September 12, 2005

First Bad News From Superman Returns

Up to this point everything I've seen and heard from the new Superman Returns project has just got me more and more excited. From Singer directing, to the casting, the photos and footage I've seen so far have all done nothing but build my excitement for Superman returning. Today, I heard the first bit of news that actually took a little bit of wind out of my excitement for Superman sails.

The definitive website for Superman Returns is Today I read this disappointing bit of dialog from director Bryan Singer about some of the plot points for the new film. Here's what Bryan had to say:

"But it ultimately becomes a story about what happens when an old boyfriend comes back into your life, and about Superman trying to find a place in Lois Lane's world. I'm attempting to make a very emotional film. This is certainly the most romantic, and the funniest, movie I've made, and toward the end it gets a bit intense."
WHAT THE HELL?!?! A romantic and emotional film?!?! To me, this is the worst possible news I could have heard about this project. My enthusiasm for Superman Returns has just dropped about 40%.

I still trust Singer... and I'll give him the benefit of the doubt... but my faith in him is now shaky. Your thoughts?

Posted by John Campea at September 12, 2005 09:47 AM


Oh, good.
I am glad he left xmen to do a quality romantic comedy.
Who needs to see superman fighting 200 ft robots, what the kids want to see is him emotionally torn over a girl. This is nice. We need to celebrate romance as much as possible. I hope this a joke.

Posted by: doug nagy at September 12, 2005 10:00 AM

I disagree

How can you call Bosworth a good casting-choice, and the fact that Lois has a child. It's like i have been saying, i love every aspect of thsi movie, except for everything that hasto do with Lois. It's clear to me now that Singer hate strong female characters, just look at Storm. I understand why Halle Berry was frustrated with her

Posted by: me at September 12, 2005 10:31 AM

I don't think the romantic/emotional aspect of it seems all that bad. Just look back to the previous Superman movies. They had the same qualities, with the beginnings of the whole Clark/Lois love story. Of course, the film couldn't possibly be centered around this, though. I'm willing to bet the focus will be on the action. Look at X-men. Singer integrated a level of affection between Wolverine and Rogue and that touch of emotion added depth to the whole good vs evil black and white storyline, in my opinion at least. I honestly feel that there has to be a degree of emotion added to a movie like this in order to solidify it and make it a valid contender and not just a mindless action flick. Albeit I do not want to see it played to the same level as The Notebook.

What I'm concerned about is the comedy. In my opinion, comedy ruins good action movies when they try too hard. I think the Star Wars movies could have been so much better without the over the top comedic stains. I have faith in Singer, though. I think the action/comedy deal was pulled off pretty nicely in Fantastic Four, so, considering Singer's reputation, I'm confident that he can one up that one.

Posted by: Nicholas Cristo at September 12, 2005 10:50 AM

Dude, I think you're reading too much into that statement.

Posted by: Franklin at September 12, 2005 01:11 PM

Hey Franklin,

Dude... I hope you're right.


Posted by: John Campea at September 12, 2005 01:15 PM

Actors/directors aren't very good at discribing their own movies. I've heard crap like "It's more than an horror movie, it's about the relationship between Jason Voorhees and his mother." from every actor/director wanting thier movie to appeal to a bigger audience. I wouldn't read too much into the quote.

Posted by: cybermike at September 12, 2005 01:49 PM

It's just a movie. No matter what Singer does to it, in the end it will only be marginally better or worse than every other comic book movie that has ever been made. It will come out and people will go to the theatre to see it, or won't. Four to six months later it'll come out on DVD and people will rent it or buy it, or won't. Ultimately it's just 90-120 minutes of something to stare at. Give Blood! Donate to the Red Cross!

Posted by: Jason at September 12, 2005 03:04 PM

Thanks Jason. I hadn't heard that enough!

Posted by: Pudie at September 12, 2005 05:44 PM

Yes Jason... you're right.

From now on... no one is allowed to talk about their lives... or the weather... or TV or Movies. No discussing politics or sports... your friends or the women in your life. No talking about tomorrow... or what you might have for dinner or what you might do tomorrow.

From now on, people may ONLY talk about the tragedy in the gulf coast. If you talk about anything other than the hurricane then you are a bad person.

Thanks goodness Jason was here to set us straight.


