September 16, 2005

Emma Watson Does not want to be Hermione Granger Forever

Harry-Potter4_148731a.jpgEmma Watson is concerned about being typecast as her smarty pants character Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter films. She told a reporter that she didn't want to get stereotyped and that she most certainly wants to be able to do other things, but those weren't her only thoughts. Ananova has the story:

"I would hate to have another actress in the role. There is so much of me in her." ... "Of course, JK Rowling wrote the character, but in film terms, I had a part in creating her."
She also talks about the risk involved in child actors and the downspiral they can get themselves onto.
"Not all kids get f***ed up. It's not that child actors are doomed." ... "I am careful to separate the two. There is a professional life and a private life. I never mix the two."
Wow; Miss Watson, watch your mouth young lady! Well it looks like this girl is growing up and is preparing to drop the goody 2 shoe persona, which is always fun to watch. When female starlets decide they want to be perceived differently or all grown up, it usually involves short skirts, belly shirts, older boyfriends and breast implants -rock on Emma-.

For a 15 year old she sure has some sass, and all of you Harry Potter fanatics should be ashamed of what you're thinking about right now.

Posted by Brad Shipston at September 16, 2005 09:02 AM



Posted by: Grant at September 16, 2005 10:56 AM

If I'm not a Harry Potter fanatic, but I'm thinking what you're thinking I'm thinking, do you think I should be ashamed too? :P

Posted by: T-Jax at September 16, 2005 01:16 PM

Man she's only 15 get out of here. I don't think she will get trapped as Granger forever. I see her being the most likely of the kids in the Potter movies to be able to break out as an adult.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 16, 2005 01:40 PM

Yeah, gotta agree with crackerjack. I've seen only one Harry Potter -movie so far (others are in progress), and mostly the casting wasn't very good, but if I have to name one who has potential, it would be Emma Watson. She's not that great actress, but that hasn't been the problem with other beauties in a past.

...and it would also help that she makes some other movie than Harry Potters. Every main Potter-child-actor has so far only made these Potter movies. I'm sure they make great money and all that, but they're not really the kind of movies that director's or the studios (not including other "child" movies) appriciate.

And yeah, it's kinda shame to all men that she's only 15.

Posted by: Jorse at September 16, 2005 02:55 PM

It does seem according to IMDB that she and the other actors from the Potter movies are currently working on other movies. they were a bit young to work too much before but now they are getting old enough to make a couple of movies a year. One Potter movie and one non Potter movie should cement their futures. It wouldn't hurt to poke a little fun at their most famous characters either like on Saturday night Live or something.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 16, 2005 03:02 PM

I hate the POTTER films, but Emma is growing into one fetching young lady. I would imagine she'll have a world of work waiting for her.

Posted by: Edward Lee at September 17, 2005 08:29 AM

hi im leah can i have ur msn addy

Posted by: leah at September 18, 2005 01:55 PM


I can understand that you have decided you to don`t play the character Hermione in all they next Harry Potter films. (You are a young lady now who have other needs than earlier, that`s just quite good and ordinary).
You have sure like mutch potenseial to play other character, you just have to Keep working to get your dreams to come true. I as so many others belive in you.

One thing more: Please ask your father if he has gone at Reading Blue Cote school in 1972 with a norwegian bow called John Sebelien. It would be funny if he had. Ask if he was friend with my father in the time they were going at the school) Answear me if it`s possible.(I know that this is`t your privat adress)

Best regards from Andreas Christopher Sebelien.

Posted by: Andreas Christopher at September 24, 2005 05:04 PM

You have so beuteful hair and I love your smile.

Posted by: Andreas Christopher at September 24, 2005 05:09 PM

Hi aigen

Did I scared you with my first letter to night?? I suddenly felt that it could perceived like I was an qrasy boy. (But I`am not) (What helps to saythat, I can`t show you)(what am I doing, you will never answear me, but it`s no mather not so importen that you answear me)

Good night. You`re meaby in bed already. Well, Sleep well.

Posted by: Andreas Christopher at September 24, 2005 05:17 PM

I will tell you one thing more. That`s not so importen, but I will tell you that likevel. You have nice woman forms. Please don`t misunderstand. I just thinked it would get your self respeckt eaven bether.

Posted by: Andreas Christopher at September 24, 2005 05:28 PM

Seriously Andreas Christopher what is your deal? You do understand that this is a website where people discuss movies not a website where the actors interact with their psycho fans. I am sure you are young and don't understand, Emma Watson is not going to respond to you here. Chances are she won't ever see this site. Don't feel bad, your not the only person to try communicating with stars this way.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 25, 2005 01:29 PM

Damn She is so hot i don't care what she does but the short skirts would sure make my day

Posted by: BIGFY at September 25, 2005 07:04 PM

Hey guys, Well i'm not surprised she's swearing. Go 2 www.students of click on clubs, then click on fan clubs, finally click on Emma Watson Sucks club and u'll see wot I mean.

Posted by: Kyle at September 25, 2005 11:16 PM

Omg... Granger was the best! I don't get it?

Posted by: Sarah at September 26, 2005 07:58 PM

I thought she was hot from the first time I saw the hairy potter movie

Posted by: Agent george at October 5, 2005 07:11 AM

well personally i think that she is sweet but i mean she went out with daniel(harry) and tom(draco) so a lot of people dont like her for that...and if you want to talk to tom go to or both work! and remember, SMILE!!!

