Chow Yun-Fat are just UNAPPRECIATED by the American studio system. I, for one, am glad to see our HK heroes return home. New Police Story was GREAT and much more entertaining (IMHO) than anything jackie has done stateside. Hero is the same for Jet, and John Woo's new film looks to be, at least, watchable.... unlike anything Woo has done in the State's .. with the possible exception of Paycheck......... JUST KIDDING! Paycheck was ASS. But i did think Face/Off was pretty good. And i do look forward to Chow Yun-Fat in the Pirates Movie.
But with those minimal efforts aside, i hope our boys from Asia go home and make some more GREAT movies before their time is up. I would rather us true film fans get some great films out of great film icons... instead of the same cookie cutter TRASH that the US studio system spoon feeds us like the product that it is.
Good Luck Jackie, and Jet, and John Woo, and Chow Yun-Fat.... us true lovers of film are rooting for ya!

Posted by: Borloff at September 13, 2005 04:39 AM