September 16, 2005

Exclusive Dirty Love Clip

dirty_love.jpgFilm Force has a quick teaser of Jenny McCarthy's Dirty Love. It's only about a minuet long, but lays out the attitude of the movie very well. Jenny; Rebecca that is, wishes that a piano would come crashing down from the sky and crush her. After admitting to the drug induced hallucination, she pops up from the couch humming "This shit is starting to kick," finishing off with Rebecca rolling her ass off.

Jenny must have done some pretty good research on ecstasy, because the exsagerated trip is dead on -at least that's what I've been told- including the techno sounds of Benny Benassi's Satisfaction. Indicating the validity of the clip, because I hear that song coming from of my housemate's room all the time.

Jenny McCarthy has always been a funny girl, a little nuts perhaps but a great sense of humor none the less. If the movie Dirty Love follows suite with the clip, I suspect it will be a good time for the right audiences -designer drugs probably wont be striking everyone's funny bone-.

Check out the exclusive clip at Film Force, and if you like it, hop on over to Benny Benassi's site for the Satisfaction video -oily women using power tools-.

Disclaimer: The Movie Blog does not advocate the use of drugs of any kind. Just remember; Don't do Drugs Kids and stay in school. -wink-

Posted by Brad Shipston at September 16, 2005 08:21 AM


I want to see some boobies

Posted by: Jay Thomas at September 22, 2005 09:35 PM