Posted by: Sierra at October 10, 2005 09:38 PM

well, the sad thing is people say that i look like her and i am bi so i want her just as bad or worse as you guys do...

Posted by: Sierra at October 12, 2005 12:35 AM

Sierra are you also only fifteen?

Posted by: crackerjack at October 12, 2005 05:22 PM

i am so in love with emma. I think she is definently the most beautiful girl i have ever seen. :)

Posted by: Maj0rZer0 at October 12, 2005 09:09 PM

wow fukin hot!!!!!! the only thing i watch in harry potter movies is Emma

Posted by: jjc at October 13, 2005 03:45 PM

emma is fantastik you stupid haeds

Posted by: mike at October 18, 2005 05:24 PM

anyone who says that emma is bad they are rong a 100% and do not call her the f ward you stupid jjc

Posted by: mike at October 18, 2005 05:33 PM

you say that about me i hate you i love you bye bye

Posted by: jjc at October 18, 2005 05:37 PM

ilove you

Posted by: mike at October 18, 2005 05:38 PM

she is safe kid

Posted by: ben at October 24, 2005 07:57 AM

can i get your msn addy plz

Posted by: ben at October 24, 2005 07:58 AM

yea well im not sure wats up with you ppl that think harry potter is stupid, he's so cute! and emma is an awesome actress, and she is going far along with daniel(or at least i really hope he does)Rupert Grint is also a good actor and i really hope that Rowling writes more than 7 books. but the goblet of fire was my all time favorite so im hoping that its as good as the book. and i heard that they arnt going to have mrs.weasley in this movie does anyone know if this is true for a fact???

Posted by: jessie at October 25, 2005 11:50 AM

well i just posted but i wanna answer my own question... aparently they did cut mrs. weasley out as well as the dursleys i mean how much crap is that they both play such a big part in the movie and i was really looking forward to seeing dudley get his tongue enlarged. i dont see why they cut so much out if they can afford to make movies like titanic and all the lord of the ring movies not to mention the 4 hour and 16 minute movie rose red by steven king then wtf??? these ppl are really starting to get on my nerves!!!!!!

Posted by: jessie at October 25, 2005 12:00 PM

You all are idiots!! Emma Watson is a great actor and can beat your butt anytime!!

Posted by: Taylor at October 25, 2005 05:56 PM

i agree w/ jessie

Posted by: Taylor at October 25, 2005 05:57 PM

do u guys think emma ever reads these, well is she does then i want to tell her that i love her.
my sn is gotohell111111
so if emma ever reads this stuff u know where to find me emma

Posted by: atheistandanarchist at October 27, 2005 08:47 PM

do u guys think emma ever reads these, well is she does then i want to tell her that i love her.
my sn is gotohell111111
so if emma ever reads this stuff u know where to find me emma
does anyone know emmas screen name on aol

Posted by: atheistandanarchist at October 27, 2005 08:47 PM

katie leung is a bitch

Posted by: gem at October 29, 2005 10:55 PM

Hello.My name is Esat.I'm a Turkish.You are very succesfull and very beatiful girl.

please write me

Posted by: Esat at October 31, 2005 07:43 AM

well i'm new but im me at [email protected] or email me and it might be a little boring being the same character there is six books so there might be six movies so that be boring playin the same character six times in a movie series

Posted by: aaron at November 12, 2005 02:57 PM

Does anyone here know Emma Watsons AIM screen name??

Posted by: Kelsey at November 13, 2005 06:17 PM


Posted by: KELSEY at November 13, 2005 08:12 PM

I did once have Emma's screen name. I had IMed her for about three months, and this was really Emma. Sadly, we got rid of AOL and I couldn't log on to my screen name anymore...Emma's screen name was lost, and I know it was EmmaWatson and a bunch of Numbers. There was also one that was BrithisPrincess and then a number.

Posted by: Taylor Shaw at November 17, 2005 07:44 PM

i love emma watson

Posted by: david ferrera at November 18, 2005 04:17 PM

if you look at emma´s eyes you will see there is a big picture of you then you will never forget this you will ever think of her you will think when i meet emma watson then i will.............................................that is not a dream believe this than sometime you will meet her believe this when you interested at me write [email protected] that is my msn adress

Posted by: david ferrera at November 18, 2005 04:22 PM

You people are nuts, there's no way you can get Emma's number, msn addy or email. And this interview is a fake.. typical tabloid rubbish! Anyway, what is the big deal with swearing? There's no need to criticize we have all done it.

Posted by: Dee at November 19, 2005 06:35 PM

from the very first film i whas like hubber hubber at emma and since then i keep on dreeming that emma watson and me are having sex

Posted by: edwardprice at November 20, 2005 09:18 AM

Does anyone know her vital status?

Posted by: CHK at November 22, 2005 12:02 PM

hi you rock on youre one good actres you look good on tv and Out!

Posted by: joseph hodgins at November 23, 2005 02:47 AM

and you are good lookng so Rock on!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: joseph hodgins at November 23, 2005 02:49 AM

these ppl that post somethin on this commentboard just to say how sexy she is and how they would like to get her email or screen name are just f***ing retarded. she probly does not care for immature ppl yall need to grow up and get a life i mean yea she is beautiful but u dont need to post that u luv her when u dont even know her or havent even talked to her. just a thought. later.

