September 16, 2005

Event Horizon SE DVD finally here?

Could this be the impending news that we Event Horizon fans have been waiting for?

See, I actually like the movie, I think it's a really effective horror with it's stylistic sequences of flashbacks and the cool characters, including the superb Sean Pertwee, Laurence Fishburne and Sam Neill. I like it, but it's never really been given a decent DVD treatment.

However DVD Times has picked up an update from BBFC, who classify UK releases, on possible extras for an Event Horizon DVD.

This work is made up of a number of separate components. Note that since February 2001 the BBFC has measured each component separately, but older works may not have the exact details, only a list of titles. 00:14:53:00 THE MAKING OF EVENT HORIZON - INTO THE JAWS OF DARKNESS 00:22:45:18 THE BODY OF THE BEAST 00:19:51:21 LIBERATE TUTUME EX INFERNIS 00:18:39:02 THE SCALE TO HELL 00:26:34:02 THE WOMB OF FEAR A film or video, together with associated trailers may exist in several versions and all versions known to the BBFC are listed below. Video 14/09/2005 Paramount Home Entertainment (UK) 102m 44s No EVENT HORIZON - 5 PART DOCUMENTARY

So can we expect a Special Edition soon? I'm hoping so, and it's looking like it. What I'm looking for is a cool commentary with the stars and Director, as some of these extras look all too short.

Posted by at September 16, 2005 06:15 AM


Wow, just thinking about this movie really gives me the chills. No way I'd watch it alone.

Great terror movie, one of the actually Scary ones.

download full movies info, read my
ten worse movies Ever (never to be downloaded)

Posted by: Charles at September 16, 2005 09:50 PM