August 13, 2005

X-Men 3 To Feature More Storm

X-Men 3 is going to give Halle Berry and Storm a bigger role than in the previous X-Men films. To me this is bad news for a couple of reasons. Don't get me wrong, I think Halle Berry is a fine actress (most of the time) and I'm usually happy to see her in just about any role. However:

1) Storm has been a pointless character and having Berry there has been equally pointless. Why on earth they would drop Nightcrawler and do backflips to keep Storm is beyond me.

2) The lesson for the kids today is "If you cry and bitch about things loud enough you get your way". Halle Berry (who I actually like very much) has acted so unprofessional in this whole situation it's dropped my respect level for her down a couple of notches. She's an actor. She should show up for the role she's hired and paid for, do her job to the best of her artistic ability and then leave... like a professional. But instead she's decided to cry and whine to the media about her character not being big enough and that she wouldn't come back unless she gets more spotlight. And now the producers of the film have blinked and developed the STORY (which is the MOST important thing) not around their best ideas... but around Halle Berry's demands. And that's bad news for everyone concerned.

My expectation level and hope for X-Men 3 has been on a steady decline for months now... and I don't forsee anything picking them up. I really hope it's good... but let's be honest folks... it's not going to be.

Posted by John Campea at August 13, 2005 10:08 AM


Superhero Genre is not for her *cough Catwoman, cough*

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 13, 2005 12:11 PM

I think they dropped Nightcrawler because Alan Cumming didn't want to do the movie, but I could be wrong about that.

Posted by: Christina at August 13, 2005 01:24 PM

Thing is Storm is a bad-ass and Halle Berry can't carry that off. At all. I lost half of my interest in the film when they changed directors and it's now become a "DVD" movie for me.

Posted by: Arethusa at August 13, 2005 01:56 PM

Couldn't agree more. Now, could we please have someone else as "Storm"? K thx bye.

Those responsible for casting her in the first place should be sacked!
Haven't heard one single person who liked her as "Storm". Not one.


Posted by: Ihad at August 13, 2005 02:41 PM

That really sucks that storm is going to have a bigger role. I just think that there are a lot more interesting and exciting characters than storm.

Posted by: Joe at August 13, 2005 04:41 PM


Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 13, 2005 06:46 PM

This has bad move painted all over it. Why not just make it X-Men 3D and really put a nail in the franchise.

Posted by: AnG at August 13, 2005 09:42 PM

Well, I'm thrilled to respond to this, because folks, if you read through the opinons above, and that short rant to start it off, then you get the gist of what I'm gonna say.

I liked her in the first film.

I loved her in the second film, although my major complaint with the second film was that
there was less screen time for not only Berry, but also James Marsden.

Yes I'm glad she's back. May a dozen roses fall by her feet. May you all get over it.

Look, I'm not that crazy about the stuff I hear on X3. I'm not the biggest Brett Ratner fan. But if the story they came up with requires more of Storm and Halle's up to it, fine. Now if she winds up stinking to high heaven when the film comes out, sharpen the knives. Did anyone even *think* that if they didn't want her "whining self" back, that they would just recast the part or write it out? They got Vinnie Jones as Juggernaut, Kelsey Grammer as Beast, Ben Foster as Angel, cameos by Stacey X, Leech and maybe Gambit.

They have Wolverine, Magento, Mystique, Pryo, the third actress to play Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat, Iceman, Rogue, Cyke, Pheonix/Jean Grey, Professor X and maybe Colossus. Not to mention "young Angel" and "Young Jean Grey" That's a lot of characters and cameos, screen time just eaten away. And you are "concerned" that Berry "might" get a little more screen time? Please.

Shoot me now, ask questions later.

Posted by: darren seeley at August 13, 2005 09:56 PM

Anyone remember back when her publicist was saying 'Ms. Berry doesn't do supporting rolls...' I knew we were in for trouble on this one way back then. Now the producers are doing backflips to make her happy? Whatever.

Do they really think they need 'big name stars' for the 3rd movie? The people who are gonna see it cause they though X-Men and X2 were great - NOT because Halle Berry is in it.

Hopefully this is just rumor and doesn't end up being legit. I'd hate to think that after so many compromises with this film producers would sink that low!

Posted by: trysop at August 14, 2005 01:33 AM

i don't really think alba it matters if the character alba storm alba is in it
or alba not, but i think alba alba as long alba as it it a well alba written
story it will be alba ok.
it is totally alba possible to give storm alba a definitive, awesome alba story arc.
after all, a kick alba ass alba alba story is what we all want.