Posted by: xylem at November 23, 2005 05:34 PM

I hope she gets sterotyped because she acted in harry potter. Mainly because it sucks and is a discrace upon fantasy. also in the fantasy movie world this is the standings Lord of the Rings opened the door for fantasy movies. harry potter a mediocer kids book that got way to popular and is now similar to a fatass who wont get the hell out of the way (of the door LOTR opened) for kick ass authors with books aimed at older audiences like Robert Jordans series The Wheel of Time, or any forgotten realms author. My fav in preticular (R.A salvatore) for example has created races (His dark elves kick ass seriously) and characters (Drizzt Do'Urden a dark elf ranger or artemis entreri a human assassin) who could kick anything from harry potter. Ex. Entreri has a glove that can absorb all magic. EX. a Lich (Undead (zombie) wizard (very powerful) threw all their magic at him he absorbed it and shot it back). Or on the smaller scale Joeseph Blancette. He wrote a small time story with a character named Kerrigan (not from star craft this kerrigan is way less evil this one is neutral) She is a mutant (not extra arm mutant much more sophisticated for a kick pic of her go to
anywho she has the power to disrupt all powers and magic and such, so unless hagrid was around (as she is not very strong (at all she is pretty weak (physical not mentaly) she could kick harrys ass!

Posted by: random at November 24, 2005 01:55 AM

People make me laugh. For one the things shown above are PROBABLY FAKE as far as the swaering goes... and if there not who cares anyway, does it make her bad cuz she said the f word??? LOL i say it every day, and so do alot of people, one word should not cause epidemic, I see her as a hard working young women, becuase its not easy to be an actor or actress, to be a professional anything is hard, i train very hard for boxing every day and im no where near champ (yet lol), she in her way trains very hard mentally and metionally and just lke everything else wants to make money for her hard work, NOT satisfy everyone beyond her movie boundaries and heck shes nice in that sence to with her awesome personality and high positive nergy aurora so stop being critics there are already plenty, EMMA email me if u ever read this, and if not whomever does remember what i said please, put yourself in her position, getting mobbed by thousands of people every day as a 15 year oold im 16 and i cant stand the 200 people in my first fight in the junior olympics haha

Posted by: Ryan at November 25, 2005 03:55 AM

add me emma watson i love u im 15 as well im ur big fan

Posted by: kleyon at November 27, 2005 10:17 AM

remeber me from msn i was talking with your friend daniel alejandro salas

Posted by: kyle 16 at November 27, 2005 02:12 PM

yea i talked to u do u remeber that was like yesterday email me [email protected]

Posted by: kyle 16 at November 27, 2005 02:14 PM

WoW Sassy and hot woah!!!!!!!!!!!! but hey she can do what she wants to do so ya just cause u 30 year olds will never get with her dont have hissy fits

Posted by: tyler at November 28, 2005 09:10 AM

dude who cares about being mobbed by ppl im mobbed all the time and im not gonna say who i am but i luv being a child star

Why they hell am i on this?


Posted by: tyler at November 28, 2005 09:15 AM

hey if u wanna holla at me my msn is [email protected]

o and im 16

Posted by: tyler at November 28, 2005 09:17 AM

Dude, tyler, and every freakin' other Potter fan, you WILL NOT meet Emma on this page. This site is not for that crap. You are clogging up an otherwise intersting post. This site is not a chat line. Please go away, you are annoying the crap out of me.

Posted by: Brian at November 28, 2005 09:22 AM

You know what...I actually find Ron to be the most interesting character out of all the Potter characters...and he is probably the most underrated. He is a tall, lanky, goofy looking bastard, but he is the best actor. As for Emma...yeah...she is hot and when she turns 21...she can hollar at a sexy man like me!!!!

And to all you other fan boy psychotic stalkers...this is not a sight dedicated to Emma Watson...this a a MOVIE BLOG...Holy Shit...go beat off somewhere else.

Posted by: MechoPower at November 28, 2005 09:46 AM

They were stupid enough to publish their email addresses. Just sign them up to goat porn newsletters. That'll learn 'em.

Posted by: Stuart @ Cinema Blend at November 28, 2005 06:19 PM


Posted by: Brian at November 28, 2005 07:19 PM

hi im your biggest fan and i want to be more i would like to be your friend plz email me plz [email protected] plz email me im 14 almost 15 plz

Posted by: nathan vella at November 29, 2005 11:54 AM

plz i fink ur so nice i really want to meat u plz im not like all these other boys on her plz email me at [email protected]

Posted by: nathan vella at November 29, 2005 11:57 AM

What the f#@!. Another fanboy! Man, i'm coming to this site EVERY DAY just to read the pathetic cries of young boys who probably want to f#@$ her more than meet her. This is the funnyest post site ever. Bring it on, dorks!

Nathan, i know how you can be more like Emma! Get a sex change!

Posted by: Brian at November 29, 2005 12:48 PM

Really, what is wrong with these people? How don't they get what this site is? Please guys understand the chance that Watson will ever look at this site is very slim and the chance that she would email you is even less so knock it off. Don't parents talk to their kids anymore?

Posted by: crackerjack at November 29, 2005 01:50 PM

These are probably all 30 year old pedophiles living in their mom's basement anyhow.

Call the FBI.

Posted by: Stuart @ Cinema Blend at November 29, 2005 05:48 PM

hmm, Stu you might be on to something.

