September 14, 2005

Daltry Calhoun Trailer with Johnny Knoxville

johnny-knoxville.jpgJohnny Knoxville has his first leading role in Daltry Calhoun, a comedy about an ex-golfer gone grass salesman who is reunited with his 14 year old daughter who is a musical prodigy. Daltry has to balance his failing business and rejuvenate the relationship with his daughter all while juggling his girlfriend played by Juliette Lewis and his daughters mother Elizabeth Banks.

I know very little about this movie and had not read much during its production, but after viewing the trailer provided by Movies (dot) com, I think it has potential. It certainly isn't going to be a 40 Year Old Virgin but I do see this as progression in Knoxville's career.

I have gone on record in the past stating that Knoxville is going to be the next Brad Pitt. From what I have seen in Walking Tall and other minor appearances, I predict that Knoxville will fine tune his acting chops, and will be one of the faces we see taking on high profile projects (like Pitt). Pitt; once compared to being a modern day Robert Redford, will have to pass the torch within the next 5 years or so -lets get real people, he ain't getting any younger- and I feel that the torch will be passed in Knoxville's direction. I havn't scene his performance in The Dukes of Hazzard yet -waiting for the DVD release- but I would suspect his contribution to the movie was one of the highlights.

Disagree if you like, but I will be right there singing "I told you so" when it all goes down. Check out the trailer for Daltry Calhoun and let us know what you think of the movie, and what you think of Johnny Knoxville?

Update:Cinematical doesn't think I'm crazy.

Posted by Brad Shipston at September 14, 2005 12:29 PM


Johnny Knoxville? Jackass? Brad Pitt? That guy is a caricature, and i hardly think such abortions as The Dukes of Hazzard are going to launch him into the super-stardom Brad Pitt enjoys. I think Jared Leto or the like would be a much likelier candidate for Brad Pitt's spot.

Posted by: ghani at September 14, 2005 01:24 PM

Trust me my friend. Within the next 5 years this guy is going to explode.

Posted by: Brad Shipston at September 14, 2005 01:28 PM

But explode into what? He's done nothing. He was horrible in Dukes of Hazzard and has yet to prove to anyone that he can actually act.

I tend to agree with ghani on this. Knoxville will be the pop culture flavour of the month for the next 2 years or so and then will fade quickly (as most pop culture flashes do). Because once the Flash fades... all that's left is your talent. Knoxville hasn't shown any yet.

Pitt is one of the most gifted actors of our time. I think comparing Knoxville to him is... well... not a good idea.



Posted by: John Campea at September 14, 2005 02:19 PM

You just compared a man who tazers himself and allows aligators to bite his nipples to Brad Pitt. Where are these writers for themovieblog coming from these days?

Posted by: Alec at September 14, 2005 02:27 PM

you know brad pitt was on a few episodes of jackass, two skits stand out in my mind, where they kidnapped him from a line and when they dressed in monkey suits and casued trouble.

Posted by: miles at September 14, 2005 03:05 PM

Wow, you give a guy a bit of credit and all you get it grief. I never said he was a acting genius, but I do feel he will continue to grow and become a very effective on screne talent.

This could go south, if Knoxville falls into a downspiral and is forgotten, or can only get bit parts.

I don't think that will happen, the guy has a charisma much like you see in stars like Pitt, you can't deny that.

Take the Rock for example; we all hated the idea of the wrestler going Hollywood, but now I think he's doing a great job. He gets better with every thing he does.

Knoxville will follow the same path, but his charisma will take him to the next level.


Posted by: Brad Shipston at September 14, 2005 03:37 PM

No. Knoxville has never done anything good. I like Jackass, but that's not acting. Knoxville will be a has been in a few years.

Posted by: Pudie at September 14, 2005 03:58 PM

Yes... Knoxville has Charisma... but that's flash. It fades. Eventually talent has to be the backbone. And Knoxville hasn't shown any.

As for The Rock. The guy is big goofy fun... and he's good at it. But no one is suggesting he's a great actor.

I'll give Knoxville credit for charisma... sure. But all that shows me is that he has the potential to be the next Rock... not the next Pitt.

Subjective debates are the most fun. :)



Posted by: John Campea at September 14, 2005 04:24 PM

Knoxville the next Pitt? ?!? Knoxville has enough talent to shed his Jackass fame and carve out a few serious roles if he wants them. But no WAY is he the next Brad Pitt. Seven years into his acting career, Pitt was already showing signs of an up-and-comer with roles in Interview with the Vampire, Legends of the Fall, Se7en, and Twelve Monkeys. We're 5 years into Knoxville's career and the best he can do is The Dukes of Hazzard?

As another poster said - Knoxville has charisma. That charisma will get him some roles, and he'll go futher than anyone thought he would from his Jackass days. But there's no way he has the chops that Pitt had at this point in his career. And he certainly doesn't have the discipline to pick the roles that Pitt did.

Posted by: Jeff at September 14, 2005 04:46 PM

OK, before I step all over myself, I didn't want to geve anyone the impression the the Rock was a great actor. Simply wanted to use him as an example. In the Scorpion King the Rock almost made me sick listening and watching him act. Now I kinda look forward to it. The point is he is getting better.

I predict the same for Knoxville. The guy is going to work at it, and when he finally catches on and solidifies some skills, he will take off.

Even Pitt wasn't all that talented in movies like Johnny Suede -although the haircut didn't help- or Thelma & Louise. But because of his looks and charisma he was able to pull things off a bit better than the rest, allowing him to get more work and practice. Culminating to the mega star we see today.