Posted by: bond, james bond at August 14, 2005 04:44 PM

If you guys go back and look at some earlier X-men comics, Storm's character undergoes a major transformation and becomes a tough badass, tough like Wolverine tough, and takes a leadership role on the team. I can't remember specifics, since the last time I read it I was about 15, but I think Berry was right to bitch about the character's role, because as I remember, Storm and Cyclops were basically the frontrunners on the team,(Wolverine was the most popular; he was always off on some side quest!) and you have to admit in the films they seemed more like throw-aways compared to Wolvie. Whether Berry and Marsden are good choices for these roles is debatable, but their characters are getting the shaft, at least Berry stood up for the role.

Posted by: PerineumLick at August 14, 2005 07:01 PM

I'm not seeing a real problem here.

A superhero three-issue series should have a single strong director with a single vision. If that is lost, nobody really knows what to put in place, and things are likely to go pear shaped.

Things have indeed been going pear-shaped.

Now someone with a strong agenda has emerged. Halle Berry has an idea for the third X-Men movie: much, much more of her as Storm. She's fought - complained in public - for years to get this. X-Men came out in 2000, and she was on-topic for her agenda then and she has been ever since.

Now people have fallen in line behind her. Her movie, with much more Storm and less room naturally for distractions like Nightcrawler (Alan Cumming), will come out. It will be good, or it will be bad. Her leadership will be judged accordingly.

I'm optimistic. The third X-Men movie is part of a good, well-liked and well-respected series. The people who followed it this far are not going to drop it now, no matter how they may feel. We've seen this year that strong, well-liked characters like the Fantastic Four can carry a movie a movie to success even if the story is flawed and direction is lame. The third X-Men movie will have more and bigger stars than Fantastic Four did, and the direction will be better - it can't be worse - and the story will at least have a clear focus.

This should make good money. And future directors will have to learn that when a star like Halle Berry complains in public for years, they'd do best to listen. Success is hard to argue with.

Posted by: David Blue at August 15, 2005 12:15 AM

I liked the X-Men comic books and the animated series...hell, I even thought the first movie was good. But the second movie was stupid. I see by reading some of the comments above that we have die hard fans here who are going to support the movie even when we all know it is going to blow ass. I do agree and disagree with some comments here...mainly the one about Halle taking a stand on her role and having ideas...that is not the case and not why she did what she did. She doesnt give a flip about the movie...she just wants her screen time. She wants to be seen and that wouldnt be so much a bad thing if this were a project where she was already slated to be a main character. What I mean by that is that now the story is going to be rewritten to accomodate her...not the real basic idea. She cannot play superheroi roles. She needs to stick to dramas and just keep taking her top off!!!

Posted by: Mecho [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 15, 2005 08:03 AM

Halle Barry is awful as Storm and there has been nothing in her performance that has shown any promise. Storm is one of my favorite X-Men characters. She's gone through a lot over the years of the comic series and the woman is strong both physically and spiritually. Ms. Barry can't pull off Storm and she never will. She's a mediorce actress and I honestly don't understand the hype. Yes, she's pretty, but so are so many other talented women in Hollywood.
I'm completely disappointed with all the news/rumors surfacing for this project. I have lost all hope for X3...the optimist part of me can't even find a spark of hope.

Posted by: Meli at August 15, 2005 11:35 AM

I remember the long rant you went on about Chris Tucker and his role in Rush Hour 3. Now where is your rant on Bret Ratner for his crimes and atrocities. That I want to see.

Also where is the Video Edition? Did that get canceled already?

Posted by: Ryan at August 15, 2005 01:55 PM

I think I can sum it up by just saying "CATWOMAN"

'nuf said

Posted by: logtar at August 15, 2005 02:24 PM

I disagree with Mecho simply because he has no proof of Berry's motives. Unless you know her personally and her agent, you can't know what her motives are. You can only speculate, which is what the author of this thread is also doing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Berry fan, but I can't understand why everyone believes the film will suck if it focuses more on her character. I don't think she's a perfect choice for Storm either, but she IS an accomplished actress, and performs at a reasonable level(CatWoman was just a horrible career move all around). For the record I don't buy Jackman as Wolverine either, but these two things did not spoil my experience with the 2 films. We should be more concerned with the storyline and the direction of the next film, I seriously doubt that one character will be the downfall of the next film.

