September 01, 2005

Good Night, and Good Luck trailer

GeorgeClooney.jpgI can't believe what an amazing transformation has happened to George Clooney, I mean I actually began to hate his acting after all those series of ER and those trademark looks to camera with a lowered head. Now though, he's turning into an honest to goodness Director, and a good one too.

If you aren't convinced, have a look at the trailer for Good Night, and Good Luck over at Yahoo Movies through Cinematical. This time I could see it and it looks way more than decent, it looks dynamic, intense and exciting. Not only that he's tackled a really strong and quite contentious topic which is even more apt in today's political climate. It also shows some balls for him to Direct such a movie, especially if the trailer is anything to go by.

Frankly I'm amazed, and I can't wait to see what this movie is like and what he has in store for us in the future as Director. However, let's not lose sight of the fact that he's Directing and co-starring with some amazing talent, see that list of names at the end.

Posted by at September 1, 2005 12:49 PM


That does look like a great movie. I hadn't really seen anything about it until today. I hope it's as good as it looks.

Posted by: kmsqrd [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 1, 2005 01:46 PM

While his directing debut (Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind) seemed somehwat chaotic due to the huge array of filming techniques he was using, hopefully he's harnessed his style since then. In my opinion, Confessions was still a very enjoyable film, though. It's clear that he's Soderbergh's right hand man.

Posted by: Alec at September 1, 2005 02:09 PM

I liked Confession Of A Dangerous Mine. Like Eastwood and Redford before him. Went behind the camara.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at September 1, 2005 08:27 PM

For much more information, photos and media related to "Good Night, And Good Luck", as well as the distinguished career of actor David Strathairn, please visit David Strathairn Online at Let us know what you think in the guestbook, too!

Posted by: Andrea at September 7, 2005 01:19 AM