Posted by: crackerjack at November 29, 2005 06:00 PM

I love the Harry Potter films, and I think the cast is great, but my favorite is Emma. She is the prettiest and I would like her email

Posted by: Jerry Holbrook at December 1, 2005 07:46 AM

Hi its me reality check and guys Emma Watson is just another person who HAS a life. So please do not ruin it for her by stalking her in any way, shape, or form. Get a real girlfriend, and stop chasing after fanatasies because you only waste your time doing it. Emma Watson is busy with her life to worry or read about these kinds of things.

Posted by: Reality Check at December 7, 2005 01:25 AM

Hi guys, This is Emma Watson...I found this site while surfing the internet and saw how many fans I have and it makes me so happy! I didnt know that I had so fans out there after me...I mean, I am a big star who likes to hang out with other stars and I guess I just didnt have time for sorry little, no-job piss ants like you all. I will email everyone of you though...dont worry...I always take care of my fans. It is just so amazing to think that I have psychotic stalking pedophiles and little boys sitting at home around the world beating off to pictures of me...arent I just so cute!!! Here's a word of advice to all of you...get a job, become famous, and then maybe I might give you the time of day...until then...stop stalking me and hoping to get a picture of me digging my panties out of my crack or something like that. As a matter of fact...I think I will become a lesbian just so you will all leave me alone!!!

Posted by: Emma Watson at December 7, 2005 01:01 PM

She should be in porn! that will be hot

Posted by: bob at December 7, 2005 05:57 PM

Damn, Emma, you sure are a jerk. oh what am i thinkin' you're probably a poser. If you're a poser, get the hell off this site. if you're Emma, you're the biggest snot nosed brat that i have ever heard.

Posted by: Brian at December 8, 2005 12:21 PM

I am so sorry Brian. You must have been one of the little rejects that I rejected or did not send a signed picture to that you requested. You see, I ignore the people who constantly hound me and pester me for my email address and pictures of me in my underwear and stuff. I am way too far out of your league. Please stop stalking me and making things up about me. If I ever happen to see you on the street or something then just remind me that you are one of my stalker boys and I will gladly leave you something you will never forget: A smack on your ugly, insignificant, totally non-famous face. Then I will smile and swish my butt around and keep on walking.

Posted by: Emma Watson at December 8, 2005 01:17 PM

well u guys i reckon u arse wipes should jus leave emma alone cos she dont need no lil boys botherin her ye i no u lot even i do think emma is fit but it will neva happen cos al we r is jus well we int famous and i sersouly dont tink emma likes like da not real famous peeps and i prob tink she fancies dat daniel radclif dude well dats all i gotta say so tink about it take a sec den say sory 2 emma for bein lil pedos alryte later on

Posted by: da real g at December 8, 2005 01:43 PM

What? Was that even english?

Posted by: Stuart @ Cinema Blend at December 8, 2005 01:46 PM

Does anyone understand anything that "Da Real G" said??? Are you that illiterate...cause you sure ain't cool or whatever it is that you hope to be. Wow, I am sure ol Emma up there hates to have stalkers but I bet it is worse to have stupid illiterate stalkers. Wow, the youth of this country never cease to amaze me!!!!!

Posted by: MechoPower at December 8, 2005 01:54 PM

Emma, did you even read my posts? are you retarted? I haven't even seen the stupid Harry Pothead movies. Damn, you sure don't read between the lines well, do you. The reason you're such a jerk is because you treat you're fans like shit, calling them pests, brats, and making fun of them because they're not famous. Granted, some of 'em are stalkers, but some are honest. I think someone should kidnap you and drop you onto the streets of Compton and see how you like there. Get a taste of the real world and not that "perfect" life you call hollywood.

Posted by: Brian at December 8, 2005 02:11 PM

man emma if u read this u are sooooooooo hot

Posted by: i love emma watson at December 8, 2005 07:23 PM

i wish i could 2 talk 2 u in real life or on the phone

Posted by: i love emma watson at December 8, 2005 07:30 PM

ur so cexyyyyyyyyyyy

Posted by: i love emma watson at December 8, 2005 07:32 PM

You people frighten and sadden me. Please seek help.

Posted by: crackerjack at December 9, 2005 01:41 AM

i would love to have emma watsons email address i could email her

Posted by: tomas at December 9, 2005 03:13 PM

Guess I scared the punk off. Serves her right. Man, i can't believe it. Of the nerve of some people. And of course, her fans are still loyal. Now that she actually came to this site, there's gonna be a whole flock of pervs coming here. These fans truly disturb me more than any movie can.

Posted by: Brian at December 9, 2005 05:28 PM

Emma I want to fuck you in the ass.
Brian go suck some dick!

Posted by: Fucker at December 10, 2005 11:58 PM

I feel like this is all a bad dream, please tell me Brian knows that was not really Emma Watson, he can't be that stupid. Can he?

Posted by: crackerjack at December 11, 2005 12:05 AM

Dude, crackerjack, i said that it was probably a poser. Did you read my posts? No harm in makin' sure though. It really doesn't matter who it was, it's fun to argue with pathetic losers. F******, get a life.

Posted by: Brian at December 11, 2005 08:54 PM

I am back again!!! Sorry to have stayed away, but some people around here have jobs and must work. I mean, come on, how do you expect me to find time for all you stalkers? Oh the hardship of being famous. It is not like it isn't hard enough to do without poor little sore asses like Brian constantly crying about being 35 year old virgin and not being able to date someone as hot as me. Of course I will always have loyal fans, just look at me, I am, like so hot! I don't care if you see my movies or not, I still have you in love enough to get on this site and talk to me don't I! And to all you other little stalker boys up there, don't get your hopes up. I know you want to F*!K me and who know what else, but dream on. You don't stand a chance. So keep doing what you are doing: Mastubating in your mothers basement.

