September 23, 2005

British Army up for hire

Not for invading of countries or anything, but for making movies. According to Cinematical they are offering soldiers, weaponry, buildings, and everything short of a live warhead for use in movies.

The British Army now offers a "one stop shop" for all filming requirements in the UK and abroad...

...Expert support is available to film makers, ensuring accuracy and realistic portrayal of engagements, tactics, and high impact scenarios. We can also source a huge range of military equipment and memorabilia available to be used as props.

Wow! I'm hiring them for a fake film tomorrow, just so I can play with guns! This is amazing, not because the service is there, we already knew that, it's because of the open advertising. Is the Army so hard up for cash that they need to sell this to get the kit to go into operation? Well...I won't suggest that's true, but the UK papers have in recent years.

Posted by at September 23, 2005 07:04 AM


Hi, I'm a Kenyan and when I visited your embassy, I read some of your journals and I thought I wanted to join the Army and by your help I can and in anyway. I'm glad of the services you offer and that makes you one of the internal peace resoluters and I thought you can assist me to join you. I hope you will hear my concerns and reply. Thanks in advance!

Posted by: Joseph at October 11, 2005 03:38 AM