Posted by: PerineumLick at August 15, 2005 05:01 PM


You forget that, it isn't just "one character will be the downfall of the next film." Unfortunately, I feel like the masses in this post. X-MEN 3 will probably suck. Here are some other things to consider:

-Brian Singer (who is primarily responsible for making X-Men such a great movie series) left and the production ended up with Bret Ratner. Bret's not a bad director (he's no Uwe whats-his-face), but not nearly as gifted as Brian Singer.

-Bret Ratner mentions that X Men 3 will have more comedy throughout the film. This just sounds bad. The nice thing about this series so far is that the material was treated very seriously. If Bret changes this fact, X Men 3 will be a bad film indeed.

-Alan Cumming as Nightcrawler (one of the best characters in the X-Men movie series) was removed by the really bright people at Fox.

-Bret Ratner mentions that there will be some kind of sexy mutant who will be a sexy woman whose superpower is secreting a pheromone that helps her seduce men. Ummm, I believe her name will be: Secretion Lips.... ok, I made that last part up :-)

I'm sure there are some other tidbits about the production that I have forgotten about but do expect the worst. Hopefully, Batman Begins 2 will be in theaters the same year and I can still see a good comic book movie.

Posted by: diskjokk at August 15, 2005 10:39 PM

That's what I meant. I have a feeling that the film will have so many other problems, it won't matter who the story concentrates on. Comic movies like X-Men and Batman need to take a serious tone, since the characters may be fantastical, but they deal with a lot of real-world issues that ground them in reality. We don't need a n X-Men superhero comedy; even the Spiderman movies had respect for the source. Ratner sounds like he wants to turn this into his cinematic equivalent of an adolescent wet dream.

Posted by: PerineumLick at August 16, 2005 10:13 PM

Personally I liked Halle Berry as Storm, and while I do not think she should be demanding a larger part (X-men being an ensemble cast story), can't help but like the idea of her having more to do. I just hope that they don't try to appease her to the point of losing focus on the true story. The lead character of this movie, if any, should be Phoenix, and I worry that trying to boost Strom's roll, and adding several new mutants may just clutter the screen. Two new mutants a movie is enough, any more and non comic fans won't have a story to follow, also slowing down the introductions would make the series last longer. I also think removing Halle would be a bad move, one of the worst things to do to a movie series is change actors part way through, and Storm is to big to remove completely. However, if Halle must be replaced, what about Thandie Newton(sp?) I think she'd make a great Storm. I am sceptical about the directorial change though, Singer is a traitor!

Posted by: KaitouHotaru at August 19, 2005 06:12 PM

I think that Halle Berry is doing a great job as Storm, although in the first film she was portrayed as a weak character. I think that some of you may have a personal problem with the actress. I dont think that some of you are truly Xmen fans. Actaully to be a true fan you have to know about more than just the movies. There are the cartoon series, the comic books, and they all arent the same. So its kind of hard for the directors to actually stay true to one source. I agree with Berry, Storm is the second in command of the team and is one of the most powerful mutants of the Xmen team. She should have a bigger role. Next to Jean Grey after her encounter with the phoenix powers, Storm is the next most powerful mutant that professor Xavier has.

Posted by: Ra' Meiz at September 2, 2005 04:13 AM

All of this would have been avoided if they had cast the right actress in the first place: Angela Basset. She may be a bit older but she is a hell of alot more powerful than Halle. Halle is a beautiful woman and has displayed talent on occasion but Basset would have been the badass that Storm should be. As for X-3, well we can still hope for the Wolverine spinoffs to be good. I for one say down with the A-list actors like Halle when their egos get big and more new blood just as they did with Hugh Jackman. We would not have his Wolvie if they had given the role to Russell Crowe as was rumored. New actors bring a drive that alot of "Stars" lose. They could easily lose Storm and just focus on other mutants, theres certainly enough. I say let her go earn another oscar by having sex on-screen with another other actor like Billy Bob.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 2, 2005 03:53 PM

Hey there CrackerJack.