Posted by: Emma Watson at December 12, 2005 08:55 AM

wow that was so cute...............

Posted by: Andy at December 13, 2005 08:23 PM

im 15 plz go out with me plz....................

Posted by: Andy at December 13, 2005 08:25 PM

+i dont think it was you if it was then plz email me if your not emma watson then go to hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Andy at December 13, 2005 08:27 PM

man, who ever is making fun of emma needs to shut up. your just hating because shes famous. look, just chill, she looks really good and everyone knows it, and im sure she will pick the right boy someday.

Posted by: Maximilian at December 14, 2005 04:08 PM

poser, just to let you know, i'm 16, and screwing emma would be like screwing my mom. sick.

Maximillian, I've never seen any of Emma's movies. I don't know how good she is. i don't care. i have to work pathetic little minimum wage jobs and work my butt off to get a few bucks. if that IS emma watson, then she has no idea what "loving your fans" is and doesn't care. In her screwed little world she likes to belittle people less fortunate than her. i live a gang war zone with drug dealers and crap. I have to deal with stuff every day that she doesn't. right boy, yeah right. watch her marry some star 10 years older than her and get divorced in 2 weeks.

Of course, like crackerjack said, there is a 99.9 percent chance that it's a fake up there posting and needs to get off this site.

On the positive side, i think we might set a MovieBlog record for most comments on a post. keep the comments comin'!

Posted by: Brian at December 14, 2005 05:28 PM

Hey yall really need to stop stalking emma. 1st- ur never gonna get her email and anything like that, 2nd- She just ends up thinking ur freaks, and 3rd- ITS JUST WEIRD!

Posted by: kelsey at December 17, 2005 02:53 PM

Emma Watson is such a great actress i hope she can come over to my house sometime i want her e-mail address you retards need to stop picking on the harry potter fans

Posted by: Jennifer Anderson at December 17, 2005 06:00 PM

I'm not picking on any fans. i'm making fun of serial stalkers who put all there time and effort into meeting Emma Watson. It's creepy...and wrong. i'm not a Harry potter hater. I haven't seen any of the movies. I'm just not interested. i'm sure there are fans of this series who have perfectly normal lives, but just read all these posts. They are all 15 year olds wanting to bang her, not meet her. They have an unhealthy crush...really unhealthy. To me, Emma is becoming like tom cruise. barely see him in any movies. When i do, he is usually good, but his screwed personal life distracts from his performances. In short, acting is acting. These people live totally different lives than what they portray on screen. Good actors are not necessarily good people. Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if Emma was a witch in real life...just joking!

Posted by: Brian at December 17, 2005 09:41 PM

i wish she was younger so i could go out with her

Posted by: joshua donk at December 18, 2005 06:06 PM

luv ya emma

Posted by: joshua donk at December 18, 2005 06:09 PM

hi emma im frenh and im your biggest fan! you are so hot and you seem to be very nice!! please take my msn address i want to know you...if you want. please please please!! love, later!! my adress is [email protected]

Posted by: matt at December 22, 2005 05:56 AM

im french sorry not frenh... and im 15 and my name is matthieu! bye

Posted by: matt at December 22, 2005 06:00 AM

hey emma, im trying to be an actor but nothing seems to be coming up for me, do you reckon you could get me a part in an upcoming HP movie or something. if you could it would be greatly appreciated. btw i aint no perverted asshole, im the same age as you

Posted by: Dan West at December 22, 2005 07:24 PM

Hey Daniel i'll add you to my MSN and i'll see what i can do for you

Posted by: Emma Watson at December 23, 2005 10:01 AM

i'm 15 and believe that she's a good actor but has lots of improvement to be done. Plus if she does read these comments i advise her not to answer the weirdos who want to fuck her or anything else involved with sexual contact. great job cya

Posted by: leaf at December 26, 2005 06:46 AM

Dear Oh Dear... You People!! I Fancy Emma As Much As the Next guy, But Leave The Poor Girl Alone For 1 Freakin Second!! Its All "I Love You" And "add me to msn" and stuff. I mean do you think she has the time?? when it was the school show and i was in that i barely had time to sneeze let alone surf the net and answer little boy's requests to talk to them for hours at a time on msn!! But i'm sure she'll find a way! haha no no seriously though STOP BEING PERVS!! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW DODGEY THIS THREAD LOOKS??? no seriously u r a great actress. i'd be a hypocrit and give you my msn addy but it doesn't work for some reason.
anyway have fun filming Order Of Phoenix

Posted by: Matt at December 27, 2005 06:23 AM

by the way this isn't the french matt its a different 1 i changed ma name just now. haha anyway... im off!!

Posted by: Matty Doo Daa at December 27, 2005 06:39 AM

Wow, It Goes All Quiet When I Say Something...

Posted by: Matty Doo Daa at December 27, 2005 09:03 AM

No, man, your right. They are all pervs. i've been waiting for someone else to post on this, it's so funny to listen to those geeks.

