September 26, 2005

Da Vinci Code starts filming in Edinburgh

DaVinciCode.jpgWell just outside, but crews have been moving in and working for a few days now and the filming has begun today. The weather is very windy, slightly damp, overcast and threatening rain. How do I know? I live here. No link required.

They're filming for the next four days (or so) at Rosslyn Chapel, which is mentioned in the book, and I leave for Spain tomorrow a.m. so there's no chance of me getting anywhere near there. That and the fact that I couldn't even get anyone to talk to me about the faintest whiff of getting there.

Still, at least they're using Rosslyn, and the money will help them with restorations. It's a very beautiful place (as is Edinburgh). My advice though is to go early in the day and make the most of your entrance fee.

Oh, and I won't start a rant about how all the real story of Da Vinci Code is almost indentical to the book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln published in 1982. Everyone, including the Church, has latched onto the Code and the hype, yet just about the entire back story of the Church and the Grail, etc is uncannily like this 1982 book.

Update: Just watched the Scottish news and they can't get anywhere near the filming either. The whole area is blocked off and the Chapel shut down for tourists. Looks like we'll be waiting to find out about it after the filming. Lot's of trucks around, stories from the local people annoyed about access (to what, the Chapel? It's not a through road!) and from a tourist who wanted to see the Chapel but can't, well stay around for a few days and you can. Oh, and the original Rosslyn Hotel talking about the crew popping in for dinner, yeah, colour me cynical, we won't see Hanks there, but the story is good for trade. So no news out of there I'm afraid.

Posted by at September 26, 2005 06:20 AM


Didnt you just rant Richard? LOL

Have a fab time in Spain, does that mean youre off posting at TMB whilst youre there?

Posted by: Simone at September 26, 2005 08:58 AM

I did...I can't help myself!

While I'm there I won't be able to post at all, although I will be writing. Paper writing that is, the old fashioned way, so I may come back with a few features to show.

Thanks Simone...Can't wait for the sun!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at September 26, 2005 09:14 AM