September 01, 2005

Exorcism of Emily Rose new clip

ExorcismEmilyRose.jpg.jpegWell there's still plenty of controversy raging over on another post concerning this movie, if you haven't seen that then you should take a visit, it's getting very heated and very interesting.

Just to add some fuel to that fire, or maybe not as once again I have no idea of the content of this clip since I can't play it, here's another clip from the movie courtesy of Coming Soon. Check out "Clip 3 - 'Even the Serpents'".

Once you've had a look, as usual come back here and comment on it, give us your mini review of the mini clip.

Posted by at September 1, 2005 06:29 AM


great movie!!!! i loved it!!!! i will totally buy it i'm 13 so thank god i got in w/my friend!!!!!! to me it's the #1 movie of the year!!!!
bye, patience nicole collins

p.s. please read this

Posted by: patience collins at September 10, 2005 01:09 AM

I did read it Nicole!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at September 12, 2005 03:09 AM

oh my gosh this movie totally takes it out there i dont know about u bt possesion has always given me the wiggens and seein it on a big huge screen in a big dark room was even scarier i wont b watching the excorsist ne time soon u can count on that this movie scares the ... out of me props to the actors and directors u sure made me pray!!!!

Posted by: the kid at September 19, 2005 08:23 PM

the excorsism of emily rose is a lame version of what posession is really like. i would know ive been through it. if you all think the movie is so cool then you all are a bunch of losers. excorsism is not entertaining its a very personel matter.


Posted by: puddleglum at October 22, 2005 10:24 AM

you can get medication for that kind of thing annon. excorcism is different for everybody.

Posted by: poita at October 30, 2005 03:04 AM

puddlegum....anon!! u big loser! as if!! get a life cowboy!! or cowgirl or wotever!!

Posted by: bex at November 25, 2005 10:41 AM