Posted by: Brian at December 27, 2005 12:42 PM

u all have issues with this girl just leave her alone

Posted by: someone at December 27, 2005 12:58 PM

Thanks Brian Man, Well i think you were talking to me, i just think it's wierd. i mean yeah she's hot and whatever else you wanna call her but it comes to a point, when on a site that has nothing to do with her you get little boys being pervy old men! -shudders-

Posted by: Matty Doo Daa at December 28, 2005 12:57 PM

Hello, miss watson,
hope you have a very,very cheirsh new 2006 year
I would like to have your e-mail. so I can talk to you about both
our worlds apart,I enjoy your true-gift at acting,it is what you do
I'm not a actor, just a fan who enjoys a true act.and thanks to jkr
for your hermione who I adore.anyhoo when you can have a day
free of reading,acting,posing,ducking,running,signing,just want to be a lone. anyhoo would like it,if you stop by my site,to look around
and see what you like or not. anyyhoo my e-mail/site.
[email protected] please take time and view and let me know ok.
a fan of yours mike .

Posted by: mike daron at December 29, 2005 01:50 PM

Dream on, Mike, dream on. hey, does anyone remember what the original purpose of this post was way back in September? I seem to have forgotten....

Posted by: Brian at December 29, 2005 08:44 PM

I Think We Should All Make A Pact, And By We I Mean You Guys. I Think We Should Stop POsting On This Thread And Leave It the Freck Alone...

Posted by: Matty Doo Daa at December 30, 2005 06:33 AM

Dear Emma,

I think you SHOULD keep being Hermione in the Harry Potter series. I think so because if you quit, the films would not be as good as they are when you are in them. Also, because I am one of your biggest fans,It would make me very sad if u did not be in the films anymore. I hope you will consider my thought and pass it on to Dan,and Rupert.

I also admire you a lot, keep up the good work! McKenzie C.

Posted by: McKenzie at December 30, 2005 08:22 AM

It's McKenzie again! Please try to e-mail me because I want to know about your life in England, AND your life as an actress. I have a Gryfindoor commen room themed room! One of my biggest dreams is to act in a movie like you do! I have had this dream since I was 7 years old.
And I hope you have a good day!

Posted by: McKenzie at December 30, 2005 08:32 AM

Dear Emma,
I have been trying to get a part in acting for a while,But have had no luck, I was wondering if you could help me somehow like what you did to Daniel. My e-mail adress is [email protected] please write back.


P.S. Sorry about all of those letters, I was just overly exited about "talking to you" McKenzie C.

Posted by: McKenzie at December 30, 2005 08:44 AM

Dear Emma,
This is kinda creepy since you may think most of these people are stalkers. I guess you could call me one seeing as I acually got Bethany Hamliton's e-mail address and know she's one of my contacts. o.O Yeah, and I guess I would doubt you would ever look at ALL of your thrads but in the case you did, why not post? I really like you as a person and I've never heard you don't want to be Hermione anymore. I think you should keep doing Harry Potter because HG is my favorite charactor and I acually pretend I'm her to go to sleep at night. So once again, I may appear like a stalker but I'm not at all. Anyways, just in case my e-mail is [email protected]! Thanks for reading this!

Posted by: Samantha R. at December 30, 2005 09:01 AM

Hiya all. emma watson hasnt come here, she has more sense lads, im an actor in my spare time, but more of a stage actor. like theatre that kinda thing!

and if i kno emma she wont post here! and she isnt that abusive!

so come on guys, she ent gunna add u, or anythin like that!

hope u all realise that actors dont add there fans, who knows they could be 35 old plumber from liver pool or summink!

peace out people, stop stalking emma god i hate fans they get on ur nervs

"can i have ur autograph" its pointless, so guys, dont stalk her! give her space, she needs space from people like u lot!


Actorx (hidden identify)

Posted by: actorx at December 30, 2005 10:37 AM

Emma Watson I have noticed you in Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire you were great in that movie I went to the movie with my friend and he noticed that when you came up I was paying attention more i think you are a great looking girl keep the good looks up Happy New year and Holidays.

Posted by: Jason Smith at December 30, 2005 11:28 PM

u have nice eyes and sexy lips
can i have ur msn and phone number
here is mine 07922879335 my name is
shubnit rehal

Posted by: shubnit rehal at January 2, 2006 11:35 AM

For fuck sake any pedo could be looking at this an getting peoples numbers, emails etc..i bet half the people posting on this board are either pedos or teens...


Posted by: Getafuckinggrip at January 2, 2006 11:53 AM

For Fuck Sake, I like Emma Watson as much as the next guy. But Please, she is never, NEVER going to read these posts. First thing is shes an actress, she only has enough hours in the day to act, eat, and sleep. And even if she does have the time to come here, what makes you think she will add you on msn? She would just think your a bunch of retarded freaks. And for god sake learn to spell! "Plz" is not a word! Get a life, and a girlfriend. (No, those cardboard cut-outs do not count as girlfriends).

And for the people defending here. What makes you think she will only go out with famous people? Shes a human just like all of us. She did go to school once, she may have a very close friend from there? She may go to an internet dating site when she is older, but not saying who she is, and they may become huge great freinds who love each over or what not. And then one day they go out and date.

And on a few notes, I think anyone in the world can become actors. As long as they have the patience, and what the people in the film is looking for. And this Emma Watson impersonator, shut the fuck up, you know there is over 100 people impersonating her? Give her a break! If you realy are here. Give us some proof, like make a sound recording of her saying this "I am Emma Watson. My voice is my passport. Verify Me" (Yes I got that off a movie, cool one at that). Or maybe you can get a webcam or video recorder and record yourself doing something, for example dancing, brushing your hair, cleaning your teeth, something no one else could have.