Posted by: John Campea at September 12, 2005 05:58 PM

I wonder when they will make a movie about huricane Katrina, can we discuss that?

Posted by: crackerjack at September 12, 2005 06:09 PM

OOOOOOO K.... now getting back to Superman. I'm not at all worried, Singer knows exactly what he's doing. All you have to do is go back through every blog he has posted to realize he will be true to the character, it won't be some mushy romantic comedy. Bryan will bring us what we have been waiting so long to see on the big screen again and nobody will be dissapointed....... "THE MAN OF STEEL" I can't wait!

Posted by: Scott at September 12, 2005 06:35 PM

I'm going to give Singer the benefit of the doubt and say that perhaps, in his mind, he is likening his emotion and love talk to that of which is overflowing in the Spiderman movies.

I'm sure there will be lots of action... But what's action when there's no human emotion or reason behind it? *cough*Matrix Reloaded*cough*

Posted by: Andrew Edmark at September 12, 2005 06:59 PM

Sounds like a formula Zhang Yimou House of Flying Daggers(minus the comedy)

Posted by: boothbrave at September 12, 2005 09:25 PM

OKAY I was not going to write this because I figured a hundred other guys would have and it's tasteless and immature.

BUT OH MY f@%*ING GOD! Is this for real?!!! How can this be the heart of the real Superman Story? Okay After getting that off my chest, like most every one else said It’s probably no big deal. But it kind of scares me like an old episode of Moonlighting with Bruce Willis & Cybil Sheppard.

I really hope the movie is great. I mean I do like to laugh when I’m at the movies and The new Spiderman movies are probably the motivation of this guys decision to go that route. It did work in the Spiderman’s films. So I am sure the movie will be great.

Posted by: Russell at September 13, 2005 01:31 AM

Kids don't want to see a movie about a broken relationship. The want to see Superman, for once, get the girl. If you read the postings on the Smallville website, you would clearly see this. Most people want Clark Kent to be with the love of his life, not this wishy washy crap we've been seeing for years. I believe that's why Spiderman 2 was so successful because in the end, he finally gets the girl.

Posted by: James at September 13, 2005 03:43 AM

hey dude

that sucks the man of steel supposed to be more concern of saving the world, rather than falling in love...i guess youre right!

Posted by: Jhay at September 13, 2005 03:47 AM



i know when i read superman comics when i was a kid, i gave a flying frig about lois lane.

oh wait....

Posted by: miles at September 13, 2005 01:43 PM

I've never understand fandom's fascination with Singer. I don't see him as all that accomplished as a director, and I fail to understand why WB would trust him with a property like SUPERMAN. This news rates about alongside everything else I've heard: dismal.

Posted by: Edward Lee at September 13, 2005 02:59 PM

Hey there Edward,

Thanks for the comments. I would responed by saying that I personally really appreciate Singer for his work on The Usual Suspects (one of my all time favorite films), Apt Pupil (which I realize not everyone liked... but personally I LOVED it).

Also, you've got to give props to a guy to can garner praise from the majority of comic and non-comic fans for his work with the X-Men franchise (just look at the response and feedback he got from Comic-Con... not to mention his box office results).

I'd say all these things put together made him an obvious and clear guy to go after to helm a property like Superman.

I'm curious to know what makes you wary of Singer directing this?

Posted by: John Campea at September 13, 2005 03:13 PM

Isn't it kind of strange that Superman Returns started after Reeves passed away. They bought the rights to Superman 10 years ago, yet it took 9 years to begin production after the REAL Superman passed away.

Posted by: Jack Anderson at September 13, 2005 06:54 PM

Yeah, Singer would know what it's like to have an old boyfriend come back into his life.

But surely, I digress.

The real issue is the following:

Singer should not be writing or directing this film. He should be the creative director, the guy who says what should go where and how to edit scenes. Sort of like an FX person. But I can't stand how he wants to feminize men and disarm the roles of strong women in his movies.

People will point a finger to the shapeshifting blue meanie from the X-men, but she's merely a pawn of Magneto.

As for the chick who looked like Wolverine, she was also a pawn of Striker.

As for Storm, as someone previously noted, she's a pilot! And as Holle Berry correctly pointed out, how come one of the most powerful X-men in the X-men clan who can FLY and manipulate weather has been reduced to piloting a jet for two movies straight? Weak!