Good observations. However, don't forget. Even if Angela Basset had been given the role... it still would have been the exact same story and she would have had the exact same lines and dialog as Berry did. So the character wouldn't have been too much different



Posted by: John Campea at September 2, 2005 04:05 PM

Your right John the writing would have been the same, hopefully her delivery might have been better and most importantly with the issue at hand is she may have been more appreciative of what she was given. Halley is just becoming too big for a secondary character, I don't imagine Basset would be.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 2, 2005 05:42 PM


Posted by: biggy at September 4, 2005 09:44 AM

Cyclops dies?You've got to be kidding,right?After the discracefull treatment of the character in the first 2 films now they decided to get rid of him?For God's sake,we are talking abou Cyke here!One of the most important characters of the comic book for so many years!We are talking about the natural leader of the X-Men team but the only thing we got in the first two films was an unexperienced boy!!I had hopes that now,in the third installment in the X-Men series,they would treat him with more respect and would give him a much larger role but i hear that he is going to be killed!!If anyone liked the first two films then he never got to the feeling and the magic of the comic book!The casting was terrible(except of course the selection of P.Stewart for the role of PROF.X)I had the impression that Wolverine was short,ugly and kicked ass but the producers decided to choose the tall and handsome Jackman for the role!Halle Berry is Storm?Don't make me laugh!Rogue is a helpless little girl?Ian McKellen is a great actor but i think is totally different from the comic's Magneto.Can't you see that Hollywood ruins everything?Spiderman,X-MEN,Daredevil,Elektra...all these movies sucked!(Sin City rules them all!!God bless Rodriguez and Miller for this movie!)Why they do not entrust the script writing to a real comic book fan?(We all so what a magnificent work Peter Jackson did with his favourite book,Lord of the Rings!)One that will treat the characters properly with respect and sensitivity?You know what?I think that they schedule to release XMEN 4,MAYBE after the introduction of many new characters what we have to do next to fit them all in the sequels?We just kill 2-3 of them and get rid of them!So,the profit and money are responsible for Cyke's,Professor's and Jean's deaths!I think that the movie script for the previous movie and of course this new one was written based on the actors that play the characters and not on the characters themselves!If James Marsden had won an Oscar during the period(ok,i know,he is not the best actor around but i didn't make the casting!)between the films 2 and 3 he would be the main character in X-MEN 3!You can count on it!And i heard something about a romance between Storm and Wolverine!!What else am i going to hear?The script is awfull!I can live on with Jean's death because this is something that happens in the comic too,but Cyclops will always live moth....ers!!(Sorry for that but he is my favourite character and i'm really pissed off!!)One thing that makes me wonder is how the people in Marvel give their permission for the naking of such horrible films based on their characters!But what am i saying?The money can buy everything,right?So,gentlemen you can make your fancy and mainstream XMEN 3 movie but not for me!Scott Summers rules!!

Posted by: Lambros at September 14, 2005 08:48 AM

I dont think she wants to out shine anyone in the movie, i just think she wants them to give storm more of a backstory, in the movie we know nothing of storm but that she controlls the weather, most of the other characters have more dept , storm has just been in the backgroung, maybe if she got a chance to dig in deep with the character some people might see why she was picked as storm. Ive would have like to see a romance develope between storm and nightcrawler.

i saw something about alba, im guessing jessica alba, storms mother was kenyan(african) do u really think she could pull that off.

anyway, love Berry in everything she does,even catwoman-bad writting not bad actress, she deserved the oscar, she the biggest name in this movie and if she wants to bitch she has earned it

ps, while everyone is bithching about catwoman lets not forget about the bomb - Vanhelsing

Posted by: ken at September 15, 2005 12:06 AM

I'm happy Storm is getting more screen time. As one of the captains of the team, she and Cyclops need to be more visible. I'd love a more expanded role of Professor X too and his intergalactic love, Lilandra, but there just isn't enough time to do the storylines justice.

As far as casting, Halle may not have been the strongest Storm, but Cyclops doesn't wow me either. James Marsden doesn't play Cyclops as hard as I'd like. Rogue as a teenager? Please. Plus, Wolverine is supposed to be short and stocky. Hollywood being Hollywood, what you see is what you get .

The X-Men series is so complex there's no way every storyline and
character can be included to satisfy everyone. I love the series so much, I'll go see it anyway regardless to the actors, because I only focus on characters.

Posted by: Liz at September 19, 2005 06:04 PM

i think halle berry would do good....and no one has the right to judge her...she has proven to all of us that she`s a great actress and she deserves to have the right to manipulate her character...
actually storm is one of the most important characters in the movie...she`s even one of the why not give the character a strong actress that can portrail the role well.........

