September 06, 2005

Bishop In X-Men 3?

Word is floating around this morning that X-Men 3 may be adding everyones favorite time displaced anergy absorbing mutant known as Bishop to the film. This kind of rumour is both exciting and terrifying for me.

It's exciting because I've always found Bishop to be one of the richest characters in the X-Universe. He went toe to toe with Apolcalypse in the AOA storyline (even though he lost) and has one of the coolest dispositions I've ever seen in a comic character.

However, it's also a worrisome idea because there are already about 500 new X-Men in this movie on top of the returning ones. The good folks over at JoBlo sum up my fears like this:

If this is indeed true, let's try to recap all the new mutants that are possibly showing up in this movie - Angel, Beast, Juggernaut, Kitty Pryde, Stacy X aka Mutant Whore, Multiple Man, Gambit and now Bishop. And those are just the mutants. There's also Shohreh Aghdashloo playing Dr. Kavita Rao, any other as yet un-named new human characters and all of the returning mutants from the previous two films. Ratner's definitely got his work cut out for him.
Yeah... as much as I'd like to see Bishop up on the big screen... I think this dance card is already full. Best to let the character sit for another day (If there is another day... I still have a bad feeling they're going to kill the franchise with this film... but we'll wait and see).

Posted by John Campea at September 6, 2005 11:15 AM


All you need now are legitiamate actors to fill ALL those characters roles.

Most likely they'll go to MTV for a few sign ups!?

Posted by: boothbrave at September 6, 2005 12:24 PM

Who the fuck isn't going to be in this? This is starting to sound like an all-star ensemble for a 1970s era disaster flick.

Posted by: Franklin at September 6, 2005 12:34 PM

Maybe they don't plan on a fourth. That disaster flick comment makes me even more frightened for this film. First the director change up, then the talk of Halley Barry rockin the boat and now they are talking way too many characters. This film is on thin ice, what else can they do to jeapordize it?

Posted by: crackerjack at September 6, 2005 01:33 PM

I saw Layer Cake recently and I could totally see why Fox chose Matthew Vaughn to do X3. In fact, it shocked me what good taste the Fox executives showed by going for Vaughn, after I saw Layer Cake -- he would have been PERFECT, guys.

But now we have Ratner and a mutant cast of thousands. Are they going to split this into two films? Because at this rate, it sounds like that wouldn't be a bad idea. Or it could wind up being a series of rapid-fire cameos, like those Muppet movies.

Posted by: scotty at September 6, 2005 01:59 PM

Carefull with the Muppett talk, Ratner may get another idea and have Kermit show up too. Fozzie as the beast.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 6, 2005 02:13 PM

Man, I don't get it either. Halle Barry threatens to walk out if they don't give her more screen time(GET OUT B*TCH!!!) and the producers wuss out and give in, and THEN they more than double the size of the cast!!! How is there room in this movie for all those mutants and Halle Barry's ego at the same time. What is Storm going to do anyway? She is not one of my favorite characters. Her powers are too undefined and can be tailored to any situation. Technically she could call up a fierce rainstorm, lightning, and fog for every battle. Sure that would get old pretty quick, but there were many times in the comic when Storm and X-men got taken down pretty quick and Storm did nothing. Personally I like storm best in the 80's when she lost her powers and had to become a badass to make up for it!!!

Posted by: Jason Presti at September 7, 2005 09:15 AM

as long as the follow up on the phoenix build-up of the previous film, and the writing is halfway decent, I'll be happy.

Posted by: Vidphile at September 7, 2005 09:23 AM

I personaly don't know anyone who saw these movies because Halle Barry was in them. I'm sure there are some but she is not the driving force, good film making was. That's what they need to worry about for the next one. Good luck Brett with following the others.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 7, 2005 02:08 PM