And the X-men films are a bit too noir for my taste: There's no good guy and no real bad guy. Everyone has a salient idealistic cause.

That sucks.

And superman returns will suck. It will have GREAT visuals, but the story will leave me thinking Superman probably left earth to look for his Kryptonian boyfriend and since he couldn't find him decided to go for Lois instead.

Posted by: SpideyFan at September 13, 2005 08:33 PM

I always thought it was a point that Clark Kent could never have the girl. Isn't a common theme for superhero comics? If spidey can't have Mary Jane, why should Superman have Lois Lane?

It would be too boring!

Posted by: Andrew Edmark at September 13, 2005 09:38 PM

Wouldn't it be interesting, since they brought Marlon Brando from the dead to play Jor-El again (not really just old footage) that they could pay tribute to the 'real' Superman by CGI'ing Christopher Reeve in as cameo somewhere in the film. That would be a sincere gesture that would make many fans happy.

Posted by: DiGG3r at September 14, 2005 04:00 PM

More like a tactless gimmick...

Posted by: Andrew Edmark at September 14, 2005 09:38 PM

This could indeed be bad, I would still love to see a Trilogy of Supes films centering on Doomsday, I mean the comics made CNN when that happend for crying out loud. If The public saw Superman DIE at the end of a first film, I thnk that they would come back. As for this being a romantic comedy, what the hell indeed, I assume spring is saying that Lois would go for Luthor, but now Superman is back oh dear, I really really hopw he threw that out there as a joke so fans will be plesently suprised at the acctual film

Posted by: Jason at September 15, 2005 03:55 PM

Did I read someone's comment right?, does Lois Lane have a son with her boyfriend?

More bad news for this film...

Posted by: Jeremy at September 18, 2005 02:52 PM

things for some changes?
no,no,no,no...and still no for it...
traditionally speaking superman has been the superhero of all superheroes of all...
he has been the epitome of strength and mighty will that inspired everyone to move and change their lives in their own rights and terms...
anyhow,i still go for the tradition that i was oriented what superman is really all about...
but i still trust singer...
anyhow,he wowed me in the last installment of x-men...
he still a good director after all...
mr.singer please...
i know that you are really good so please try and do your own craft... :)

Posted by: paulo at September 19, 2005 06:43 PM

i agree with what singer is doing he understands the concept of superman, that its not just a superhero story but also a tragic love story, focusing on the fact that despite all his powers he is destined to be alone because of them, the new movie is gonna be gr8.

Posted by: gray at September 22, 2005 09:53 AM

I have been a long time Superman fan from some of the TV series and surely Christopher Reeves's movies as well. I expect great things from this movie, and there is a fine line between being too critical and too bland. It just sounds like some of you need to grow up and have a heart :P For all its worth its actually nice seeing a Superman movie on screen, Bryan Singer is no joke thats for sure, I am sure he's just going to pull another rabbit out of his hat, props! No wait on second thought, lets just have Superman fighting the entire movie! Yeah! thats it! Just action.... and... nothing if i wanted to see some action I'll go watch molasses grow. The fact that Lois Lane has "moved on with her life" has actually put more interest, into where indeed has Superman been? oh but wait... anyway back to the wait..back to action and tragic love story... I always seemed to be a rather big factor in Spider-man. Not sure though, I could be wrong. Leave the movie the way its going to's not like the useless "but i dont want this" is going to change anything :P The movie is going to rock and you know it!
- Superman 25

Posted by: Superman25 at September 27, 2005 01:05 PM

Romantic,funny. God i hope this is a goke or a plot to throw us off what they are really doing.diden't we get enough of that when Superman was a boy(Smallville).thats y i stopped whatching Smallville.They need to look at what Marvel is doing and take some notes.

Posted by: Mario at September 29, 2005 09:29 PM

I don't know what anyone else thought, but I thought they overdid the LOVE aspect in the Spiderman movies. I realize that love is a big thing in Peter Parker's life but, I kept wanting to see more of Spiderman and less musshy crap between Peter and Mary Jane! I personally skip through all that crap to see the action on my dvd! lol I just hope that the new Superman movie will not be the same way. IS ANYONE WIT ME?