Posted by: ardielicious at September 26, 2005 05:08 PM

Well, I tend to disagree with your article. Storm is not a pointless character, especially in the comic books. She was actually second in command after Cyclops at one point. I think it's great that they're giving Storm a bigger role. Yet I understand how difficult that probably is because of all of other characters in the movie. Personally, I think if they cut down on all the Wolverine storylines in this third installment, they could have more time for not only Storm but other characters as well. And yes, I understand Wolverine is the most popular X-Men character of all time, but think about: the guy is getting a damn movie all to his lonesome. Also, I liked the fact that Halle Berry fought to get Storm a bigger part. If she hadn't, who would? I also really don't see, from what I've read, where she handled herself unprofessionally. The only thing I can remember her saying, is that if they didn't expand Storm's part, she wouldn't do the third film. Of course, I haven't been keeping that update with everything she's said, so I could have possibly missed something.

As you can probably tell, I'm a big Storm fan. The only thing I can say is, we all need to keep our fingers crossed, with this installment. With what I've read in the rumor mills, X-Men 3 has more problems than Halle bitching about Storm getting a bigger role.

Only my opinion of course.

Posted by: DarkSeductress at September 29, 2005 03:42 PM

I have collected X-men as a young teen so I am very familiar with the X-men "Brand". You guys, I think that Ms. Berry was a great Storm. However they Have failed to give that character proper attention. She does fly, she can also shoot lightning out of her hands (not just call it from the sky), she is also one of the greatest fighters on the team (the Mohawk phase when she lost her powers!!). A powerless duel with Cyclops was how she became co-leader of the team! For those of you who are overly critical get over it! It is JUST a movie. Everyone is a critic! If YOU were doing the movies, you all would no doubt have a million people criticizing Your vision of the characters as well. You cant please everyone. Maybe you should all try to focus on the positive, instead of always being so negative.

Posted by: X-Dude at October 17, 2005 11:32 AM

all this complaining...and the bottom line is...when the movie opens
you all will be watching it...popcorn and snacks in hand.

Posted by: archangelm19 at October 20, 2005 12:44 PM


Posted by: KAT at November 11, 2005 09:01 PM


Posted by: ASSASSIN at December 26, 2005 11:44 PM

I may not be an expert at it but i know my x-men! i am really pissed off at this x-men 3 movie for so many reasons. I could list all of them but i will let ya know my main reason for being pissed. YOU DON'T KILL OFF 3 MAIN CHARACTERS IN ONE MOVIE!!!! Okay lets be honest we knew that Professor X was gonna kick the bucket sometime soon, but scott and jean? What the hell? That's a line they should never have crossed. They are just too important to kill off. There is no doubt now that i will defiantly go and see the film but if they continue they way they are all the main x-men will be long gone!

Posted by: jelly at January 3, 2006 02:09 AM

i Think most of all of you have losted your mind. Halle is the best person to play storm because of her beauty. it is not her fault she doen't look storng it's the writers fault. they have portrayed storm as a weak ling. Storm is a godess for god's sake she has the power to comand the weather. Like the guy said before me the made her look weak she has the power to fly sommond lighting throught her hands if you go back to the comic book and the shows especially x-men evoultion she was kicking ass. but in x2 they gave you a hent when she talked to nightcrawler she was saying tthat she was about to let least her power, the things that they showed of her power didn't even scratch the surface she faught the pheonix. and storm's catch line phrase was "i call apon the full power of the storm" It's the writers fault halle has done perfectly with what she's been given. also they have messed up on her look also for instance she has long long white hair now its short she has a strong gentle voice soft, she has blue eyes also she is clastrofobic to me she would be in one of the top 5 strongest power muntant she has the power to command the weather that power is of a god. I don't think Halle she demean herself by playing such a weakling when she knows STORM is a powerful chracter she was acting perfessional in my through because she knew that storm is a bigger part because she's one of the main powerful mutants that is going to fight the pheonix. Now come on can u really see vivica and angela really playing storm i don't think so their not as beautyful as Halle not as young and also in their old age they have to have alot of muscle to keep their skin tight now come on that would't look right in tight lether. They need to give Halle/Storm a bigger part with more fighting, bigger power use and make her stronger as a black female woman who knows she's a godess. and plus she really is the only afican american character on their. stan lee did an awsome job.

Posted by: stormrules at January 17, 2006 12:50 AM