Posted by: SynthDark at January 2, 2006 08:05 PM

OMG! Emma was the best person for the part even though it's my dream to be Hermione or even meet Emma if I get picked (which I wont) I couldn't live with myself! Emma u r my rolemodel and even if u quit u always will be! (u have been my role model ever since I was 2)!! Emma if u read this and u have time to call or send me an email heres the info: phone#: 1-(781)-259-1425 email:[email protected] (all of the versions of emma watson luva were taken please dont be mad) instant message:soccaluvagal2

Posted by: Dylan MacDonald at January 3, 2006 09:46 AM

All I can say is you guys need to get a life... "Oh I love you Emma" "Emma, add me to MSN" I mean for fuck sake - who do you think you are?
And SynthDark.. posting your personal information = a bad idea. Learn to use the internet in a safe manner before you post shit like that..

Have a nice day =D

Posted by: Sigh at January 4, 2006 06:29 PM

Where the hell did I give away any of my personal information?

Posted by: SynthDark at January 4, 2006 06:58 PM

I think he was looking at the post below your name and thought you posted it. he meant to say that to dylan mcdonald.

Posted by: Brian at January 5, 2006 03:12 PM

and i wonted to say that ur hoot and i love u

Posted by: bryan penix at January 5, 2006 07:53 PM

emma, listen or in this cace read this lol i wont to meat uat least on line so e mail me at keysb904

Posted by: bryan penix at January 5, 2006 08:07 PM

oh ya at

Posted by: bryan penix at January 5, 2006 08:10 PM

oh ya at

Posted by: bryan penix at January 5, 2006 08:11 PM

hi Emma,
i am gagan(sikh) from "Amritsar"(The city of GOLDEN TEMPLE).last days ,i had send to you a letter by hand at your's home address for approch to the producer about HP.
please do inform me. now,i am waiting for your's reply.
[email protected]
i know that you are so senstive of nature,you'll definately help me in this case.

Posted by: GAGAN at January 5, 2006 10:47 PM

hi Emma,
i am gagan(sikh) from "Amritsar"(The city of GOLDEN TEMPLE)INDIA.last days ,i had send to you a letter by hand at your's home address for approch to the producer about HP.
please do inform me. now,i am waiting for your's reply.
[email protected]
i know that you are so senstive of nature,you'll definately help me in this case.

Posted by: GAGAN at January 5, 2006 10:56 PM

every one be polite emma may be attractive but leave her alone my addis [email protected] emma peace out

Posted by: trixsta at January 6, 2006 05:46 AM

hi emma! im 15 and i can't say im a fan of you but i think u r a great actress and u look very nice! my msn is [email protected] you can add me to ur msn if you want its as you want!! later

Posted by: matt at January 6, 2006 10:23 AM

Emma is a girl well which to matured but you accustom rises to its paper I to him I believe that an actor must be respectful and friendly and although by much money that she never has to say to sight I have but and your it truth does not disappoint emma to me forget what and this of emma that the master and that I prefer to give everything to a sweet woman calm and beautiful so that the fame and as much as the beauty finishes and everything finishes in ashes

Posted by: Alejandro at January 6, 2006 12:36 PM

I think Emma is beutiful and will grow up to very sucessful when she grows up im 15 and I love Emma for who she is because Iread her profile and I think shes an amzing. Iwould do almost anything to meet her in person it would be really cool

Ben Carter

Posted by: Ben Carter at January 6, 2006 01:50 PM

I think that this website sux!!! Poeple what the hell are u doing wasting your time here? Theres another website thats way better it has pictures of emma and rupert kissing if you can beleive it, supposabley they were rehersing for the next harry potter movie and it has alot of information of emma and rupert that is actually true!!! You guys have to check it out!!!! The name of the website is called EWRGinfo/dating?.net

Posted by: Lucy at January 6, 2006 02:44 PM

hey emma all the people here are overzelouse fans. me i am just her to ask if u have any time or interest if u would e-mail me at [email protected] , that is if u readthis stuff

Posted by: baldey at January 6, 2006 03:10 PM

BWAAAAA HAAAAA HAAAAAA!!!!!!!! I can't contain myself! This is the most hilarious thing on the face of the earth! buzz off potter fans, this is not a personal Emma fanpage! Gosh, when will you get it! Their are so many different e-mails posted here, I'm gonna e-mail all of you and laugh in your face! Then in a week you will promptly receive the Grandmas Gone Wild newsletter. Thank you all, goodnight!

Posted by: Brian at January 6, 2006 05:46 PM

I just wanna ask, if you have already experienced sex...
Please reply

Posted by: Jensen at January 6, 2006 11:35 PM

i just want 2 no if u have ever had a crush on rupert or daniel?- please reply.

Posted by: Gabby at January 7, 2006 06:25 PM

Hi Emma,

how are you i just wanted to become your mail friend and one day become your best friend. If you want you have my e-mail

ok bye
ps- reply me!

Posted by: dhinisha at January 8, 2006 05:52 AM

It`s me again
I would like to have your e-mail oh i forgot to wish you HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Posted by: dhinisha at January 8, 2006 05:57 AM

Why on earth do people believe that Emma is reading this very page? She didn't write this article!