Posted by: Ronnie at October 4, 2005 01:00 PM

ok, so like an excited schoolgirl we came in our pants when we heard there was finally going to be another superman movie in the generation of crazy visual effects. ie (matrix, spiderman, hulk, etc..) then we find out that the guy who is playing sups looks like a wimp and the costume looks like it belongs in west hollywood and that singer is making a romantic comedy? wtf? look singer was a genius in usual suspects, and apt pupil was decent; but explain to me why he is now the freaking comic book king? he admits to never being a comic book fan, i personally hated the xmen movies, but the casting was freaking great. the stories costumes and action scenes sucked though. please before you get upset they really did. ok 1st one. magneto kidnapps rougue to kill the united nations. big deal, second one, stricker kidnaps xavier to kill all the mutents, big deal. stupid stories. in the thirty plus years of the books there have been better stories. same with the superman movies. all but the 1st one sucked. plus the last one was over 20yrs ago. why continue the same storyline? i like the concept of superman leaving the earth and then coming back but how long did he leave for a year? b.s. and then make a romantic comedy out of it? dare i say batman and robin all over again. when will these execs realize comics are not funny to fans! the term comics doesnt mean comedy! superman returns will suck. excuse me if i want to see my favorite ficional characters portrayed like they are in an epic movie like gladiator or the matrix, or .... name an oscar winner.
the actor looks weaker than pee wee herman and the costume sucks, oh and its when harry met sally part 2. great. 2 thumbs way up.

Posted by: yeghia at October 4, 2005 05:45 PM

i just think that when Brian says "emotional" i think he meant the emotions that get associated when Superman returns after a long time.

i mean.... how long have we been waiting for this? are you saying that from the word "go" you heart wont be filled with excitement, nostalgia, sadness (reflecting on Chris Reeve), and all the other emotions?

i tell you this for sure: i'm a guy but i'm sure gonna be crying the moment i hear the Superman fanfare. I'VE BEEN WAITING A LONG TIME FOR THIS!!!

Posted by: Andrew at October 18, 2005 10:59 AM

I personally think that the movie will do alright but the actor chosen to play "the man of steel" should not have been chosen....instead i think they should have chosen "Tom Welling" to carry on his character from Smallville and play superman in the movie....that would be better since superman fans have been watching smallville wondering when they will get to see Tom Welling in the blue n red suite flying around...but we will just have to wait and see!!........hoping for a good movie.

Posted by: S.S at October 19, 2005 03:59 PM

Hey there S.S.

Thanks for the comments. But as a Smallville fan myself, I've got to restate that NOT getting Tom Welling was a good move. This is Superman... not "Smallville The Movie". Two totally different things.

And although I'm a HUGE smallville fan, according to the ratings the show gets, it certainly doesn't get ALL the Superman fans watching it. Actually... most hardcore Superman fans I know dislike Smallville.

Posted by: John Campea at October 19, 2005 04:06 PM

Superman is a LEGEND ! and it must not be ruined like this !!
All i wanted from the coming movie is to be a remarkable movie! and they must use the full graphic technology for this movie!
We all know "matrix 3" when neo flew with a huge speed! when he fought agent Smith ?! All that effects was marvelous !!! Superman movie MUST be done with this effects or better !! if not..then damn this coming movie..

Posted by: me at October 20, 2005 08:12 AM

The whole legend is base on Louis and Clarks love for each other. Remeber Louis and Clark. How about now with Smallville. Goodness, in the comics...the issue was Clark never had the time for Louis...Doomsday. Hmmmm romance. What does superman do time and time again in movies tv shows and louis. What would really have made it good if she was married to Lex. Now that would be interesting to see how Clark handles that.

So let it go. He is only stating what has been done in the past. And about the funny. Clark Kent is a clumsy good ball and jimmy olsen is a real goof ball since the first comics. So there is going to be some funny parts. It's superman. If I didn't know any better most of you are not really fans. All this is basic knowlegde for a real fan.


Posted by: al at December 18, 2005 09:27 PM

Louis...who the hell is louis? I thought it was LOIS.

Posted by: Brian at December 18, 2005 10:08 PM

Yeah am sorry i misspelled her name...have fun picking that apart.

Posted by: al at December 19, 2005 03:49 AM

ok what the hell tom should play superman in superman returns like he has all reddy played clark kent so he should play superman.

Posted by: kayla at January 5, 2006 11:46 PM