September 23, 2005

Flash Gordon 25th Anniversary DVD

Cinematical has posted on the UK exclusive release of Flash Gordon (25th Anniversary Edition) DVD.

Though the US seems to be heartlessly ignoring Flash Gordon's 25th anniversary, readers in the UK (or those with a region-free DVD player) can celebrate with a totally kickass new DVD edition. Included on the disc (which reportedly offers a great transfer) are two commentary tracks, one by director Mike Hodges, and the other by costar Brian Blessed, as well an episode of the original Flash Gordon serial (starring Buster Crabbe).

This is good news. I currently own an old copy of Flash Gordon on DVD but the picture quality is questionable and there is no special features -well a trailer, but they all have that-. What truly puckers my ass, is that this galactic adventure classic will not be released in the US -or Canada even-. Luckily I have a region-free DVD player, but that isn't going to make it any easier to get my hands on Flash. I am looking forward to sitting back on my sofa with a fat bowl ... of popcorn ... and enjoying movie moments like Flash (Sam Jones) playing football in the royal palace, Princess Aura (Ornella Muti) tied to a torture table, Ming (Max von Sydowand) -Ming rocks-, and the awesome soundtrack performed by Queen.

Are you a fan of this Sci-Fi classic?
If so and you live in the States or Canada, what are your feelings on the UK release only?

Finally; if you have experience purchasing DVD's from overseas, give us some helpful resources and things to look out for when taking on this type of hunt.

Hail Ming!

Posted by Brad Shipston at September 23, 2005 10:33 AM


I suspect it may be a question of music rights. Look how long it took Heavy Metal to make it to DVD.

Posted by: Evil Genius [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 23, 2005 01:10 PM

Since Brad came out and said it, I love Flash Gordon, I actually had a crush on Sam Jones, I was 10 years old and my crushes were Mark Hamill and Sam Jones in the 80's. Woah!

Thanks for the news about the release, I am glad I waited till buying my own copy!

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 23, 2005 01:22 PM

Simone, I'm a big big fan of Flash Gordon. I see on IMDB that there is a 2006 remake in the works as well. It is only listing a writer at this point and let's hope that it stays that way. I had hoped Flash Gordon wouldn't be remade, because I wanted to write it.

"Hawkmen DIVE!"

Posted by: Brad Shipston at September 23, 2005 01:30 PM

You wanted to write it??? Oh wow, can you mention my name in the end credits? LOL

Yeah, I love this film, and I even like the score! ;-)

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 23, 2005 01:51 PM

Are you kidding me. Queens score was tops. If I had my fantasy of writing this thing -because who we kidding, I'm not writing anything- I would have demanded the score stay the same but modernize it a bit. Have Robbie Williams redo all the Queen tracks. I loved his version of "We are the Champions", dude sounded just like Mercury.

Posted by: Brad Shipston at September 23, 2005 02:00 PM

LOLOLOLOLOLOL I expected that. That's why I winked!

Oh yes, Robbie's version was fab. Do we have the date for the UK release? And how are you getting your copy by the way Brad? ;-)

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 23, 2005 02:03 PM

Simone, the second link in the story "Flash Gordon (25th) ..." is a link to a UK DVD site. It's all in british pounds so remember that when your paying double that + shipping.

Posted by: Brad Shipston at September 23, 2005 02:14 PM

Brad, I would assume you own a multi-region DVD player to be able to play it?

Where do you want your copy delivered? Email me at [email protected]

Cheers! ;-)

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 23, 2005 04:59 PM

Looks like I'll be ordering mine internationally. FLASH is great camp fun, one of the classic fun films of the 80's.

Posted by: Edward Lee at September 23, 2005 06:06 PM

HUGELY HUGELY disappointed that there is no US release for this! Have always been a huge fan of the movie. Had the soundtrack on CD forever and now have it on my ipod.

Flying blind on a rocket cycle?!?

Posted by: Richard (not Brunton) at September 24, 2005 12:15 AM

Flying blind on a rocket cycle?!?!?

I am HUGELY disappointed that we here in the US won't get a chance at this. I love the movie and know the dialogue the same way I know movies like The Princess Bride, The Naked Gun, etc. Also have the soundtrack, and you can add Highlander as two of the best soundtracks ever. No coincidence that both were by Queen. And why don't movies allow just one band to do the whole soundtrack anymore? Look at Back to the Future, that's a great one and was pretty much all Huey Lewis and The News. But I digress.

Finally Brad we can agree on something! ;)

Posted by: Richard (not Brunton) at September 24, 2005 12:26 AM

Sorry, I didn't think my first post got through. :)

Posted by: Richard (not Brunton) at September 24, 2005 12:27 AM

" And why don't movies allow just one band to do the whole soundtrack anymore?"

Excellent question! Not counting works from Tangerine Dream, Wang Chung's "To Live And Die In L.A." soundtrack, I think, really set a bar that few could surpass. But I think it's very tough to get one artist/group to commit to one soundtrack, although techno electronica band Juno Reactor came close with Animatrix/Matrix Revolutions.

One think about most soundtracks today is that too many of them have only three or four songs that 'appear' somewhere in the film, and all he rest is 'inspired by', which is, by definiition, a fancy codeword for 'filler'.

But Queen. Lots of great music, some still rock the house. "Fat Bottomed Girls", "We Will Rock You", the entire album of "The Game"...but I'm afraid I'm bringing a few ants to the picnic. Queen's "Flash Gordon" soundtrack was one step below medicore, with only one slight bright spot: the drum solo when the model ship flies through the colorful swirling Mongo clouds, and maybe...ok, I'll give you the 'football fight'. That's it, friends.

By the way, anyone familar with the electronica artist known as The Orb? :)

Now, having been a fan of the camp film when I saw it in theatres, although there was some disappointment which I eventually got over (just before the film came out, there was a briefly run cartoon on TV which featured a character who looked like a lion...the same character's name was used in the film, but cast with an actor who not only had a bit part but was also killed off by Ming) but I thought Max Von Sydow was a great Ming, and a pre-Bond Timothy Dalton was also effective.

I'm not quite sure why there isn't a US release of the SE DVD mentioned here: I mean, you know, if Paramount can pull a double dip with 'Tommy Boy', will anyone fault Universal with re-issuing a camp classic like 'Flash Gordon'?

As for the remake...I'd be for another version of Flash Gordon, not the running joke: "I'm Flash Gordon, Quarterback, New York Jets" - but a serious sci-fi actioner, less camp.

Posted by: darren seeley at September 24, 2005 05:05 PM

Flash Gordon Rules!!! I love this movie and was so excited to hear about the re-release.....but now I'm pissed off that it won't be coming to the States. Why, why, why, it doesn't make sense. Oh I did read something about the new one there making and unfortunatly the writer or director whatever ass is in charge, they're first choice for Flash is Ashton Kucher, I want to die.
P.S. are you sure it's not going to Canada
" What the Hell "

Posted by: Danny DeTora at October 13, 2005 07:01 PM