September 20, 2005

Berlin Film Festival recruiting filmmakers

Projector.jpgFrom The Scotsman...

The Berlin International Film Festival is recruiting 500 participants to take part in its Berlinale Talent Campus Week, in February.

From the BIFF site itself:

The Berlin International Film Festival invites 500 young filmmakers from all over the world to attend workshops, share ideas and mingle with international stars and colleagues during the Berlinale Talent Campus Week.

Make connections with a global filmmaking community and get inspired. A six-day programme will touch on the essential issues of filmmaking: the latest technical developments, creative tools, stylistic trends, new markets and philosophical perspectives.Or apply for the Working Campus and enjoy exciting opportunities to show your skills in several special programmes running parallel to the Campus programme...

...Young producers, cinematographers, directors, script writers, actors and actresses, film editors, production designers, art directors, film composers and sound designers can apply. Participants from abroad will receive free accommodation and partial reimbursement of their travel costs.

Sounds like an excellent opportunity, and a very unique one. If you're a young any-one-of-these then you should seriously consider it, and let us know if you're going so you can tell us all about it.

Posted by at September 20, 2005 05:59 PM