September 29, 2005

Dallas Casting Rumours Begin

DallasJR.jpgDallas the Movie has been talked about on The Movie Blog for a while now... but this week the frenzy officially got started as Variety released it's list for who is in talks to play certain roles. The list is a proverbial who's who of "A" list actors (well... some of them anyway).

So here's my question. How on earth do you turn a running... decades long soap opera into a 2 hour movie? Don't get me wrong... I'm not saying they CAN'T do it... I'm certain they can. I only ask that question out of pure wonder! If they can come up with an effective script that really pulls it off I'll be VERY impressed.

So the good folks over at Time Out have given us the run down on the names being thrown around for roles in Dallas. Here they are:

The most high-profile role - that of super-villain JR Ewing - appears to be a four-way battle between box-office heavyweights John Travolta, Mel Gibson, Kevin Costner and Tommy Lee Jones.

As for Sue Ellen, the current favourite to play her is Catherine Zeta-Jones, although both Demi Moore and Jennifer Lopez aren't far behind in the pecking order.

Drew Barrymore and Reese Witherspoon are apparently eyeing up the role of Pamela, while youngster Lucy should (almost inevitably) be played by Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Simpson or Mandy Moore.

Matthew McConaughey and Owen Wilson are in talks to play Bobby Ewing, while Jane Fonda may well take on the role of family matriarch, Miss Ellie.

Now keep in mind that filming isn't supposed to even start for about a year... so any names you hear could drastically change, and I'm sure they will. Looks like Dallas the Movie is going to be the next "Who will play Bond" or "Who will the Spider-Man villain be" issue. And we have a full year to hear about it. Oh joy.

Posted by John Campea at September 29, 2005 04:26 AM


I was just watching a movie with Ray Liotta the other day and it suddenly occured to me that he would also make a good JR. John Travolta is my favourite so far, but if he can't play the part, I guess Ray Liotta would be a better choice than Gibson or Costner.

Posted by: T-Jax at September 29, 2005 05:15 AM

If this is going to be the highlight of next years movie or so, then we Americans need help intellectually (rolling eyes)...

Posted by: poodle at September 29, 2005 04:47 PM

I still don't understand why this needs to become a feature film...

Posted by: nOva at September 30, 2005 11:53 AM

The question isn't Who will play JR, the question is, who shot him!


Posted by: darren seeley at October 1, 2005 09:05 PM