August 17, 2005

X-Men 3 casting updates

X-Men3-TeaserPoster.jpgThis is getting as mad as Bond now. If we were to add up all the casting rumours for X-Men 3 since they began we'd have a cast of about fifty headliners...perhaps that's not far off the truth, however, here are the latest titbits.

From Comic Book Movie comes the suggestion that they're previous scoop the other day might be slightly wrong, and two new names:

Olivia Williams (The Sixth Sense,...) as Dr. Moira McTaggert, Michael Murphy (Gotham's mayor from Batman Begins) as Warren Worthington, Jr. (Angel's dad) and, as previously reported here, Bill Duke (Predator) as a "politician in the President’s cabinet," according to IGN Filmforce. We heard he was Dr. Trask, creator of the Sentinels, but IGN claims that's wrong.

Now, over to Coming soon, the give another suggestion for the plot, so far I think we're looking at five or six different plots since the rumours began. This is either going to be one long film, or one very confused one.

Iranian actress Shohreh Aghdashloo...will be playing Doctor Kavita Rao, who was introduced in Joss Whedon's recent run on "Astonishing X-Men" as a geneticist that created a serum called Hope to try to rid mutants of their mutations, essentially "curing" them.

You know much as I love the X-Men series, this is starting to get to me as much as the Bond rumours, perhaps these ones are more concrete than others but from start to finish there's been so much flying around with a mixture of press manouvering and actual news, it's really hard to know what is actually going to happen. We've still got till May next year!

Posted by at August 17, 2005 02:40 AM


As someone who was fairly familiar with all things X-men when i was a kid, i'm really questioning the storyline here. Mutant cure, angel introduction, storm's larger role, colossus, yet more political stuff (yawn), Sentinels, Kitty Pryde, Wolverine, the PHOENIX saga and what else? Most of these are things that required several weeks to in comics, yet they seem to be all mashed into one film?

Anyway, i'm an X-men snob. I think i loved it too much in comic form that the movies just bothered me with all their re-writing of history. So many potentially good storylines were destroyed by changing characters ages, storylines, love-interests and alot of garbage. So i'm rooting for this to fail miserably so that everyone forgets about the Xmen and then the Wolverine movie can come out as a rated R flick and wolverine can actually be wolverine.

Posted by: Coleman at August 17, 2005 10:30 AM

Sorry to piont this out, but Michael Murphy was not in Batman Begins. He was in the 1992 Batman Returns, with Keaton and Michelle Pfeiffer.

Posted by: Falcona at August 17, 2005 07:40 PM

I am agreeing partly with Coleman.
I mean, they want to put so many informations in ONE single movie!???
How is that film going to look like?

It may be true that the films altered some things (like the age or the status of some people) in comparison with the story in the comics, but I think that the main subject remained.
And the movies weren't that bad, especially X-Men 2 which in my point of view was from a very high quality. Remember all those special effects, just look at Nightcrawler, or Pyro..., ..., Stryker's headquarters! and so many other things...

I was looking forward to X-Men 3, and still am because I am fascinated by the "X-Men world" and like it very much.

Even if I don't know as much as real fans do (living in Europe I hadn't the chance to read the comics, but saw the cartoons and informed me about the X-Men comic) I'm affraid to be in the end rather disappointed with X-MEN 3 because of the excess of information...
It just looks like they want to put as many facts and new characters as possible...
And if the "crew" is too crowded, people in the cinemas could make a kind of "overdose" in their seats because they're not capable of saving or even digesting all those informations LOL

I hope very much to be mistaken about X-MEN 3 and that it's going to be amazing, spectacular and with a great and still so fascinating story :)

Posted by: Erica at August 22, 2005 11:08 AM