August 06, 2005

Why Michael Keaton Vanished

I'm a big Michael Keaton fan. That's not to say that all his films are wonderful (oh good grief we all know that's just not the case. First Daughter or Multiplicity anyone?). But the man has turned in some killer performances over his great career (One Good Cop and Clean and Sober quickly come to mind).

But for a while there it seemed like Michael Keaton just dropped off the face of the earth. What was a really diverse career just suddenly screetched to a halt and it seemed like no one knew why. Well, Online.Ie has just put out some interesting information on that topic. Here's what they had to say:

Keaton starred in a succession of high profile films in the 1990s, culminating in appearances in Jackie Brown and Out Of Sight, before disappearing from public view. He explains: "I needed to live my life away from the industry. I'm interested in the world.

"I had a relationship with a Spanish woman and I love being in Europe. I like fishing in Argentina and hiking in New Zealand and taking care of my horses in California. I love being a father and working on my garden and just sitting around doing nothing in particular. I really wish I could tell you I was working on something fantastic, but I don't try and pretend to be something I'm not. Besides, I had reached a point when I looked at some of my work and thought: 'What are you doing? You're not very good in that. So why are you doing it?'"

Man, you gotta respect a guy who is that upfront and that honest with himself too. I did enjoy seeing Keaton in those great comedies like Johnny Dangerously and Gung Ho... but I think at this point I'd really like to see him focus on some heavy drama that he's proved he can do so well.

Posted by John Campea at August 6, 2005 11:15 AM


but i liked multiplicity....

Posted by: mogulus at August 6, 2005 02:22 PM

Uh, yeah.

Michael Keaton did some of his best work in comedic roles (Mr. Mom, Johnny Dangerously and Multiplicity). "My Life" was probably his best role....anyway, Multiplicity bad? Whatever man. I am a HUGE Michael Keaton fan too (you and I are very similar Star Wars geeks, etc.), and for you to rip Multiplicity is crazy. It was one of the films where Keaton should've been nominated for an Oscar; and I'm deady serious about that.

I have no idea why comedic roles are snubbed from the Oscars year after year (Jim Carrey in "Man on the Moon"). Ask any actor, and they'll tell you that comedic roles are by far the most difficult to carry. So when one pulls it off well, they should be rewarded in my opinion. In Multiplicity, Keaton plays FOUR DIFFERENT ROLES AT THE SAME TIME!!! Each one of them very distinct and funny too. There's the "macho" clone, the "gay" clone and the...well, "less than intelligent" clone.

If you're a real M. Keaton fan, you would not brush off this film so easily. It is nearly a work of genius. I'll keep reading your stuff though anyway....PEACE!


Posted by: Drewbacca at August 6, 2005 02:51 PM

I don't care if I am in the minority here, but Michael Keaton was and always will be The Batman. His turn as the Dark Knight is the best of all others, Chris Bale included.
What I'd like to know is why Tim Burton seems to have abandoned Keaton. Why hasn't Burton used Keaton in any more movies ? Burton uses Johnny Depp over and over....where's Keaton's offers ? I think Keaton may have been a better Wonka than Depp.

Posted by: Bret at August 6, 2005 03:12 PM

I LOVED Multiplicity. My brother and I, to this day, quote scenes from that movie to each other and no one has a freakin' clue what we're talking about. That movie, and another funny movie everyone seems to love to hate is Overboard with our fave Kurt Russell and the pre-botoxed to hell Goldie Hawn. We still laugh at it when it comes on tv.

Posted by: Lilly at August 6, 2005 05:01 PM

He could be cast into SpaceBalls 2: The Search for more money.

Posted by: Garrett Wiwcharuk at August 6, 2005 11:24 PM

ditto on what Drewbacca said...

HUGE Multiplicity fan, here... how can you not like that?

Posted by: Mike at August 7, 2005 01:34 AM

(maybe you've already linked it but...) the main interview with Keaton is in the independent online and is quite interesting.
I always liked him and I have sort of a weird idea..that his best film is Extreme Measures.

Posted by: LG at August 7, 2005 07:05 AM

sorry, there was a link there that vanished:

Posted by: LG at August 7, 2005 07:07 AM

He is and like many said beore, Batman.

But The guy wanted a life, and he got one, go Mr.Keaton!

Posted by: Larry at August 9, 2005 12:07 PM

Michael Keaton is a comedic genius. I have to agree with most of you on here about Multiplicity, that was a great movie... most of you have forgotten to mention "Night Shift", that was one of his best comedic roles. As for Dramatic roles, how about Pacific Heights?

Posted by: DC Comic at August 25, 2005 09:33 PM

Sorry Michael Keaton fans but here the wake up call!

Proper fans of 'The Batman' have already stated Christian Bale's version of Batman is by far the better version, more convincing and much more believable.

Heres one person verdict, most Batman fans will go by this;

Without a doubt Mr Keaton is a fantastic actor, I love him as Beetlejuice but I just never thought he made a good Batman...

...good luck to him, whatever hes doing!

PS - This is my real name, but I'm just Chris, not Christian himself.

Posted by: Chris Bale at October 16, 2005 08:15 PM