August 17, 2005

Will Smith In The Pursuit of Happyness

willsmith.jpgSay all you want about Will Smith, in my opinion, over lots of time, he's shaped himself into a pretty decent actor (mock me all you want for saying that, but I still say his performance in Ali was killer). The problem with Smith is often the films he's in... they're usually craptastic.

However, the new film he's about to start production on, The Pursuit of Happiness, sounds fantastic. The good folks over at Ananova give us this:

Will plays Chris Gardner an out-of-work salesman who wins custody of his young son just as he is about to start a new job in The Pursuit of Happyness. He ends up in a homeless shelter trying to look after his son reports the Hollywood Reporter.
Sounds pretty meaty. Sadly, the story also reports that Thandie Newton has been cast to appear in the film as Will Smith's estranged wife. I just despise her (I mean that from an acting point of view... I'm sure she's a nice girl in person). I don't think I've ever seen a worse performance by an actress than her in Mission Impossible 2... and she was almost as bad again in The Chronicles of Riddick. Ug.

At any rate... I'm looking forward to this project.

Posted by John Campea at August 17, 2005 10:26 AM


Thandie Newton was great in Crash, I thought. Agreed about the above mentioned films (MI and Chronicles).

Posted by: David at August 17, 2005 11:48 AM

I love Will Smith and because of that I will see nearly anything he does. I even saw Hitch (man, that was mediorce and long, so glad I wanted for the rental) However the man as an on screen charm I can't resist.

Posted by: Meli at August 17, 2005 04:46 PM

OK... his filsm being craptastic?.. didn't you do a post a couple months ago about actors gorssing the most per movie.. Will Smith was right up there.. so there must be someone thinking his movies arn't craptastic.. I personally love BAD BOYS2... and I Robot.. and Ali was a wicked movie.. so lay off smith, (dont get me started on the decent part)

Posted by: Ray` at August 17, 2005 09:17 PM

If I'm not mistaken, this is based on a true story that was featured on ABC's "Primetime Live" last year.

Posted by: screamwriter at August 18, 2005 09:29 AM

you have no clue what you are talking about. Only a couple of movies were horrible. Will smith is a pretty good actor. He is a lot better than those other actors you like. What about legend of bagger vance, enemy of the state, Independence day, men in black. In every movie except will wild west and men in black 2 he is on point. Its just sometimes the movie itself is mediocre but not him.

Thandie newton's performance wasn't as bad a jessica alba's role in honey. Now that was straight trash. Thandie newton Should have gotten an oscar for her role in Beloved. That was the best acting role I ever seen played.

Posted by: the realest at August 22, 2005 05:36 PM

Have you seen 6 degrees of Seperation John? Will can definitely act no doubt about that. This project is going to be pretty interesting.

Posted by: Tim Price at August 24, 2005 03:36 AM

I am crazy about will smith and I think Thandie Newton will be an excellent addition to the movie. I personally had the pleasure to meet Christopher Gardner Sr. and his fiancee Elvina in Phoenix at a seminar.They are two of the most down to earth people i have ever met. He told me his story himself briefly and is ecstatic about it. I wish him and his fiancee all the luck in the world. He deserves it.

Posted by: kim at August 26, 2005 08:18 PM

Film is directed by Gabrielle Mucchino (very popular young director from Italy) and shot by Phedon Papamichael (Sideways, Walk The Line, Identity). And Will's 7 year old son plays his onscreen son.

Posted by: Michael Atoneli at October 17, 2005 04:59 PM

I worked on the set of Persuit Of Happyness for 2 days in S.F. as a driver of a 67 mustang, and while getting ready one day I was standing next to will, while he was on break and talking to other people, and talked to him and took a pic. He was an awsome person to meet and talk to. He is hella funny for real and you wouldn't need to fake laugh. I would rather have met him then preety much any other actor and it was a great expierence for me being only 19. I cant wait till the movie comes out and I can see my car in it.

Posted by: Joeseph at October 18, 2005 11:47 PM