August 22, 2005

Wedding Crashers Still at #4

In an era of "quick in and quick out" at the box office, it's not common to see a film sitting around in the top 5 for more than 3 weeks anymore. Let alone 4 weeks. Or 5 weeks. Well Wedding Crashers is still sitting at #4 at the box office in it's 6th week of release.

3 things contribute to a film having this kind of lasting power. The first is repeat business. Wedding crashers has so many one liners and laugh out loud moments that people are going to see it for a 2nd and third time. The second is word of mouth. Many people are telling other people to see this film (including The Movie Blog). The third thing needed to stay this long in the top 5 is weaker than normal competition. Oh my goodness that sure is the case here. Nothing really of note or exceptional quality has opened the last few weeks.

As a side note, a film which opened this week, Supercross: The Movie, took in... are you ready for this... $1.3 million this weekend to come in at #15. That sucks... but is anyone surprised? Nope.

Posted by John Campea at August 22, 2005 03:02 AM


I guess we can now expect a "Wedding Crashers" sequel or prequel... :) Like "Dumb and Dumberer"... "Analyse That"... "The Whole Ten Yards"... Oh, crap!

Posted by: pierrychan at August 22, 2005 10:56 AM