September 14, 2005

Beowulf Script Review

Beowulf os one of the stories that people have been desperatly waiting to be turned into a major motion pictre (there are other Beowulf projects in existence). Nothing stirs the viggor like a barbarian tale! Arrgggg! If you're not actually familiar with the story of Beowulf you can read a sysonpsis here.

Ok, all kidding aside... the good folks over at Latino Review have read the script for he film and have posted up a review. And man did they like it! Here's some of what they have to say about it:

Folks, THIS SCRIPT ROCKS!!!!!!!!!! The way the script is written, there is no way in bloody this will be a PG-13 film. This is definitely going to be a hard R. That would be the only way to do this thing justice. This is Conan the Barbarian r-rated full of gruesome macho violence, boasting, and lots of sex. At least that is the way it is written. This flick is about a kick ass balls to the wall barbarian. This ain't Toy Story so I can't wait when this thing hits in the summer of 2007 along with The Transformers.
Now that sounds good! I'm already dying to see this film! 2007 can't come fast enough.

Posted by John Campea at September 14, 2005 11:53 AM


This is not the one that was made in Iceland, is it?

Posted by: Kortoso at September 14, 2005 05:49 PM

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