This I feel will happen to Knoxville as well.

Posted by: Brad Shipston at September 14, 2005 04:48 PM

Honestly, the first thing I thought to myself after reading your 'Knoxville can be the next Brad Pitt' line, was that this site should stop letting you post.

Knoxville is a hack. And I'm sorry, but nothing I have EVER seen of his leads me to believe that not only will he become a great actor, but that he even cares about becoming a great actor. Brad Pitt obviously works at his craft and chooses roles that challenge him. Another great example is Will Smith, who was just a rapper when he had stardom thrust upon him. But did he settle for it? NO. He worked hard at his craft and has become one of the better actors of our generation.

I'm sorry, but you were way off base with Knoxville. You might want to cut bait while you still can.

Posted by: Richard (not Brunton) at September 15, 2005 12:37 AM

This is funny. I am bookmarking theis article so I can write a comment every year about Knoxville's carreer which IS NOT going to mirror Pitt's. Trust me.

How will his talent grow? By appearing in mediocre films?

Posted by: PlutoNick at September 15, 2005 02:43 AM

I read an article on this very subject not to long ago, so I don't think you are the first person to bring this up. I'm not sold on the theory right now, but that's not to say something couldn't happen. Will Smith was just the Fresh Prince of Bellair for years before he broke out. It isn't fair to assume he won't put forth the extra effort and work hard. You cant use his Jackass series as an indication of his intentions within the industry.

Posted by: Jen at September 15, 2005 10:01 AM

I understand Jessica Simpson is also supposed to be the next Merryl Streep! =P

Posted by: Richard (not Brunton) at September 15, 2005 10:51 AM

As for me, I applaud Brad for saying this. If it's what you actually think, I believe it's gutsy to say it even when you know most people will disagree. Well done Brad!

That doesn't change the fact that you're dead wrong... and man I'll be giving you a hard time about this one FOR YEARS!!!!



~John (Movie Blog Boss)

Posted by: John Campea at September 15, 2005 11:55 AM

I think Piper Perabo is going to be the next Katharine Hepburn. Just look at her performance in THE CAVE!

Posted by: JoJo at September 15, 2005 04:17 PM

Oh; all yee of little faith. That's OK with me, he who laughs last laughs best.

I want everyone to pay attention, because if I am wrong and this guy isn't the biggest young male actor in 5 years, I will eat my shoe and post it on the Movie Blog.

Posted by: Brad Shipston at September 15, 2005 04:30 PM

Its difficult to judge Johnny's future because of the movies he's been in and the movies he has a chance to be in. It seems like all they make these days are comic book movies and remakes of television shows that were never known for their edge and inventiveness. Brad Pitt has displayed his talent in off beat daring films by directors who aren't afraid to experiment. Knoxville's best chance is to search out a director who will push the limits of filmaking the way David Fincher, Terry Gilliam and Guy Ritchie did for Pitt, problem is the studios aren't greenlighting these directors as much as they are young music video directors with a new vision of old tv shows and comic books. I do think that with the right director Knoxville does stand a chance. Look at some of Pitt's earlier roles, I'm sure Johnny could have been good as Early in Kalifornia or Detective Frank Harris in Cool World and he certainly would have been a good Floyd. Though I will say looks wise, he's handsome but I don't see him having the impact Pitt did in Thelma and Louis.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 15, 2005 04:42 PM

Do people actually think the DALTRY CALHOUN trailer looks good? To me, it looks embarrassingly mawkish and uniquely unfunny--which is probably why the studio is dumping it with no fanfare whatsoever. It'll go down as yet another classic for Knoxville, I'm sure, just like GRAND THEFT PARSONS, DEUCES WILD, and LIFE WITHOUT DICK. What's that? You've never heard of any of them? That's because they all sucked, and were barely released.

Posted by: JoJo at September 15, 2005 09:33 PM

Brad, all i can say is ...

balls of steel for having your own opinion and sticking by it.

Mr Knoxville, while being entertaining, is a long shot, a 100-1, and definitely not the favourite to be the next Brad Pitt.

However that said, if he keeps entertaining people and studios keep hiring him, then it will be up to himself to improve his acting and secure more serious roles.

Posted by: Pablo at September 16, 2005 06:39 AM

I don't know if Johnny's supposed to be the next Brad Pitt but I understand that Pitt will fade away as they all do. I guess it was probably Robert Redford before him. Maybe Knoxvilles more like the next Burt Reynolds. Not really a great actor but more a flash of charisma that will burn out early to be reinvented later in life. I can certainly see him compared more easily to Burt than Brad.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 16, 2005 02:55 PM

Now don't get me wrong I like Jonny Knoxsville but come on, the next Brad Pitt. Your really streatching here. It sounds like your trying to shock us all into reading your articles. However your may be on to something with the rock. Since we have been all waiting for the next big action star and he might just be the man to do it. I don't think he will be as big as Sly Stalone or Arnold, but action is action, were not looking for great acting were looking for blood, guns and swords.

And I just want to say one more thing. Brad you seem to love Bill Murray. Let me just say I love him as well, I love what he use to be. Now all he does is makes boring movies that I want to fall asleep through. Actors like that were great, But but them back on the shelf. Yes he may have been nominated for an award for Lost in Translation but it was just so difficult to sit through.

Jack the cat

Posted by: Jack the cat at September 24, 2005 09:39 AM