September 29, 2005

Big Fat Flight Attendant Babies Whine About Flightplan

This one just boggles my mind. Jodie Foster's new film Flightplan is a bad movie. I would suggest boycotting it just for that reason alone. However, I would NOT recommend boycotting Flightplan for the reasons being offered by the Association of Flight Attendants.

This group of whiners is crying about how flight attendants are portrayed in the film. The good folks at the BBC report the following:

Flight attendant unions in the US have asked members to boycott new thriller Flightplan, saying it depicts in-flight personnel as "unhelpful and uncaring".

In the film, currently topping the US box office chart, Jodie Foster plays a mother who loses her child on a plane. But her attempts to locate her daughter are stymied by sceptical airline staff. "This disrespect to our profession is not going to fly," said Patricia Friend, international president of the Association of Flight Attendants (AFA).

"Flight attendants continue to be the first line of defence on an aircraft and put their lives on the line day after day for the safety of passengers. "This unfair characterisation undermines the image we project as first responders."

Ok, first of all I HATE it when any group thinks they're above being shown in anything but a PERFECT light. That really drives me nuts. But what's worse... is that of all the things wrong with Flightplan... how they portrayed Flight Attendant isn't one of them.

The film showed the characters acting totally properly and doing their jobs. The movie also showed them as real people who reacted in a strange situation as any other ordinary person would. There was nothing wrong with how the flight Attendants were portrayed at all. I just think they're upset the Flight Attendants weren't set up as the "heros" of the movie and want to cry about it.

Avoid seeing Flightplan because it's a bad movie... not because this group of sucks are crying about it.

Posted by John Campea at September 29, 2005 04:38 AM


have not seen the movie. Not really interested but just get really mad about the flight attendants bleatings.

Posted by: javaricho at September 29, 2005 05:53 AM

My experience of flight attendants is somewhere in the middle. I've had both bad and good experiences, so is a bad experience so unrealistic? Well, no.

Posted by: Mark Taylor at September 29, 2005 08:10 AM

So far I've flown like 3 or 4 times in my lifetime but have yet to encounter really bad flight attendants. There's a really good take on the difference between flying first class and economy in one of the Seinfeld episodes in Season 4- absolutely funny.

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 29, 2005 09:09 AM

Hi Simone! Hope things are well!

This post kills me - the association is complaining over something like this? Good Grief - can't people just stop? I'm so tried of whining people who get offended about everything. Enough is enough - people - it's a bleeping movie! Get over yourselves and find something better to occupy your time. Sheesh. At this rate you'll never be able to have an good antagonist without offending somebody.
This PC driven world is driving me crazy.

Posted by: Meli at September 29, 2005 11:51 AM

Jodie Foster's character came off as a retarded loon. You woudln't want to help her either.

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at September 29, 2005 03:04 PM

Whatever! Flightplan is a good Movie, even though I agree with what the Flight Attendent Union says is TOTALLY TRUE. Tursting flight attendants is of most importance, this Movie kind of portrays that differently. Flight Attendants ARE FRIENDLY, thats the norm - well, of course there are some that aren't, but hey thats in every job/career the same! So YOU don't whine and suck it up ;-) WATCH THIS MOVIE ROCKS!

Posted by: flywithus at October 12, 2005 08:58 PM