How would anyone have her real screenname or e-mail address?

Any private information supposedly collected from her is FAKE! Please, don't give in to believing that you actually found her aim sn or e-mail or myspace. First of all, she doesn't have a myspace. Second, she wouldn't waste her time online beacuse she is a VERY BUSY PERSON (making movies, interviews, promos, school, etc - she wouldn't have time to be online in the first place...let alone, talk to creepy online strangers) and if she did, she would only correspond with her REAL friends and family. Think about it. Don't be scammed by people who like to pretend being her. I just can't believe what I read these days. Unless you personally know Emma Watson, have met her in person, and/or conversed with her face to face or voice to voice... then I can surely say that you will never have the opportunity to unless you stalk her.

Posted by: Penguin at January 8, 2006 06:28 AM

emma isnt a very good actress but man is she hot so i dont notice how bad at acting she is.

Posted by: clayton at January 9, 2006 04:44 PM

give me emma's msn addy anyone plz plz plz

Posted by: jake at January 11, 2006 12:55 PM

Yeah, sure jake. It's You'[email protected].

Posted by: Brian at January 11, 2006 02:11 PM


Yea that's what i reckon,Emma u should stay as Hermoine,hahaha,Im saying don't go into all that boy stuff.Ok,grow up as a young lady,for long u won't notice ur growing up ok,so I say watchout out for those boy's-Email me to

O yea can i have your email 2,if u have MSN-(Hotmail) plz tell me and add me thanx.Once agen watchout for those boy's and stay Hermoine

k Mwah!

Posted by: Jared at January 11, 2006 07:09 PM

HelLo HelLO agen,

Emma personally you should try and stay young and really i like you heaps,Well guys as well as agreeing wit you,i'd say Emma is superior,Well i "Love Emma Heaps" some time's i wish i was in England just to see Emma.

Well E-mail me @ [email protected]


Posted by: Jared at January 11, 2006 07:28 PM

Hello agen

Emma Watson is beautiful,but to bad,lol im only 13 and she's 15,aw'well i still like her and love her she's a cool person to know.But i do encourage her not to go into all that boy stuff,and really i wish i was 15.

But to bad i live in Australia Sydney,Well that doesn't matter i still have load's of feeling's 4 her well thanx. :D

Posted by: Jared at January 12, 2006 07:20 PM

O yea by the way

u guys shouldn't really swear,I'd probrably say that this wonderous beautiful gurl doens't like it wen people swear,i dun swear,You guys shouldn't really swear to a yung lady like her.

What im trying to say is, A gurl like her should ern respect from u guys ok.Think about what she may think after reading all these post-(Even SynthDark doesn't think it's possible she reads these) but anyway.

Personally to you Emma.I'd like to say agen agen and agen,your a beautiful girl,You have the best sense of houmour,And i wish i had a sister like you.I love you so much,and desperateley i really would be obliged if u add me to You list,You've got my email....Love you heaps Emma,And have a Happy New Year, and to everyone.


I will never 4get u!!

Posted by: Jared at January 13, 2006 01:47 AM

i love emma watson more than any thing in the wrold

Posted by: M.DINAKAR at January 13, 2006 04:57 AM

i want to talk to her atleast once.every day I hug myself indicathing all my blood filled with u .I sleep to dream u



Posted by: M.DINAKAR at January 13, 2006 05:04 AM

yea i saw her in my dream this night

Posted by: you-know-who at January 13, 2006 08:56 AM

Hey, i have just counted the amount of posts for this section. 151! Mine makes it 152! Holy crap.

Posted by: Brian at January 13, 2006 10:32 AM

hey i am not gonna call people names here or nothen, but you people are wasting your time trying to write messages to emma she is very busy and probably will never read your posts so guys it's ok to have your thoughts about her but make sure they stay thoughts we don't need to know about your dreams with emma. and stop giving your phone numbers and addys emma will never get them or have time to add u.

ps: i did not meen to crush anyones dreams... lol

Posted by: nick at January 14, 2006 12:33 AM

153 now :p

Posted by: nick at January 14, 2006 12:34 AM

hey emm maybe u wount read it but i just wanna wish u congrats for everthing .it`s just so hard to get to an audition and ur so so so lucky . that ur in i think ur d most popular under16 in the whole world .im just working hard 2 get an audition maybe ill see u someday .im just wasting ur time gud by emm .and gud luk again

Posted by: davi at January 16, 2006 07:50 AM

hi cud i hav ur email address im so desperate to get in touch with u

Posted by: jordan weston at January 16, 2006 11:09 AM

im ur number 1 fan so plz plz plz cud i have ur email address

Posted by: jordan weston at January 16, 2006 11:27 AM

congrats on the new film ithought u did a gr8 job

Posted by: jordan weston at January 16, 2006 11:30 AM

wud u b able to email me at [email protected] cause i wud like to get in touch

Posted by: jordan weston at January 16, 2006 11:33 AM

so, has anyone ever thought about why they are typing away on this web site? i know, i am too but thats just to give you guys some sort of clue. ok- you all know emma will never be on this site, or any other site for that matter. So why are you writing to her? its just fun righting to other people who admire her, but when you start to ask for e-mail and stuff like that you got some issues to sort out. you know that you wont ever meet her on here so try to do something with you life rather than stalk a famous girl. do something with your life that might bring you just that much closer to meeting her. think on that one.

Posted by: R.A.M. at January 16, 2006 01:35 PM