September 22, 2005

'Greg & Gentillon': The Brilliance Premieres on the 24th at the CIFF. Check out the Trailer...

This one goes out to anyone in Calgary. Or close to Calgary. Or knows anyone who happens to like Calgary. Or, maybe you just like cows a lot. Either way, the Calgary International Film Festival begins today, and one of its Official Selections stars a couple of local boys that you really need to slap yourself something deadly if you miss. Set aside Saturday afterooon. Bring someone you want to convince you're in the know. Head to the Globe Theatre on the 24th. The wonder starts at 3:15pm.

I sent this info up on Twitch last week, but is it ever worth repeating. You see, a few years back I happened to see a ridiculous comedy duo who called themselves Greg & Gentillon perform their hilarious act, watched them absolutely destroy the house, say thank you!! - and then vanish. It was like the planets aligned for a second, and then that was it. So spawned my own little legend of 'Greg & Gentillon':

Then, in August, that crazy guy called Fate had us cross paths again. And they have a movie. A real one. It has been made an Official Selection of the Calgary and Montreal Festivals this Fall and if you miss it, you're a total mental fart. Erm.. well, .. Just see the film is what I mean.

'Greg and Gentillon' Trailer. - I put the file on rapidshare so we don't knock the poor fellas off the internet. Jut scroll down and hit Free, then wait a second.

Produced by Peepingtom Films, 'Greg & Gentillon' is a part comedy/ part semi-documentary /part mockumentary about two guys from Alymer, Quebec with bad suits and worse hair who, with the support of all their fans from Alymer, move to Toronto to make it. Well, kinda make it. - And these 'character's' passion and sheer desperation to please an audience, makes for some of the funniest stuff I've ever seen.

So fer cryin out loud, go support 'em why dontcha? Hell, bring a cow.

Posted by at September 22, 2005 05:13 AM